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a little reminder

here and there we get a suggestion to change a sphere feature to how it was on inr or inx. ok, no problem with that. we are trying to reproduce two shards that tons of people loved so we are trying to meet your demands.

a staff member might answer this person by saying "it wasnt like that on sphere and we're tring to make a replica so no, sorry." the person then says "its just one thing so it wont change it much"

id like to remind everyone that little changes like adding another type of ride, or being able to cut a res robe with a wep adds up and people who join the shard in say 1 year time after all these little changes players ask for, they will say "this isnt a 95% sphere replica" which we say we are.

so please keep in mind that while we are open to suggestions, you have to consider the cummulative effect of a change here and there. sooner or later we may be down to being a 70% sphere replica.

GM Pande

thats a valid reminder.

some people are probably debating whether or not they want a 95% sphere replica but i completely agree and support the decision to work towards a specific goal (sphere replica) until we go live and then maybe consider some of those other changes, like custom housing, etc, that people have been asking about.

[Image: Cole_Green.JPG]

What if really its only a 94% replica :| What then?

But still u make a valid point!

Saintful Sinner, The Ministry

you are engineer, you are allowed 10% error. well maybe you aren't an engineer but i am Tongue so im allowed 10% error

GM Pande

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