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is anyone else experiencing lag? i can run and all but it skips alot... connection isnt smooth any idea why?

Ken Wrote:is anyone else experiencing lag? i can run and all but it skips alot... connection isnt smooth any idea why?

Its the host, we all have to say thanks to xs4all for their generosity in hosting IN-X for nothing.... but with all do respect the lag is shithouse and alot of people are experiencing it....

Myself its basically so bad i will be stuck to crafting as there no way in hell i could even take on an Imp without lagging out and dieing... and thats just on my own... id hate to see what its going to be like at events with lots of people....... :doubt:

Saintful Sinner, The Ministry

Yeah the lags too bad, I just log on walk around for a bit because I cant do anything else.

yeh im lagging too

Everyone that lags should do a tracert to to find out where the problem is. Then send e-mails to the nodes where you get high ping, and also send an e-mail to xs4all. If enough people e-mail them they might be able to do something about it.

My ping is like 200 but when I run arround, it looks like if my ping was 40 to 80, I dont lag at all and Im canadian? Confusedurprised:

Weird, i have no lag at all.
Ohh well happy me time to go hunting

Taran Wrote:Everyone that lags should do a tracert to to find out where the problem is. Then send e-mails to the nodes where you get high ping, and also send an e-mail to xs4all. If enough people e-mail them they might be able to do something about it.

ok 1st of all how do i do a tracert to, and how do i find out where the problem is etc. i dont understand what ur trying to tell me besides the emailing bit LOLZ! sorry im a noob with comps Cool

hahaha joe black im in exactly the same boat as you... waiting for taran to reply via email i pasted him all that junk Big Grin

You do the tracert(trace rout) by going to the Start Menu --->Run--->Write "cmd"--->Write "tracert".

You'll see where the problem is when a node (a hop, a row, a ping) is a lot higher than the previous node. If you do not understand, post the RT and someone will help you outBig Grin

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 6 ms 7 ms 7 ms
3 7 ms 9 ms 6 ms []

4 12 ms 9 ms 8 ms []

5 7 ms 15 ms 10 ms [211.29.156
6 170 ms 170 ms 175 ms
7 199 ms 203 ms 171 ms
8 320 ms 330 ms 322 ms [
9 320 ms 328 ms 321 ms []
10 321 ms 324 ms 320 ms []
11 322 ms 324 ms 323 ms []

Trace complete.

so how do i fix the problem now!?!

Your issues lay in between rout 5-6 and 7-8, that ping seems very wrong. I do not know who route 5-6 is held by, but I recommend that you email the XS4ALL support (someone here has done it, so they have the email, I think Nex) and post them the tracert.

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