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When will server be up?

just wondering how much longer will we have to wait...

Well as you already know we closed beta 2 and right now we are working on fixing all the bugs that were found on it. As of right now we are not looking to have a long wait but there is no time limit set. We are working as fast as we can all I can say is keep a close look at the forums and wait for it to be finished. Beta 3 should not be to far awayBig Grin

and check out the news section too its right in the middle, i don't think you can miss it

GM Pande

<3 to you druid.

[Image: Cole_Green.JPG]

ok cool
what have you guys fixed since beta 2 went down? can you list some things you have fixed please?

I'll post a changelog later on

Also, since Beta 2 is complete we did a complete item wipe and are tweaking the world deco for live play. All of the dungeons, duel pit areas, places of interest, etc. We are also placing the quest givers, rare mounts, etc. It should not be long as already mentioned. The server is certainly playable but we want it to be as close to perfect as possible.

I am still working on alot of my primary quests and events and a major surprise for everyone which is close to being finished. I will add that the surprise I have in store will be very big and I am sure that players from both realms will enjoy it very much, I have spent a considerable amount of time working on it and I am sure it will pay off for the shard once we are up.

I would also like to report that due to Maka's absence from the shard, the mining quests that I had planned will unfortunately not be apart of the shard, some of you may be happy to hear that but I am also sure that some of you were probably looking forward to them so I would like to extend my apoligies to those who were and know that I am sure this surprise I have in store will make up for that.

I am also hoping to have our first major storyline quests and events set for once we are live, but they are big and my plannings of these were mainly with Maka so I am currently trying to get these completed before we go live but I do not wish for these to hinder the shard from being opened so they may be added once we are live.

I also wish to let all players know that we are currently all working very hard on the shard to be completed and as Coldrake stated, the shard is at a state where it is playable but we wish to make sure that everything is perfect and as bug free as it can be so that we do not have simalar problems like we had with IN:R, just know that your continued patience is apprieciated and that I am sure that a majority of players will be happy with the final result once we go live.

Azrael Wrote:major storyline quests

[e puke

Cool, just don't jump the gun and put it up too fast.

[Image: Cole_Green.JPG]

So how much have you fixed on the server so far?
Still just item wipe, tweaking the world deco for dungeons, duel pit areas, places of interest??? Placing the quest givers, rare mounts???
I wouldn't be suprised if the shard is still the way it was on beta1. What have you worked on so far? let us know on your progress...

I'll give you an update soon

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