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Roll Call For Moving To Rel Por

FYI Everyone this shard appears as if it is going to be very heavily populated and the much smaller custom map makes it very active as far as other players in the world around you.

Aeo and I are working on Registering an ImagineNation chat room on the same mIRC server that Relpors chat is on. This will make it easier for us to all meet up and chat to get together in game. For now we are just in the room #ImagineNation but we will work on getting it registered. As long as we are in the room it will be around though so you have one of two options for meeting up with us there:

#1 If you are familiar with mIRC you can download mIRC, go to server, and join the channel #imaginenation or type /j #imaginenation in a chat and you will see us there

#2 In alternative you aren't hip to mIRC, you can simply go to, go under the community tab, hit the #relpor IRC Chat, it will then load and you can type in /j #imaginenation.

As an FYI in order to change your name to your name instead of newbie and a number you will need to type in /nick & then your name.

We hope to see some of you in there soon. This is going to be a blast. There are tons of people amped for this launch.

I've joined the #imaginenation irc chat room, downloaded/install all the files needed. Now I am just waiting on the server to come back up to create an account and I'll hopefully see you guys around.

i just logged in my name is makaveli so.. are skills training hard there because i dont feel like macro everynight like here... :p

My weekend has been busy spending time with family. I've got everything installed, just need to log in and make a character. Hopefully I'll be on a bit tonight.

Makaveli & Guast Good to here you coming on board! We are about 4 or 5 solid right now and with the 2 of you we should start to have people to be on alot more at the same time. Illuvator (Arthur) and I have been working to get bandies so that we can spar up our melee skills but we essentially only catch each other for an hour or 2 each time as he is not in the same time zone. Aeo, Belgar,& I are on now trying to start pulling money together so we can get our players estabilshed and start saving for a house. Do you guys know how to get on the mIRC channel we are on? We have one of our own registered on the same server as the relpor channel just join #Imaginenation. Thats where we are all meeting up to chat and coordinate getting together in game. So for any other in players that would be the way to jump in as well. Just come by the chat and let us know you are getting on and we can meet up and get you on your way and show you around a bit. We are really hoping to get a good group of IN players together. This looks like it is going to be a great shard. It is a great custom map and there are tons online.

i've created a char. Have just been macroing today. Looks pretty cool though.

a lot of people from IPY moved over. Looks like the Yew Militia guild is at Rel Por.

i saw you on earlier falstaff ^^

ok, I installed the files, signed up for an account, logged in and ran around a bit... Still trying to find the motivation to play UO again, so far I am not having any luck with that.

Falstaff, Gaust, & Mak. Sign in to the mIRC channel next time you sign on so we can communicate with you. There are 6 of us there now. If you still need help with getting in there after reading my previous posts lemme know! Cya in there soon!

Join us guys! Shard looks awesome. 350-450 players online. Combat skills grow quite fast. You are able to have two account so you can sparr all night and gain melee skills if you have enough bandages Wink

i cant choise what traine Smile 700 skillcap and 225 stat its..

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