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Give the shard to the players

But people just said they know how to script out there and offered to help....

This is ridiculous, many people worked in these shard and did expend MANY hours of their free time for FREE. And because you donated 50-100 dollars (wich was DONATED!) now you are claiming for something that you don't own. It's just stupid.

ALL THE DONATED MONEY WAS USED FOR THE PURPOSE YOU DONATED IT FOR, you are no rights to come here and claim for your money or for the scripts.

PD: If you know how to script just go ahead and make your own shard. There are plenty of scripts at runuo forums.

I think the biggest problem is that there aren't any active IN players with enough established reputation willing to put the time/effort/money into hosting the code.

While I'm 100% about open sourcing the code, I would be afraid of people hosting a clone shard and calling it IN without living up to the IN name... even the leaked shards that were using leaked original-IN sphere scripts/accounts from a few years ago at least were attempting to copy the feel of IN, not just the code.

Nasir Wrote:I would be afraid of people hosting a clone shard and calling it IN without living up to the IN name... even the leaked shards that were using leaked original-IN sphere scripts/accounts from a few years ago at least were attempting to copy the feel of IN, not just the code.
I assume you're referring to Reflex's shards. That's a perfect example. He managed to get his hands on some old code, but doesn't know what the heck he's doing with it, gives stuff away, and only really uses his shard to troll us and steal players from IN when we're running a legit shard. Then he just takes it down when he's bored of it and those players vanish.

No not Reflex's shards. The scripts for the original ImagineNation were leaked and hosted by ex-IN players. I don't know who reflex is ;\

Please explain to me how the script isn't donated...if it was for wasn't giving to taran it was basicly donated so wtf is the difference..
And most people donated for a running shards and a new sever which never happened. So ya I think it was wasted.. and sorry for grammer I'm on a phone..forgot how important it was here

Oh and btw mito ill get right on scripting 10 years of code real fast..

Taran must be laughing that is another whole problem people have invested all kinds of time to this shards and now taran is just like **** u all I don't care see ya later...I can't even imagine how much time loki spent on the new pvp which is completely useless now ..and thats only one thing

Nasir Wrote:calling it IN without living up to the IN name...

Now that's comedy!


Oh i remember now! Jesus... a post from me in 2006. Was it that long ago? :O


derp... that was registered in 2006. I can read! Sad

Mael Wrote:Please explain to me how the script isn't donated...if it was for wasn't giving to taran it was basicly donated so wtf is the difference..
And most people donated for a running shards and a new sever which never happened. So ya I think it was wasted.. and sorry for grammer I'm on a phone..forgot how important it was here

Oh and btw mito ill get right on scripting 10 years of code real fast..

Taran must be laughing that is another whole problem people have invested all kinds of time to this shards and now taran is just like **** u all I don't care see ya later...I can't even imagine how much time loki spent on the new pvp which is completely useless now ..and thats only one thing

Mael I can't really understand half the stuff you say. But as I've already explained most of the donation money went to advertising and keeping the server alive. And as far as time spent goes there's noone that spent more time than me coding for IN:R, IN:X and IN. Without the donations the server would have been shut down a long time ago, so they were far from wasted. I'm sure you have some really good memories from here, so hang on to them instead.

Mael Wrote:Please explain to me how the script isn't donated...
A donation is when you have some extra money and think, "I really like this cause/service/etc and would like to help the people who are working on it with a contribution."
You then give them some money and that's it. In our case, you got some rewards for it, but that's not actually part of a donation.

I think you're thinking of a purchase where you trade money for goods or services. For example, if we had been selling subscriptions or making people pay a set amount down before they could play, you might have a valid point. (not really)

Also, check the donation page. It mentions "Hardware and software upgrades, plus electricity and hosting fees ..." (though advertising was included also). I looked over the page and didn't see anything about access to the scripts, but I only used Ctrl+F so you might read it over and correct me if I'm wrong.

For an analogy, if you decided you wanted to support returning war vets and give a contribution, then the war ends, that doesn't mean the army lets you have as many tanks and helicopters as you want.

Quote:Oh and btw mito ill get right on scripting 10 years of code real fast..
I see you understand exactly how much work is involved and don't want anything to do with it. I assume you'd also not want to have those 10 years wasted by giving out the work to people who might misuse it or don't know how to use it properly.

Quote:more words
you mad.

Eru Wrote:I assume you're referring to Reflex's shards. That's a perfect example. He managed to get his hands on some old code, but doesn't know what the heck he's doing with it, gives stuff away, and only really uses his shard to troll us and steal players from IN when we're running a legit shard. Then he just takes it down when he's bored of it and those players vanish.

I like that last words `` Then he just takes it down when he's bored of it and those players vanish.`` same stuff is now happning to The real IN xD

Its not fun that the shard cant run more, We all spent alot of time into IN, even you Taran, To bad that u guys coulndt Find a new host for the server.

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