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My Story. Thus Far.(Fix)

*Echoing Screams*

I woke with tears in my eyes and was desperately trying to catch a breath.. for the air seemed thin and dry, cursed. There are old stories about the air being cursed, nothing more than ol' wives tales really. Growing up as a.. heh.. boy, I would hear them all the time from my beloved aunt. What a great lady she was...

The closest comfort to me seemed a million miles away, and that was the rickety wooden floor In an ol' shack I had reside in.. theres nothing like home sweet home. I sit up and catch eye with my companion sitting guard. He was set up by the partly un-hinged front door, and shattered window. Bow aimed and ready. He had a grin on his face. " Had another one huh?" Said Vicious. " No.. it was.. something completely different. Something..." I choked on my words. " Nevermind it, its my turn for watch anyways, get some rest ol' friend."

I hated sitting watch, nothing ever exciting happened.. all there was to do was to count the flies buzzing around our food, and listen to the singing Timber Wolves. I guess it wasn't so bad. Peaceful.. at that.
I begun to doze off, which tends to happen sitting watch in the middle of a dense forest. Nothing unusual. The two moons, Athos and Zelforn, were shining on my brow. Things started looking up, it was time for a fresh start. Which is what we had been dreaming for a few years now.


"Vicious!, did you hear that?" "Shhh, yeah." He replied. "No way! How'd they find us?!" "I.. I don't know.. Just stay calm, it could be one of those big..night...owls?" His voice was shakey.


All of the sudden, everything grew dark around us, you couldn't see your own hand in front of your face. Our feelings grew dark too.. the two moons were no longer shining its precious light. "Darken, you okay?"
"Ye..Yeah.." I replied. I felt a sharp pain in my head.. the same pain I felt when.. "Vicious RUN!!" I screamed. As I said it, two red eyes begin glowing and a dark shape became noticeable.. standing right behind Vicious. As I called out to warn him, he had already been grabbed and all that was left were his..echoing screams.. and a splintery hole in the wall where.. it fled.

I felt the presence behind me..and.. waited til it grew near. My father, before he left my mother and I, gave me a silver cross necklace with a razor sharp blade on the end. My mother kept it until I was the appropriate age to have would any caring parent. Thats what i had reached for.. It was instantaneous, it happened so fast my head thuds thinking about it. As I grabbed my necklace and spun around, its razor sharp teeth sunk into my did my blade into... hers. Blood squirted everywhere, including my mouth which was tasteless and dry, I begun swallowing to clear that dryness without another thought. Silly me.


She called out in pain, as did I. A couple miles away, along the rocky edge cliffs, it would sound no different then wild beasts hollering at the moons.
No help would come. A wooden stake comes out of its sheath and strikes her in the heart.. All I felt was the sharpest pain in my neck, and my flesh tearing from nails as sharp as blades up and down my arms and torso..As if the air couldn't get any drier, what seemed like ash was in my mouth, bone dust really. And I collapse.

Alone there I was, tainted by the Nosferatu. A plague holder so it seems.
My best friend taken away, me left to experience immense amounts of pain.. To live an Immortal life. Ugh. I move my hands around the mound of remains left on the floor, it felt like sand up until I hit something cold. It sent a chill through m like never before.. everything was going cold. The cold object was round and had a chain on it. From the weight, it seemed like gold, or maybe platinum. I tried getting a good look at it, but it was hard to concentrate. Finally I realized it was a medallion.. but the strange thing was that.. it was my mothers. She had told me stories about it, stories that its magic, and it protects you, and depending on who you are it preserves life. It suddenly clicked.. in this case it was used to walk in the day.. makes sense. I never usually believed my mothers silly stories.. but I'll tell you she was a smart lady. Her and her sister are alike. I had enough energy to put it on and then I blacked out.


I woke the next morning, birds chirping and all, like nothing had happened. I thought I was dreaming until I felt the cold
cold blood in my veins, and the cold Amulet around my neck. "So that means..Vicious is.." I whispered to myself. "Oh no.." I stood up, and realized how hungry I was, but nothing sounded.. fulfilling. I gathered my things, and knew what I had to do.

