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A few new questions?

I was in the Mercenary camp,

If I do the Thinning out population quest, I can get +5 tactics, thats cool.

If i get the Orbs i can GM magery over time collecting the orbs.

If i get a Beast master sword or claws, or a special club,
i can boost up and eventually GM swords, fencing and macing, i think respectively.

But I got this Weird Spider Web Item from the Giant spider..
What do i use that or who do i take it too?

The Crate collecting quest is easy but useless.
And the quest u get in the merc hunting grounds is kinda neat, killing all the main bad guys to get that bag of items...

But other then that what other quests are there in the Merc camp that i may be missing??

mainly what the hell do i do with these Spider Web's i get from the big spider.?

and i heard there was a way to GM Resisting... but iv never seen any Orphidians or scale items ...?

Top questions are all correct. The web is for another quest... I want to say it's for magic resist? It's some guy in the mercenary camp.

The crate collecting quest is indeed simple and worthless as intended. Tongue Also, that bag of items has a rare set of armor in it; the mercenary leather set (same stuff the guy who's giving the quest is wearing)

Ah, and actually, I think the scale from the ophidians is the one that does magic resist. There is one group of ophidians and there's a rare mob that has a chance to spawn in that group that drops the scale. (same as the spider web)

I took the spider web and walked around the entire merc camp tho?.
and never got any messages from vendors sayhing.
" oh wee u got me a spiders nest kinda thing"
so no idea which npc ur referring to, don't be shy to just tell me the exact one lol..

But on a Lighter Note...

No Idea what to do with this GREEN pouch ID, ReWard Trash can that i have noobied in my backpack.
I double click it and it says " Can not find a trashed item"...
Well what the hell? lol.. whats the point of this noobied item?
And of course it can't find a trashed item... if it was trashed, i wouldn't have it in my back pack...? thus the further confusion about this item remains...

is it just for trashing certain special items?

I also Have a few Skill Books i don't need anymore. is there a way i can page a GM or have these skill books transferred over to another skill, or swapped out for a skill i do need? or am i stuck with the option of trying to find some suckah to buy them off me lol?? would love to put em to use.
maybe a stone or something gump menu somewhere that will convert skill books to other skill books so they are usefull?

You can drop your trash into the Reward Trash Can and it will give you silver coins for it (as a reward). You can use those coins to buy stuff from the vending stone in the Golden Casino (west of Brit Bank).

Hmm, maybe the quest for the spider web thingy got deleted or something.

We can't transfer the skill book over to another skill, but they don't need an owner, so you could sell it, maybe. Tongue

awesome makes sense
thanks for the reply

Sine your the only one replying you seem to know your shiaaat.

How can i change my Title?
Alt P hot key.. to bring up the character doll window...

I have like 6 Gm skills, but its stuck saying GM Healer..
which is so generic, i see noobies that are one day old and have the same title.. lol..

can i change that title or switch it between skills some how?

Or do i gotta form a guild and do it that way lol...

lock all GM'd skills but the one you want to be the basis of your title.


getting these Public broadcasted messages..

How the hell do you do it??

I know about !yell blah blah

but how the hell do you type something so ever player on the server gets it?

I got some Items that need to be sold, or maybe a shout out to some buddies, how's this work?

type .c <msg here>

or join the chat server via link on main website or via an IRC program. It also broadcasts into the game

Got that spider silk item too , nothing found at merc camp.
In the Quest section on the homepage it says it raises magic resist , just like the scale (the scale works fine).
The silk quest must be disabled , buggy or never implented?

I think that what probably happened is that it was one of the quests that either didn't get saved, or was baleeted in a SVN update a while back that deleted some XML Quests that weren't committed to the SVN.

I remember the scale and the web having two different functions though... I can't think of what the other skill was though. >_< I guess I can just add another quest with a resist boost since that's probably the most useful.

Aww ok thanks for the reply.
now i can try and sell some of these MAgery skill books i get from the merc camp, already gmed it, got about 9 of them now sitting in the bank lol.

But what is this SCALE item for magic resistance, i believe the npc or vendor for it is right beside the ORB vendor for the magery skill books.

but iv been up and DOWn and all around that merc hunting grounds, on my 4th time now...
and i have never once seen any scale item.... someon said an Orphidian drops it? but there is no monster named Orphidian or anything similar...
closest Orphidian monster is the Magic Snakesman type named characters, which do have the Orphidian character Id....
But yea any insight on this? or am i just having bad luck/ timing, maybe its a very rare item...

but considering iv gotten about 20plus orbs for magery skill, and not a single scale item,, seems a little off balanced lol.
not to mention about a 100k in gold so far lol

Yep, scale's an Ophidian drop. I think they're in the second stage as you get close to the end, but you have to backtrack down a path to get to them. Tongue There's just one little cluster of them. Keep an eye out for a giant serpent statue.

Ah, and if it's an ophidian body type, that is all you need, they don't have to be named "Ophidian."

The scale only drops from "Damballah" though, a rare spawn in that group.

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