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Black Guard Type Event

Lets start with my proposition:

I think the GMs should sponsor an ongoing event in which they create player characters or get other players to create some for the purpose of being the public enemy #1. The GMs would supply said characters with the resources necessary for pvp (IE, newbied armor/weapons, Potions, regents, and possibly scrolls depending on how that works here) and possibly give them some beefed out stats to make them harder to kill (black guards had 300 in each stat). They then make them attackable no matter where they are. Also people playing these characters need to remember that they are there to incite pvp and to eventually get killed.. Gotta play fair.

When these characters are killed they would drop their regents and pots and an item that can be redeemed for rewards. Rewards could be things like Armor, Magic Weapons, Craftable Weapons, Potions, etc.

Reasons to do this:

Because you insist on the ridiculously difficult skill gain, especially for crafts, pvp is pretty much non existent at this time.. And lets face it that's the reason 90% of the people here are playing again. You run the risk of the majority of your players getting bored while the ones that want to stay train skills.. But if everyone else leaves while they are macroing for the next month to get that alchemy/blacksmithing/Bowcrafting etc then they will have nothing to do once they are done (Hmm Sounds familiar...) Right now everyone is off macroing skills that will get the economy going and are necessary for pvp.. It would be nice for them to be able to actually do some pvping when they have time and macro when they don't.

In Conclusion:

It could use some fine tuning but I believe that implementing something like this would give pvp a bit of a jump start (especially if they could redeem the items dropped for pvp resources). Now i'm not saying add in vending machines for potions and such that make those craft skills useless.. The only thing that could be used would be the reward tokens.. And they can disappear when they are no longer needed.

I realise the shard is still young, but if you wait too long to do something to encourage the things that people play for it might be too late. Also i would imagine that as a new player logging in for the first time you would be more excited to see 1-5 people running around brit trying to kill this event character than 2 people afk macroing and a tumbleweed roll by the bank.


hes is right but also its not enough to bring old days it ll make u a IN world with 20-30 playerbase for long and it ll down when everyone gonna bored killed eachother Smile

I agree 100%. If they want a player base period they had better think about everything you have mentioned and I.

I like this idea. Smile I'll look into it. I'm thinking I could do something like this with the event system so that the Black Guard's armors aren't lootable by players, but I can add 'loot' to them after the fact. Tongue

Actually I think I just happened on an idea that could make this work. Tongue

The idea is good, but you're just going to have a bunch of people wanting to play them. Also, a 1v1 against these would be kind of ridiculous.

To promote PVP, make a PVM area that is a bit better than everywhere else to hunt. Eventually you'll have some group fights to control the spawns. As it stands, there are so many places to go that the population is so spread out you rarely see anyone else.

First off, the players don't have a choice as to who gets to play them. The GMs can either ask certain people or just play them themselves if they have time. And of course 1v1 would be ridiculous against them, but it is possible, people tried back on IN and a few actually succeeded by being tricky. The nice thing about fighting these people is the fact that they will not loot you. So even if you die you are not going to lose anything unless some sneaky player comes by and tries to take your stuff.

I have made two spots for blackguards to resupply with a way to teleport between the two.
I also made a guild for them, and two places they can go to res.

The only thing that's left for me to do is to set up their loot. I don't know what the loot should be though.

What was it on the old server? Just regs and pvp scrolls? Some gold?

Yeah it was their regs, potions and scrolls, bandages etc.. Pretty much all the things needed to pvp efficiently. As well as a little orb that each black guard had to have on them at all times that could be redeemed for prizes (the more you had the better the prizes you could get were)

I ran into some problems with the way I was setting it up through the event system. :/ I may have to end up doing it with newbied items after all, or Shade needs to change the Event Suppliers so that they correctly copy spellbooks because as of now, all the BlackGuards get empty spellbooks. :<

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