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Diabolical, Elcid- remember this?

Remember that time you, Elcid, and myself were arguing and then we settled it peacefully, unlike most things around here? You know, we sorta set an example!!

Man, I sure do. It went sour though. Remember when people started throwing in their opinions of what makes them sick, or annoys them? Then they started taking sides when they say they don't take sides, instead of actually reading and analyzing, or even ASKING why someone would post certain things about someone??

It's so crazy!! I thought that if you're going to debate you need to have a topic, mediator, and a point!! I guess things are one-sided for us sometimes.

It's crazy!! I even remember when someone tried to call me a stupid head and that I'm so mean and have a void in my life because I'm mean to people who can't mind their own business or contribute worthwhile posts to the [SIZE="7"]subject[/SIZE] at hand, but instead they threw at us their opinions and perceptions. Then they said I can't debate!! Man. Stupid head is a pretty good debate in itself, right??

Remember that?

It was like being on the View, except the little biased people talk more and whine more than those women and are much less intelligent.

To the women of the View: calling someone dumber than you is like turning water into wine. So, take it as a compliment!!


Haha, so true, so very true.

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Diabolical [DSL]

Whenever I see the topic it reminds me of this:
"Remember the time we were going to kill you in that fire and you were like: NO WAY? Those were the fun times?Remember when the platform was sliding into the fire pit and I said 'Goodbye' and you were like (deep male voice) 'NO WAY!' (normal voice) and then I was all 'We pretended we were going to murder you'? That was great!"

"He's fire and ice and rage
He's like the night, and a storm in the heart of the Sun
He's ancient and forever
Burning in the center of time
He can see the turn of the Universe"

Smurtle, you get so damn rowdy...calm down. You made another thread to bash people who expressed their opinions in a public forum. You unjustly assume that everything everyone else has to say is wrong, or stupid. It's not worth arguing with you.

[Image: Cole_Green.JPG]

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