04-29-2007, 11:12 PM
Wow, the PvP guide was a very big dissapointment...
Nox, c'mon dude, it was long, boring and useless :$
So yeh, I decided to make my OWN PvP guide for Nubs xD.
Be aware though, in this guide are things, that NO ONE ever knew, and that might change your life completely.
You must be 18+ to read this, SHOCKING images.
Here it goes :
#1, the MOST important rule of PvP.
Be comfortable.
The keys you choose on your keyboard to for example, cast a Flamestrike, is probably the most important thing about PvP. If you aren't comfortable or their is too big of a distance between each key, then that's what decides the speed of your reaction time. Good PvPers, have keys that are close to each other, not too close and that are easily accessible. One of the biggest mistakes i've seen in PvP, is people that use Numbers to cast Flamestrike, etc. Bad idea, because if you accidentally hit 3, for example, and thats your XUO Flamestrike scroll, and you wanted to press 6, which is your Gheal macro, you are pretty much finished.
Use the Sound WITHIN!
Sound, what a beautiful thing, actually, you can't see sound, so hmm you can't really know if it's beautiful. Anyways... Sound, is probably the 2nd most important thing in PvP. Actually, it is the 2nd most important thing in PvP.
If you have no sound, well hmmm... i dunno go beat your uncle or something, Do NOT waste your time on this game, unless you love Mining so much.
Sound determines the winner of a duel, because if you do not have sound, you will NEVER know what your opponent is doing [aids, potions, XUO Flamestrike]. Here's my little secret in improving your hearing capabilities, run around Britain and just try to KNOW what animals are making the noises. Helps you a lot.
Bandages, the gift of the GODS.
Alright, you know when you first rode on that bicycle of yours, when you we're like 5 years old? Then you fell down, and you mom put a BANDAGE on your knee, cause it was bleeding? Remember those good ol' times? Did it help ease the pain? HELL NO, those BLOODY BANDAGES never helped. So if your character on Ultima Online gets hit by a 500 lbs piece of metal ( bardiche ) or gets whipped by a piece of stick (q staff ) bandages SHOULD NOT BE USED.
The only time you should use bandages, is in EXTREME cases.
The problem with Ultima Online players is the dependance to bandages, now let's cure this disease together. :o FS + FS = 92 dmg
Bandage should be used at 90hp or MORE, until you get more experienced.
You should also use bandages at 75hp lvl, but that's for more experienced players to use, because you gotta calculate hit ratio + mana regeneration lvl, BUT ANYWAYS...
Skills, no not PVP skills, trainable skills, NO NOT A TRAIN!
skills to GM : Anatomy, Meditation ( believe it or not ), Tactics, Archery ( believe it or not ), Fencing, Swordsmanship, parrying ( believe it or not ), magery ( believe it or not JUST KIDDING ), Evaluating Intelligence are required to FIGHT.
Alchemy, inscription are required to MAKE items to duel.
Poisoning, Mining, Blacksmithing to HELP you win duels.
Timing, is probably the less important thing about PvP.
Timing is something that can be easily developped, unlike other things, that become BAD habits, such as EBD ( Excessive Bandage Disease ), IVMD ( In Vas Mani Disease [ if you start saying In Vas Mani IRL, you got problems ] ,
OEFS ( Over Excessive FlameStrike Syndrome [ If you use XUO Scrolls 5 times in a row, it's NOT a good idea ] ), ETC.
Anyways, back to Timing, the best way to develop timing, is EVERYWHERE and how you do it, is just keep on casting spells on yourself.
Here's a routine I used when I was bad [ If you say I am still bad, I will cut your head off with my moustache. ] : XUO FlameStrike on YourSelf, Bandage 2 Times, Gheal Yourself. Just try doing that without FIZZLING any spells and just try to keep the less delay possible between each spell.
During tournaments,
ALWAYS ALWAYS chew gum. It may sound stupid, but gum helps you a lot during Tournaments, it helps you get good at doing 2 things at once, it helps you concentrate more on the tournament and not on the noises surrounding your computer. A little secret, yet again, by Afraz
I don't wanna elaborate more, cause I'm running out of time and gtg, I made this guide in 20 minutes and it still wrecks Nox's ugly guide.
There is no such thing as a DUELING STYLE, in Ultima Online, everyone plays differently, and that's how it will always be. Do not try to BE like other people, just see what your BEST at.. Defense, Offense, Fakes, Fake movement, Spams? No one is good at everything, but everyone is good at something. A message from the gouvernement de Quebec.
Observing a duel, is probably the most toxic thing that a new PvPer can do. Never ever observe duels, unless it's the finals between 2 GOOD players.
Just try to observe the FINISHING blow, that is the only important part of a duel, the Final Strike ( FS = FlameStrike = Final Strike Ha!Ha!Ha! [ Yes I will hang my self soon] ). Watching how they die, will help you play against those people, since everyone plays THEIR way. It might sound weird, but everyone has a different way of ENDING a duel.
I personally like to Lightning spam / Harm kills.
Makaveli tha don, liked to reflect a lot.
hmm I dunno Bilbo, liked to each Cheeseburger sandwiches and ACCIDENTLY the pickle would fall on the right button at the right time.
Just try to NOTICE how people END their duels, so you can prevent that from happening to you.
#9 Do not name your character EightySwords, or you WILL be a noobie.
I made this guide in 20 minutes, I didn't have enough time to elaborate on each subject, and now I got to go, please leave your opinions on my guide.
