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The Vikings

Just about 20 years ago, a small society of people lived in a small village in northern Britannia, by the coast. These people were commonly known as "vikings", brutes who didn't follow any rules but their own. They did not kill for pleasure, they could however killed you if you had something they fancied, they would do just about anything for wealth. They even plundered and razed whole cities.

The citizens of Britannia often referred to these vikings as "outlaws" without mercy, and since the vikings always did as they pleased, they had many enemies. Even though they had many enemies, they were still growing stronger through their wealth and secret alliances, but the big secret of their strenght was the fact that they were always honest and fair towards the other vikings in their kinship, criminality between two vikings didn't exist. Through their wealth, the vikings also learned how to use their money to create ever more wealth, and many vikings were not even warriors, they were traders and crafters and had a big part of creating an independent and wealthy village.

Some traders, adventurers, merchants and even warriors saw the opportunity in a wealthy independent village, and left their home to seek out the vikings. It was risky, they could never know if they were going to be killed or not. There are many tales of merchants and warriors who went to the vikings and became a member of their kinship. Noone knows if these
tales are true.

One day, 17 years ago, the Viking Chief and his three men from the Circle of Trust went to their hidden cottage in the mountains to go through a secret plan and seek advice from the Nordic Gods. The Chief and his most trusted men stayed in the cottage for almost 3 months, then they returned. Once they arrived back home they did not meet joyful vikings as expected, the whole village had been burnt to ground, corpses were lying everywhere, and without any trace of an attacker. Devastated, the four vikings went back to the mountain cottage, not knowing where else to go. The rumor spread through Britannia that the brutes from the North were taken care of, nobody knew how and by whom, but everyone were still happy, Britannia was safer. Nobody knew the Viking Chief and his men from the Circle of Trust were still alive.

The four vikings contacted the Nordic Gods once again, through the usual way of death cap and mead. However, this time the mix put them all in a connected trance, and they stayed in this trance for a very long time.

17 years past by, and people had start to forgotten about the vikings who once upon a time were a big and wealthy society. Until now. An innkeeper claimed he eavesdropped four guests talking about vikings, and one of the men referred to the other men as "the leaders of the vikings", and these three men answered "of course, Chief". Rumor spread, and soon the rumor about the return of the vikings had spread to all inns througout Britannia.

Or is it not a rumor?


Skin color - 1151 - for the Viking Chief and his three members in the Circle of Trust - Being from the North and constantly exposed to freezing weather, their skin color has become bluish. As the last Vikings standing, the Nordic Gods have granted them an inner strenght through a trance lasting 17 years, which glows through their pale, bluish skin, giving them a skin color that stands out from the crowd.

Helm - bloodrock hue - for all members (to be worn in all battles and guild events) - The viking helmet is smithed in a dark color and covers the face of the viking, to cause fear in the enemy.

*Edit* On a second thought, it would be better if the helm only was given to Vikings of higher ranks, and need approval of the Viking Chief (Guildmaster) before applying for one.

Approved, although I am alot more adverse to the idea of the helmets for higher ranking members rather than all members so I will approve it on that basis.

Trail has begun I will see watching the Viking guild.

Thank you.

The four original Vikings who were gone for 17 years, and a darkelf who were raised by the Vikings, all know the nordic Viking language and will from time to time use this language. We will however at the beginning mostly use english to make it easier for you to evaluate our roleplaying. If you need help with translation, there are a few staff members who speak the same language.

Regarding the helmet, I have the same point of view as you. Some of my new recruits are not used to RP'ing, and often slip to OOC. If you need names of the players with high ranking, let me know.

It has been a long time now, and I think it's time for the rewards if you approve of the RP.

As we are in different time zones, it would be good if you can give the green light to a staff member in my time zone.


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