I had to find Vicious, I know hes alive.

To be continued..

(Applying for Amulet and pale skin colors, perhaps others down the road)

Your story is approved and your watch time begins now.

I hope to see this story continued.

My travels have been long and worrisome. Every minute that goes by,seems longer and longer.. I feel I'm being pulled to join this Darkness that never fails to call my name. My nights are filled with insomnia that gives me not one second to be alone..this darkness is always watching me..waiting for my departure into my next life.. of immortality. It's in my nightmares.

I have been searching for you Vicious.. I have been asking around towns of the "Nosferatu", but I've seem to got no helpful clues. I spoke to a vampire that goes by the name of Galdor.. he was making his way through the Beautiful town of Brittania when I over heard his conversation with another.. calling his companion.. mortal. I questioned him about the Nosferatu but.. I got nothing.

These creatures are far more hard to find then I expected.. I have traveled day and night.. fighting creatures.. and craving a thirst that will not be quenched.. I have committed several crimes..but was able to stop myself before they went too far..

I came across several Harpys of the wood. I had Vicious' bow and managed to slay one of the winged creatures.. the other one fell me with a single blow to my chest.. I stumbled to my feet.. and words escaped my mouth I had not thought of nor heard before.."I am a Creature of the Night!! The Nosferatu, Strongest of all Vampires!!!" I ran and slid and picked up your golden bow you stole so long ago dear friend.. and managed to load up two arrows and release. I struck the harpy in its left wing, in a place where no feathers grew.. like it had been scarred from another fight it had long ago.. The arrows hit a backdrop which happened to be an old tree of some sort. The beast called out in was louder then the timber wolves that night the two moons shined upon us. The Harpy beast, had different features as the other.. this one looked, more grown, more mature in almost every aspect. An elder harpy perhaps. We stared at each other, and then it bowed its head, as did I. And I fled. We had a connection.. something I have never felt before.. both of us scarred..forever.

I'm feeling stronger and stronger, yet.. weaker and weaker at the same time.. I caught a glimpse of what could have been a dream at one point.. I had blacked out and didn't wake for a few hours.. It felt like days once I awoke.

But my dream..

I was with mother.. and she was telling me a bed time story when I was younger. She told me of a place.. where Zealots dwell, vile dread lords of the under world.. and undead creatures far more dangerous then that.. Mystical powers even the strongest sage' didn't understand. Where creatures of the night dwell.. Creatures far more older then any Civilization. Perhaps the Nosferatu. "Promise me sweet Darken, that you will never go there". Mother said. I asked.."Where mother? You haven't told me the name of this place". In my dreams.. she spoke the word.. "Khal-". And I awoke. The word was echoing through my mind, and screaming out at me at the highest volume..just as the echoing screams did that night..

The only place I can think of.. is a journey away. Was this a message of some sort from mother? A sign? I'm not sure.. But I have all the time in the world.. I must try.

"Finding Vicious"

I started my journey to Khaldun. And a long one it was.. I even took the short cut people spoke of, a short cut I hadn't taken in years, since I ran away when I was a teen. Even so, it was long.. it took me days to get through the sewers..

I finally made my way, and got to the lost lands, or waste lands. Leaving the dark damp cave and entering the light had a different toll on me then I've ever felt before.. it was, almost screaming at me.. yelling at me.. it was loud and vibrant..

Through the marshes I went.. thick with slime and rats, alligators, and other beasts that lurked in the depths of the bogs. Disgusting creatures.. but I guess I need to look in the mirror.. heh.. a lot of good that'd do..

It took me 7 nights to find the entrance to Khaldun, and 2 more to make my way through it... mother was right, the place was infested with Zealots and cursed creatures that had been there for ages upon ages.. There were definitely no sign of The Nosferatu.. a shame.

