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IN-X: The great divide?

Here we go:

It's nice to see some people rooting for large changes to the pvp structure that was agreed upon before the shard went active.

It's nice to see basically the entire world is Imagine Nation.

Fair compromises when you're diving into the intricacies of the video game and the merger; however, I've seen suggestions to make convenience more attainable to people, such as the pit runes, assailed with condescending remarks, half-witted retorts based on the fact that it's "Silly and carebear."

It's minor substances that are spoiling the entire batch of product. You're bickering over milk laid on the table because of a broken glass.

Spam is spam. Aside from NOS scrolls, the actions and what's coming is pretty predictable.

I think going back on your word to play with the selected traits this shard was spawned with is an insult to the creators of the shard.

Taran, Maka, Hate, Nox, Pande, all of the creators and support staff of this shard this is for you:

I'm sorry on behalf of the entire shard. They're crybaby kids who think that attacking one set of crybaby kids makes them right, or on the righteous side.

The conclusion is this: You're all digging the shard's grave. The rift and odds proposed between players is ego.

IN players prefer depth, challenge, and role-playing, but that doesn't make XUO players any less fluent in imagination or desire for something challenging.

This divide will not go away because simply both sides are too stuck in what they call the good ole days. This shard is a last hoorah for some.

Boycotting or leaving doesn't change the fact that you're being dicks about it and insulting the creators when you leave instead of actually supporting something to the end.

PvP is PvP. I thought you played for the good times with friends and memories you had.

[SIZE="4"]It's not fair to new players trying to make their own good times. To see everyone arguing and trying to warp things or change things to best fit certain groups of people only degrades reputations and the fun times to be had for all.[/SIZE]

I'm going to be biased for XUO because it's more of my playing style. If I want to escape life or it's cruel trifles, I'll write. I'll compose some songs on piano or guitar. I'll finish writing my book on philosophies of life I have.

I don't need a video game to escape, which is what you do. Don't deny it, it's a nice break from the bullshit life gives and I more than respect that.

XUO players do the same. It's just a crude, animal-like approach. They fight and want bragging rights.

The rift is there because people refuse to end it. One wants the old days, and the other want their old days.

Not gonna happen when you combine the two.

Say your sorry for the staff and get the **** off the shard and forums if all you're going to do is make snide comments on what should be, who left, why they left, why you won't play, or down others' suggestions. Some people are still playing and trying regardless if they like it or not.

You're bored, not because the shard sucks- you're bored because you're tired of the game.


There's a message with good intent there hidden somewhere under crude generalization of IN's old playerbase...

Canaris Wrote:There's a message with good intent there hidden somewhere under crude generalization of IN's old playerbase...

not even an accurate generalization at that

Smurtle, you fail th realize that many suggestions that are made here are in an attempt to improve the shard. Unfortunately this is seen way to often as *****ing, moaning and wanting a carebear server. Sometimes this might be true, but a lot of the time this is incorrect.

The players here are not digging the grave of this shard, the fact that no one wants to listen and there is no flexibility is what is going to kill this server. PvP is only a small aspect of it all. Crafters cannot sell their goods because there isn't anything special about what they craft. Armor is useless, tailors and carpenters...what the hell do they have? I'm not going to continue, but I hope you get my point.

Unfortunately this shard is leaning towards total bias. I'm not blaming the staff or the players, but something needs to be done for this server to be as respected as it used to be back in the day, not just another PvP server.

Wow, that was a lot of rambling while attempting *and failing* at getting to the point like that one time I was in a dungeon taming this fire stang and I got pked but I didnt complain because I didnt lose anything and that other time that I was macroing smithing and I started dropping daggers on the ground and this GM came by and was like, "Why are you dropping daggers, you must be AFK, so Im going to jail you" AND he did jail me and I spent 3 days in jail for being afk what a carebear world and I wish I had been able to work on tailoring when the XUO kids were harrassing me and doing things that should be illegal AND I wish that only INers had been around because INers are cool and XUOers dont respect the game as IN originally was and whatever.

I've seen a lot of your suggestions and they're crap. Most of you prove the IN stereotype with each post, and the more you show any resistance against what was decided to be included before the shard opened you'll make it worse.

I just wanted to have a word on this...

All of you keep making useless threads fighting about how the shard should be and side either with IN or XUO old database and ways of play... seriously... i'm getting tired about that **** and not of the game itself, i have fun playing my own way, and i love to RP, everyone is free to play how they like on this shard. As far as i know there is no "perfect shard" and as i see it at least Taran is working as hard as he can to make it better, perhaps we IN:X'ers should give them a break and end this stupidity.

One last thing... i'm not saying you should stop making suggestions about the shard, just give them a real thing... a calm and clear use of mind.

Doesn't matter. Play until it dies.

Smurtle Wrote:It's nice to see basically the entire world is Imagine Nation.
I stopped reading here, because that statement is completely false.

Lindenwood Wrote:I stopped reading here, because that statement is completely false.

I've got to defend Smurtle a lil bit when it comes to that statement actually, feel free to read below for an explanation to why I feel the need to do that :]

Smurtle did not play at Imagine Nation (as far as I am aware). All he knows is that the world is not like it was at XUO, and that it is supposed to be the Imagine Nation-world, that is the part of the deal that we made when merging. If it is not the way Imagine Nation was then you should go complain to the former IN-staffmembers creating the IN-world, because then they apparantly have either decided to make it "something new and better", or haven't had time to script everything the way IN was yet, or just did something wrong? I dunno but it is suppose to be the Imagine Nation world so go talk to them if it isn't, they'll probably have an better explanation to why it is not than I do, I did not play at Imagine Nation either.


It actually wasn't a complaint or insult. I was just stating what each side predominantly acquired during the merge in an effort to stimulate a reasonable, controlled discussion if it were to occur.

I can always bank on Lindenwood being a hypocrite though so it's no sweat, Hate.

Someone should just go ahead and lock this thread. It's served its purpose.

It isn't like either shard, from what I understand. But to clarify, the world and "feel" it is about as far from IN as any other shard is. Im not complaining, though. Just pointing out a fallacy.

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