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in shrink its have diferent ids and picture


I dislike the idea of being able to dye horses, even common colors. The only way I could see it is if there were very limited colors available, maybe 5-6 at most, and if those would look nowhere near like any of the rare mounts. That way, the rare mounts wouldnt lose too much value.

I do like maybe incorporating a "taxidermy" system, sorta like Soma was saying.

Well we already have rug and carpet crafting, statue crafting and taxidermy in place. The world is full of surprises if you look for them Tongue

As for mount coloring, I wasn't meaning a tub, just referring to the list of colors they give by default. I was thinking along the lines of a single use item that would be very rare.

Before this gets more off the original point, would anyone object to horses being more expensive and if so why? Also, should pack animals be tamable and/or should there be a way to make a normal horse/llama into a pack animal? Oh and would anyone object to ridable packhorses?

No objections to any of the above. Just let me buy a horse first! Tongue

No objection from me. I think raising the prices of horses is a good idea, and rideable pack animals would be awesome! :mrgreen:

Shade Wrote:Well we already have rug and carpet crafting, statue crafting and taxidermy in place. The world is full of surprises if you look for them Tongue

cool, you mean we're supposed to get away from our macros and actually try stuff out???!!!?? =P

Shade Wrote:As for mount coloring, I wasn't meaning a tub, just referring to the list of colors they give by default. I was thinking along the lines of a single use item that would be very rare.
That's more along what I was thinking.

Shade Wrote:Before this gets more off the original point, would anyone object to horses being more expensive and if so why? Also, should pack animals be tamable and/or should there be a way to make a normal horse/llama into a pack animal? Oh and would anyone object to ridable packhorses?

I say make the horses more expensive. As for pack animals...would be neat for there to be no "pack animals" per se, but to be able to craft a pack for animals, and "equip" a normal horse/llama with the pack to convert them into pack animals. I think it'd be awesome with them being ridable as well.

All good.
Being able to ride Pack animals sounds cool, Good for the Crafters in the world.
Raise them Prices Tongue

I think it would be cool to kill other peoples mustangs and be able to skin the mustangs and make a rug the same color of the steed, that way it would be even better after you kill an enemy, you get a cool item from their ride.

Maktor D. Wrote:I think it would be cool to kill other peoples mustangs and be able to skin the mustangs and make a rug the same color of the steed, that way it would be even better after you kill an enemy, you get a cool item from their ride.

Realistic but kind of barbaric if you ask me :eek:

I'm not exactly opposed to making horses more of a "players" market. However, like someone else stated I don't think the population is high enough just yet for that. Also I think it would piss most new players off when they go to buy a horse and can't find one on a vendor. There isn't much advertising for the vendor market just yet. Hell I didn't even know where the vendor market was for a while. There should be a gate to it.

With that being said, raising the prices of the horses to like 1k and letting the players undercut the vendors isn't a bad idea. Also, to me coloring regular horses would devalue mustangs. The whole point is that they're colored.

I like the idea of rideable pack horses and such. I also like the idea of crafting bags to place on horses/llamas to turn them into pack horses/llamas. It would add another feature to crafting.

i like the skinning dead horses for their rare colored hide idea... :twisted:

I like the idea of increasing the price of horses on the vendors for sure. And few different colors for horse would be cool to.

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