It owns Nox's guide
Nox, c'mon dude, it was long, boring and useless :$
So yeh, I decided to make my OWN PvP guide for Nubs xD.
Be aware though, in this guide are things, that NO ONE ever knew, and that might change your life completely.
You must be 18+ to read this, SHOCKING images.
Here it goes :
#1, the MOST important rule of PvP.
Be comfortable.
The keys you choose on your keyboard to for example, cast a Flamestrike, is probably the most important thing about PvP. If you aren't comfortable or their is too big of a distance between each key, then that's what decides the speed of your reaction time. Good PvPers, have keys that are close to each other, not too close and that are easily accessible. One of the biggest mistakes i've seen in PvP, is people that use Numbers to cast Flamestrike, etc. Bad idea, because if you accidentally hit 3, for example, and thats your XUO Flamestrike scroll, and you wanted to press 6, which is your Gheal macro, you are pretty much finished.
Use the Sound WITHIN!
Sound, what a beautiful thing, actually, you can't see sound, so hmm you can't really know if it's beautiful. Anyways... Sound, is probably the 2nd most important thing in PvP. Actually, it is the 2nd most important thing in PvP.
If you have no sound, well hmmm... i dunno go beat your uncle or something, Do NOT waste your time on this game, unless you love Mining so much.
Sound determines the winner of a duel, because if you do not have sound, you will NEVER know what your opponent is doing [aids, potions, XUO Flamestrike]. Here's my little secret in improving your hearing capabilities, run around Britain and just try to KNOW what animals are making the noises. Helps you a lot.
Bandages, the gift of the GODS.
Alright, you know when you first rode on that bicycle of yours, when you we're like 5 years old? Then you fell down, and you mom put a BANDAGE on your knee, cause it was bleeding? Remember those good ol' times? Did it help ease the pain? HELL NO, those BLOODY BANDAGES never helped. So if your character on Ultima Online gets hit by a 500 lbs piece of metal ( bardiche ) or gets whipped by a piece of stick (q staff ) bandages SHOULD NOT BE USED.
The only time you should use bandages, is in EXTREME cases.

The problem with Ultima Online players is the dependance to bandages, now let's cure this disease together. :o FS + FS = 92 dmg
Bandage should be used at 90hp or MORE, until you get more experienced.
You should also use bandages at 75hp lvl, but that's for more experienced players to use, because you gotta calculate hit ratio + mana regeneration lvl, BUT ANYWAYS...
Skills, no not PVP skills, trainable skills, NO NOT A TRAIN!
skills to GM : Anatomy, Meditation ( believe it or not ), Tactics, Archery ( believe it or not ), Fencing, Swordsmanship, parrying ( believe it or not ), magery ( believe it or not JUST KIDDING ), Evaluating Intelligence are required to FIGHT.
Alchemy, inscription are required to MAKE items to duel.
Poisoning, Mining, Blacksmithing to HELP you win duels.
Timing, is probably the less important thing about PvP.
Timing is something that can be easily developped, unlike other things, that become BAD habits, such as EBD ( Excessive Bandage Disease ), IVMD ( In Vas Mani Disease [ if you start saying In Vas Mani IRL, you got problems ] ,
OEFS ( Over Excessive FlameStrike Syndrome [ If you use XUO Scrolls 5 times in a row, it's NOT a good idea ] ), ETC.
Anyways, back to Timing, the best way to develop timing, is EVERYWHERE and how you do it, is just keep on casting spells on yourself.
Here's a routine I used when I was bad [ If you say I am still bad, I will cut your head off with my moustache. ] : XUO FlameStrike on YourSelf, Bandage 2 Times, Gheal Yourself. Just try doing that without FIZZLING any spells and just try to keep the less delay possible between each spell.
During tournaments,
ALWAYS ALWAYS chew gum. It may sound stupid, but gum helps you a lot during Tournaments, it helps you get good at doing 2 things at once, it helps you concentrate more on the tournament and not on the noises surrounding your computer. A little secret, yet again, by Afraz

I don't wanna elaborate more, cause I'm running out of time and gtg, I made this guide in 20 minutes and it still wrecks Nox's ugly guide.
There is no such thing as a DUELING STYLE, in Ultima Online, everyone plays differently, and that's how it will always be. Do not try to BE like other people, just see what your BEST at.. Defense, Offense, Fakes, Fake movement, Spams? No one is good at everything, but everyone is good at something. A message from the gouvernement de Quebec.
Observing a duel, is probably the most toxic thing that a new PvPer can do. Never ever observe duels, unless it's the finals between 2 GOOD players.
Just try to observe the FINISHING blow, that is the only important part of a duel, the Final Strike ( FS = FlameStrike = Final Strike Ha!Ha!Ha! [ Yes I will hang my self soon] ). Watching how they die, will help you play against those people, since everyone plays THEIR way. It might sound weird, but everyone has a different way of ENDING a duel.
I personally like to Lightning spam / Harm kills.
Makaveli tha don, liked to reflect a lot.
hmm I dunno Bilbo, liked to each Cheeseburger sandwiches and ACCIDENTLY the pickle would fall on the right button at the right time.
Just try to NOTICE how people END their duels, so you can prevent that from happening to you.
#9 Do not name your character EightySwords, or you WILL be a noobie.
I made this guide in 20 minutes, I didn't have enough time to elaborate on each subject, and now I got to go, please leave your opinions on my guide.
It owns Nox's guide
