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Nuke level 1 tmaps

In my most humble opinion, I feel that level 1 Tmaps are not only not worth the time it takes to serve them, but it might actually COST money to complete them. Can we nuke them or make them so they never ever spawn on anything? They're absolutely useless!


I agree that they aren't really worth the effort as they are now. However, you can just not loot them and trash your existing ones if they bother you too much. Big Grin

Hopefully soon we can come up with something that would make them worthwhile to complete.

What if level 1 treasures dropped level 2 tmaps, and maybe even so on, 2 would have a 3, 3 a 4, etc.. I guess maybe have all level 1 treasures drop a lvl 2 map, level 2 would have like a 40% chance at a lvl 3, and that would have a 15% chance to drop a 4....

Just a thought.

Also, I've noticed that when I do treasure maps, the areas around the map spawns are so thick with monsters you can hardly wade through them.

I'm not sure if this is because they are supposed to spawn there or if people are opening their chests, looting, and running away from the monsters that spawn. If it's the latter, spawned monsters should despawn after an hour or so.

Shade Wrote:What if level 1 treasures dropped level 2 tmaps, and maybe even so on, 2 would have a 3, 3 a 4, etc.. I guess maybe have all level 1 treasures drop a lvl 2 map, level 2 would have like a 40% chance at a lvl 3, and that would have a 15% chance to drop a 4....

Just a thought.

I'd be ok with things that drop level 1 maps dropping level 2 maps instead and leaving everything else the same. I've just found that level 1 treasure maps are absolutely useless.


Rabbi Samild Wrote:I'd be ok with things that drop level 1 maps dropping level 2 maps instead and leaving everything else the same. I've just found that level 1 treasure maps are absolutely useless.

I agree with you completely about them being useless, though I would much rather see them have some use then be given up on and removed.
How about a system to trade in maps? X amount of lvl 1 maps would give you a level 2 map or something along those lines.

Shade Wrote:I agree with you completely about them being useless, though I would much rather see them have some use then be given up on and removed.
How about a system to trade in maps? X amount of lvl 1 maps would give you a level 2 map or something along those lines.

Doesn't really make sense from an RPish standpoint. :/ I think the chance of finding a higher map in the chest is nice.

What would make them more useful is if they were easier to find. I wander around the same area spamming my dig macro for like 5-8 minutes usually trying to find the small hitbox that will let me dig it. Sad

Maybe if you're within a certain distance, say 50x50, you turn to face the treasure's location when you try to dig in the wrong spot.

pfft they are not useless actually, it's all in your mind. And I'm not joking actually.
You have the same chance of getting high level weapons and armor, the only difference from high level maps is that you wont get as many items.

Even Rabbi Samild agrees after I added some level 1 treasure map chests and showed him the loot Wink

However though, with 10x10%, chances are on your sideTongue

(Made up valuesTongue)

Edit: dat spellingz changez

maka Wrote:However though, with 10x10%, changes are on your sideTongue

(Made up valuesTongue)

It's ok, 60% of values are

Taran Wrote:Even Rabbi Samild agrees after I added some level 1 treasure map chests and showed him the loot Wink

That I do.

Sindern Wrote:It's ok, 60% of values are

90% of all statistics are made up.

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