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Roll Call For Moving To Rel Por

It appears we had quite a bit off interest in moving to Rel Por from the other thread. I just wanted to get down to business and confirm who is for sure in given the Launch date is only several days away on 8/3/12 so that we can get organized and form a game plan for launch. If you could reply by tommorrow at 12:30 PM CST confirming whether you are in that would be appreciated. Then we should set up a time for a quick meeting tommorrow night in the chat here to discuss what roles everyone wants to take and what our game plan will be. We can then possibly sign on to the beta afterwards to roam the custom world together and get an idea of our surroundings. It appears we may want to chose a city (my vote would be Pedran) and sign in as soon as possible on launch day to head to the chosen city and back one of our own in the cities election for minister so that we can have control over our cities skill bonuses and also the minister could chose a commander also from our group. We could then all get together and head to a dungeon or graveyard in mass so that we could put together a killing spree on the monsters to farm for gold to pull together to get a small house and guildstone so that we have a headquarters and get our name established. Then it would probably be smart for us all to go crazy gathering resources and stocking our guild house so that we have plenty for our group to start working whatever merchant skills are chosen as well as other skills so we can get established in the market. Like I said it appears we have quite a good list and if everyone on the below list is still interested I believe we could be quite a force if we work together and can put some trust in each other. Below is the list. Please respond with your confirmation of whether you are in and available later tommorrow or Thursday for a quick meeting. Also anyone additional can show interest obviously before or after tommorrow I am just trying to get the ball rolling.

List of interest:
Mister Pickles
Cory n Trevor
Ayleth Payne

Also does anyone know a site we can set up a decent free forum at in case we lose this?

Wut? I don't think I ever acknowledged Rel Por, although it is interesting. I don't see myself actually playing UO again, heh.

No problem i just misjudged your posting in the thread as interest. Should you chandge your mind let us know! Big Grin

RelPor sounds like fun, I'd like to try it out. Most of you probably don't no me but I played briefly on the new IN as Aeorox.

I'm in to try Rel Por. I got everything set up this morning and planning on logging in tonight or tomorrow to check things out.

role call*

Be|gar Wrote:role call*


hey aeo where you playin at im bout to ghet bacvk o0n one or the other booby jo said imagine nation

and me too Smile

No Rel Por for me I'm afraid, if I was ever going to play or staff again it would have to be AoS no-insurance I think, in otherwords a Phantasya or IN2-style server... It does look like a cool server though, I will be sure to keep an eye on the forums here hoping to hear how it goes for you guys.

i am still not sure what i want to do. i dont know if i want to take a break and just join a server and slowly go or what. ugh such a shame a community so strong is aparting

Hmmm. Hopefully I'm wrong but it appears the interest is drying up. Belgar and Mister Pickles are the two of you still headed that way and if so are you down for a game plan like I proposed or just going to ride solo on Rel Por? Btw either of you or anyone who has expressed interest can take the lead role on this. I am not so much interested in being a guild master. To be honest most of you are probably far better in game at PvP and techniques and such. I am merely trying to keep a fun group together for a move to a pretty cool looking shard which should provide a very fun experience especially at launch and also think we would put ourselves ahead of the pack by working together.

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