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HI there!


- regards, Fable

Hey Elcid , Torack i remember you as well =D

That been a long a time since IN1 :eek:

Ill make a come back as well hope more from DOOM, VAMPIRE , KoV and other guild i dont remember , i know DOOM changed name in the last of IN1 but every player.
Any new of Saturn ? :lol:

well see you around guys =)

Hope to join this shard as well =) i wish to get my old account back too.
Cold Anyway to make this back =P im just kidding =)


Tiesto ... That was in my bad time =P
sry if i loot yur house gota change the key lock next time =)

<3 you Wink

Barb, you played on in and xuo then.. i understand. If you did play xuo, were are your friends?

i duno abour the other but , ill join back =O
and friend ... do i have friend Rolleyes

humm theyare too busy playing WoW , i sick about this game as well , O.o

and Blackfrog u gota join back , im sure there are more ppl we know in ...

if they can get their reel name =)

Barbie wowza havnt seen you in forever dunno if you remember me from back in the day but i remember you heh and your lovely pink hair

cya ingame hopefully soon


I cant remember every player as well , i remmeber some old jack like

sry i know i forget some -.o

Players :
Mike the Warlord
Saturn <--- How forget ex Husban? Tongue
Salahar the Sage
Sry for those i forget Rolleyes

Sry Quamos , im sure i seen you somewhere lol but where ... :I
Been like 4 yr + ;O

Barbie Wrote:i duno abour the other but , ill join back =O
and friend ... do i have friend Rolleyes

humm theyare too busy playing WoW , i sick about this game as well , O.o

and Blackfrog u gota join back , im sure there are more ppl we know in ...

if they can get their reel name =)

I will play on here, with my bro and some others.
But i'm still not sure that you did play Xuo back.
IF you are the Barbie from tus Xuo, the other 2 Barbie's does play WoW?
Anyway i really hope its you and not another one Wink

Blackfog Wrote:IF you are the Barbie from tus Xuo, the other 2 Barbie's does play WoW?
Anyway i really hope its you and not another one Wink

Who else =)

Yeah im playing WoW , Zuluhed US server ,alliance side 60 rogue , 60 pally ,
60 priest , But we moved to Riverdale when BC relesed , So i have 70 pally horde side =D

yee Barbie! i remember you to.. wats good! Big Grin long time no see.

Bow Down To The ScareKing! jeje

[Image: scarecrowinxkd2.gif]

so... other barbies addicted to WOW? curse that game!:evil:

- regards, Fable

Fable Wrote:so... other barbies addicted to WOW? curse that game!:evil:

Fable.. howw bad is Torak? LOLOL im srry.. hes just bad, needed to remind you guys Sad

Bow Down To The ScareKing! jeje

[Image: scarecrowinxkd2.gif]

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