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EUO Lumberjack Macro

; Script Name: EnCode MegaLumberjack
; Author: EnCode
; Version: 1.2.0
; Client Tested with: 4.0.10b
; EUO version tested with: 1.42.00A5
; Shard OSI / FS: FS
; Revision Date: 5-31-05
; Public Release: 5-15-05
; Global Variables Used: All global vars used by settings starts by *ECLJ
; This is a very powerful and easy to set up fully automatic script without rails!
; All you need is enough skills to craft tools and recall and some ingots in your bank box.

; if you wish to use login by password (NOT RECOMMENDED)
; set up the macro as using razorlogin but uncomment and change these lines:

;You may edit these values if you wish but you should do just fine
;with these.
set %solvepk 0 ;if you have the PKCurses.txt set up change this to 1
set %forcebankweight 400 ;maxweight before bankup
;do not change below here
set %VerMajor 1
set %VerMinor 2
set %VerRevision 0

set %spot 0
tile init
linespercycle 200
set %hod 0

gosub chooseforest
gosub closest
move %x %y 1 10s
gosub checkdistance
gosub choptree
goto start

sub checkdistance
set %distx #charposx - %x
set %disty #charposy - %y
if %distx > -2 && %distx < 2 && %disty > -2 && %disty < 2
set %tempx #charposx - 5
move %tempx #charposy 1 2s
set %tempy #charposy - 5
move #charposx %tempy 1 2s
move %x %y 1 10s

sub choptree
menu delete status
menu Text status 116 119 Chopping...
set %backupwait #scnt + 60
if #scnt > %backupwait
goto ready
wait 17
gosub hit
set %hitwait #scnt + 5
wait 1
scanjournal 1
if logs in #journal
goto choploop
if hack in #journal
goto choploop
if not_enough_wood in #journal
goto ready
if you_can't_use_an_axe_on_that in #journal
goto ready
if cannot_be_seen in #journal
goto ready
if that_is_too_far in #journal
goto ready
gosub checkConLost
gosub toboards
if is_attacking_you in #journal
gosub antipk
if #scnt > %hitwait
goto choploop
goto jrloop

sub hit
finditem %axetype C_ , #charid
if #findkind = -1
finditem %axetype C_ , #backpackid
if #findkind = -1
gosub toboards
menu delete status
set %hod 0
gosub chooseforest

set #lhandid #findid
event macro 24 1
wait 15
set #lobjectid #findid
event macro 17
target 1s
set #ltargetkind 3
set #ltargettile %tiletype
set #ltargetx %x
set #ltargety %y
set #ltargetz %tilez
event macro 22

sub closest
menu delete status
menu Text status 116 119 Finding tree...
set %x #charposx
set %y #charposy
set %r 0
set %fspiral -1
if %fspiral = -1
set %fspiral 1
set %fspiral -1
set %r %r + 1
for %yx 1 %r
set %x %x + %fspiral
gosub checktile
if %findkind = 1
for %yy 1 %r
set %y %y + %fspiral
gosub checktile
if %findkind = 1
goto treefinder

sub checktile
tile cnt %x %y
set %ennestaan 0
set %findkind -1
for %cnt 1 #tilecnt
tile get %x %y %cnt
if tree in #tilename
if %hod > 0
set %doh 0
for %doh 1 %hod
if %x = %hodx . %doh && %y = %hody . %doh
set %ennestaan 1
if %ennestaan = 0
set %hod %hod + 1
set %hodx . %hod %x
set %hody . %hod %y
set %findkind 1
set %tilez #tilez
set %tiletype #tiletype

sub chooseforest
set %spot %spot + 1
if %spot > %ljspots
set %spot 1
set %runenum %spot + 1
menu delete status
menu Text status 116 119 Recalling to forest # %spot
gosub recall %runenum %recallstyle

sub findcol
finditem %1 %3
for %i 1 #findcnt
finditem %1 %i %3
if #findcol = %2
set #findkind -1

sub target
set %wait #scnt + 1
wait 1
scanjournal 1
if fizzles in #journal || already_performing in #journal || more_reagants in #journal || not_yet_recovered in #journal || your_concentration in #journal || insufficent_mana in #journal
scanjournal 2
if fizzles in #journal || already_performing in #journal || more_reagants in #journal || not_yet_recovered in #journal || your_concentration in #journal || insufficent_mana in #journal
if #scnt > %wait
if #targcurs = 0
goto wait_for_target
if %1 = 1
wait 1
finditem #ltargetid
if #findkind = -1 && #targcurs = 1
goto chkdistance
if #finddist > 12 && #targcurs = 1
goto chkdistance
event macro 22
if %1 = 2
event macro 23

It just lumberjack no matter what, if you are overweight it will continue lumberjacking so you have to watch it.
What you can do is combine it with an organizer macro from razor so it puts it in a Horse Pack.!
It is very good Wink!

PS: Sell logs to me! Dont sell it to anyone Big Grin!

[Image: 2cn76h2.gif] [Image: avatar20124_12.gif] If you liked my posted, dont forget to thank me Wink!

Best Regards,

you know instead of filling up an extra slot on your tool bar for your macro command to be looped the last line of code could just be
/macro <macro name>;

do pack horses have a weight limit?

Yes, I think its 1000 stones

[Image: 2cn76h2.gif] [Image: avatar20124_12.gif] If you liked my posted, dont forget to thank me Wink!

Best Regards,

so how much approx logs can fit in a pack llama only 1000?

Yes, I think was around 1300 stones. Not sure...

1300/1700 something like it, long time I dont use those horses.

I prefer Alzheimer than Parkinson. Better forget to pay the beer than pour it all.

The Love Tent, all you need in PvP Suplys for a good Price! And some other things Big Grin!
[Image: Love_Tent_Map.jpg]

In Front Minoc MINES! In the TENT!

Accepting Carpentry orders!

No guys you are wrong. Pack llama and Pack horse can hold only 800 logs.

[Image: supernatural.gif]

What if you get them into boards?

[Image: 2cn76h2.gif] [Image: avatar20124_12.gif] If you liked my posted, dont forget to thank me Wink!

Best Regards,

Im talking about boards and iron that just have 1 stone.

I prefer Alzheimer than Parkinson. Better forget to pay the beer than pour it all.

The Love Tent, all you need in PvP Suplys for a good Price! And some other things Big Grin!
[Image: Love_Tent_Map.jpg]

In Front Minoc MINES! In the TENT!

Accepting Carpentry orders!

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