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Locked Treasure Spawns

I got the idea from a post someone made in the Q&A forum.

How about adding spawns for locked treasure chests throughout the world that respawn contents every few hours? Nothing crazy. Maybe a few thousand gold for chests that require high lockpicking to open, and less for less lockpicking.

You can even have fun by putting them in neat locations like bank faults, abandoned castles, crypts, dungeons, camps, inns, and such. It would be neat to see people using lockpicking as a way to make decent money and give new areas for pvpers to camp, instead of just Ogres and Fire Temple.

I mean, putting 4-6 locked chests in an orc camp that have a few thousand gold in them could actually make hunting at an orc camp worth while. Currently, it is just waaaay too much effort to kill and loot all those orcs when you could be making more gold just provoking dragons and drakes while getting tons of fame too.

Just a suggestion :p but its easy to implement so... Smile

this spawn was when server start in 2011, but i not see it more from jule i think

There are a bunch of chests like that, though usually only in dungeons or quest areas. I like the idea of adding some basic ones in different camps. :3

Me too love the idea! Where are there such chests right now?

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