I then couldn't believe my stomach dropped. tears swept my cheeks. I was staring at my cousin, I was staring at Vicious. I knew he was alive, but I was surprised to find him. We hugged and made haste with little small talk, and we got out of there. straight to britain we went. We spoke. And spoke some more. I had dropped to my knees in the midst of conversation with a sharp pain like the pains I had before.. he knew what was wrong..

He then told me what had happened in that treacherous place.. and led us up on our next clue.... which may be the where abouts of the Nosferatu. We made a blood pact. And started off to the Inn.. A few days rest and we will be on our way.. Sweat was dripping off my face. I knew the time was coming.. for transformation. Cravings, Thirsts are the first traits to become anew. Its like I can feel my skin crawling off.. and a duller, paler version growing.. It's uncomfortable... yet strangely replenishing. I think I like this.

Finally... I arose from what felt like a coma that had lasted hundreds of years. My eyes were on fire, My body was stiff and achy, my mouth dry and my stomach rumbled. But Nothing sounded, fulfilling. I then came to my senses and realized it was only a couple hours later and that Vicious lay asleep in that quiet hotel room. It was a great place of comfort for him, peaceful paintings on all four walls of different worlds, maybe better or worse ones, with their own problems and their own nightmares, their own beauty's and wondrous magics. There was exceptional furniture throughout the room, it even had an okay view looking over the small river that separates East Britain, from West. He needed it. He deserved it.

I sat still, keeping 'watch', while he took rest. I was sitting out front the Inn, On the far side of the first bench to the right of the stairs. We didn't want any unwelcome 'rogue' visitors disturbing us in the night, so I offered watch. I don't sleep much anyways, not since... well, because the same echoing screams keep me up, they have been for years. If you didn't know me, you would call me crazy..but then again maybe not.. I am a plague holder..Nosferatu. No one would say a thing.
I felt like some sort of reptile, I had basically shed my skin and grew a new one, in the matter of hours. But I know what I am, and.. I love it. It could be worse, I could be a weak, off breed vampire.. But I was scarred by something far older, wiser and stronger then that. The beings that call themselves, "vampires", the ones that walk on the streets of Britain and other towns alike must be only half creature of the night.. they walk in the day so freely, like the light does nothing to them. It's strange..

We were to take our leave on the following night of the Sages moon, 2 days from now. The sages moon is beautiful. Basically the two moons, Zelforn and Athos, appear as crescents and meet each other at the points, perfectly. They then appear as a single moon, black in the center and outlined in the color of royalty. So many story's float in the air, each one claiming the truth on the secret behind the sages moon. The one that my mother told me,which happens to be the most gossiped tale of them all.. A sage who died century's ago, an honorable man, he altered the moons to perform good. He is long dead now, but his ghost comes back every three years to continue the tradition. Miracles happen on these days. Non of which I've come to know. This will be the eighth time that I'll witness it.

I grow impatient sitting here, knowing I wont catch another wind for days. He was fine, with guards patrolling the streets, and the Inn strategically located across from Beautiful Mytheril and Verite Dragons, and located at the beginning of virtues path, there was no worry.

I decided to go rogue, to infiltrate and see what we're up against. There was no way we were just going to walk in there and destroy the leader of the Nosferatu, not by a long shot. But to pick them off one by one, until support comes, we had a greater chance. It also stands to give me a good opportunity to find something to disguise myself, to look like one of them. They may know I'm not mortal, but that still doesn't make me one of them. I am to kill the leader, and claim his proof of power as my own, to rebuild the Nosferatu and rule it as my own, I have nothing else, God knows it won't be easy.. heh.. 'god'. But It doesn't matter who, or what your the leader of, there is always something that drives fear into the heads of followers. This is how kings, emritts, and lords alike don't get overthrown. As powerful and wise as the Nosferatu is, it has to be this way.

I'll meet up with Vicious later, outside of the location that is 'our new lead'.

(Applying for Death Shroud, Nosferatu Guildstone, and a trinket that proves leadership, which can be discussed later)

Your continuation is approved and your watch time begins now. Though I must note that I will not grant a purchasable item, such as a guildstone, as a reward. The other two requests are acceptable.

I hope your story continues.

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