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In reguards to the Boredom post....

Its four pages long and after reading one page I was tired of itBig Grin
So heres an idea- nothing to do with skill gain or pvp but just cause people complain and it would wipe out those afk macroers who pay no attention to things.

Anyone from IN1 remember when brit was unguarded? The whole place was swarming with monsters and certainly mixed things up a bit. If I remember right it was related to some quest where someone/thing had to be killed to set things right but players liked it the way it was and it stayed unguared for a while.

Just an idea for the Devs-

honk if you like this ideaBig Grin

honk! i think everything should be unguarded :icon_twisted:

Bow Down To The ScareKing! jeje

[Image: scarecrowinxkd2.gif]

everything unguarded? we would be on heaven...

It was among my thoughts aswell, but the afk macroing is not the problem it is the product of the problem, the problem is that ppl take so long macroing they dont get to play the game.

[Image: sigpic786_3.gif]

killing the afk macroers in brit wasnt my point(i very rarely even travel through brit)
I was more talking about a "global" quest with actual effects that would mix things up.
How would it mix things up you ask?
I'll tell youBig Grin

1st- it would move people to other cities....ok lets be honest- it would move those people in brit to minocWink

2nd- it would be a huge unguarded city where I dont know, maybe only the brave would go due to the amount of monsters and would be pk'rs

3rd- if its quest related it would give those who like tp PVM( correct term?) a big quest that maybe they could brag about or something.

I once took part in an event like that with low lvl skills and got one hell of a powerful item that stayed with me my whole IN careerBig Grin and now if KM would just tell Xander to come back and gm maybe I could get it back:icon_twisted:

i havent logged on in like 5 days i agree the shard is getting bored with the lag spikes and the boredom of the silly events, no offense but seriously boxing..? no scrolls or pots team ffa? boxing ffa? i see that your trying but maybe you should test them out before hosting them, think about the logic in them or else your just giving away free prizes, another thing hunting is hard and since us "XUOERS" did not get our mining//blacksmithy transferd we have to hunt so miners have like 700 saphire ingots and 300 adam who knows how many oceanic iron black rock and deamon steel they have but for what i know right now the prices go for

saphire - 500k +
adam 500k +
oceanic - 70k +
deamon steel 100k +
blackrock 40k +
iron 7 gp per

ex: 1k iron ingots = 7k
10k iron ingots = 70k

in a day of mining you can make about 20-30k iron if you are really dedicated to it..

i think there would be more players also more active players if the economy was fixed just my point of view.. miners can be billionaires in less then a month. and please dont even start with we have alch//inscription because ive tryed to sell at a really reasonable price (5k for 100 fs) and no one buys

Well, those are the.. FUN events Big Grin Y'know, once you've seen one wop spamming flamestrikeing PvP event, you've seen them all. And this way people who isn't furyiously macroing their PvP skills can take part in events as well. Also since it's partially IN still, staff could think of different rewards other than the team tickets, so that those might be reserved for what Smoke considers "real" PvP events. Anyone remembers the Boxing Gloves from IN? Big Grin

"He's fire and ice and rage
He's like the night, and a storm in the heart of the Sun
He's ancient and forever
Burning in the center of time
He can see the turn of the Universe"

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