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Give the shard to the players

I think that's a damn peachy idea, i still want to play the server, but if its shut down well then wtf.. all that time wasted, sure im not the only one who feels that way.

Providing a zip file of the entire server would be awesome, maybe only have it available for accounts that are like 50 days old or something or only accounts on the forums kinda thing or your username and password to log in. So not just anyone who's anyone can download the server.

This was the best uo server i ever played, and i would still love to play it, even if i had to set up my own little server on my own computer and only i could play or connect to it.

As for the copy right thing for sharing the server, thats wishy washy.. As far as i was concerned, anyone scripting anything automatically made it property of the creators of the actual game or the actual emulator... Further more i couldn't see anyone getting upset over "their" script being shared with out permission, when they arn't even around or playing UO or even concerned with anything uo related know what i mean vern?

+1 make server downloadable, atleast let the server live on for those who actually wanna play it from time to time.
Then maybe that way i could atleast search around for rides and explore and do quests with out worry about being pked.
and as someone else suggested, Maybe someone will re-create the Server in time and start it back up with a new host or whatever. which i can't really see.

i think the people who spent quite a bit of time macroing and playing this server and ones who contributed ideas and suggestions here and there, should atleast be given the opportunity to download the server for their own personal playing pleasures. Smile

*wonders how long until next IN reiteration*

I don't see how you can't just share the shard with everyone regardless of who wrote the scripts. Anyone who wrote a script and complains about it is just being selfish.
Do you not realize this game has been dieing for the last 10 years ? Who cares about some shitty script you wrote for some 1997 video game.
If you were really concerned about your scripting you would have already published it individually somewhere.

It's to bad even the geeks & nerds of the world don't understand how to share.
I dunno where I was going with this but I'm not gonna argue or waste time here anymore because obviously this is to much to ask for.
Be|gar Wrote:*wonders how long until next IN reiteration*
Give it a year and the shard will be back up by the same old people again which is why it wont be shared.

Thanks to all who were involved with running the IN & Xuo shard's it's been fun but soMa dies on the 31'st.

p.s Tranith I concur with your statements now that I read them lol

Even in death there's greed and selfishness ?lol

Bobafett Wrote:Is there any possibilities from the staff to give the shard to the players? I think this actual version could be kept alive while new ideas are discussed and a new shard is set up, this would give the shard a fresh start and would allow the player base to grow again while the old players keep their work from hours of macroing..

If there is plan for a new version or discussions about a new development , just let me know it will be a pleasure to help with coding and technical stuff.


Alexei Wrote:Up!

Already been answered. Some bits of the code will be published, but it's up to the people who created the code to do so. Apparently the vendor system will be released and I'll be releasing my patcher once I've modified it to work with other shards, added comments, etc.

I think what you mean is the core files and the miscellaneous scripts that make up the shard itself. Those probably won't be released since they're technically not ours to release. We're using scripts that have been developed over nearly 10 years by a horde of different people and we don't have their permission to release them, plus the core files/modifications that change it to emulate Sphere are even less likely to be released.

There's plenty of scripts available on the RunUO forums though and some of ours even come from there. (Runegate libraries, a lot of the custom artwork, etc.) That's a good place to start if you're looking into recreating it and these forums will be here so someone should be able to help if you have questions about how to do something, etc.

If anyone intends to emulate INs emulation of an emulator, I can answer questions. While I can't share the scripts, I can answer conceptual questions about the couple core changes that were made. IN:X's deviations from the stock RunUO core were extremely minimal and I'm willing to bet very little changed on this version of IN.

Unfortunately, something I doubt anybody can reproduce without the actual scripts is the Sphere-esque combat balance (or lack thereof). If I remember correctly, Maka put a lot of effort into farming data from sphere to get damage to feel right. That was something we could never get perfect on IN:Reborn and really what made the IN:R/XUO merge necessary.

For some reason I think that people who complain about scripts not being published are the ones who never scripted and have no idea what it's like. Sure we had a lot of dev's throughout these years, but well, to be honest it would be more than enough to ask permission of people that are still around. Maka is(was) reachable, Nasir and Cana are still around on the forums, so is Echo and Loki.
But even if the possibility of Taran recreating the server in future is very low, it still exist. What if in a year Taran will get his interest back but won't be able to open the server again plainly because everyone already has the shard that he developed since 2007... You cannot possible call a person selfish if it's that person and not you was the one who shared his freetime throughout these years...
Oh and even though Maka is inactive for ages and most likely don't care about UO at all I still think he wouldn't get too excited of the fact that even Reflex now has the scripts that he spent thousands hours to write, considering the big friendship these two kept xd

To be honest I think people need to look to other forms of UO than Sphere emulation, as "balanced" as IN was (in the sense that it successfully emulated a lot of .51a) it's still fundamentally broken (because .51a Sphere is fundamentally broken) and I'm pretty sure that doesn't help to attract new (non-ex-51a/TUS .48) players.

Plus the number of times on these very forums people asked for the following:
1) Taming working in PvP
2) More interesting monsters and PvM
3) Better PvP balance
4) Magic jewelry etc.
5) More interesting magic properties than just dmg/accuracy
6) Champions
etc. etc. I get bored of the list...

But guess what, if you pick up a newer version of UO (Publish 17/18, AoS, SL etc. etc.) you get most of those things.

Also another massive point: a Sphere server's economy will always end up going down the toilet, everyone can (eventually) make everything and be totally self-sufficient with no need for anyone else. It has happened on every Sphere server I've seen and the only way to fight it (temporarily) is ridiculous grind-fest skillgain (which isn't much fun or attractive to many players, UO is an old game)or item wipes (which also suck) but in a skillcapped system people can actually have a trade and it has value, the economy works because people need other people, especially if you limit the number of characters and accounts per player.

Rather than starting with something broken and trying to patch it up to what you want, you should really try starting with something that works and then alter/remove the things you don't like (e.g. insurance etc.) and then add the things that are missing (custom armours, stangs, decoration etc.)

That's my opinion anyway, I was happy to stick with the Sphere .51a style on IN because of the great community, great customisation and decoration and because I found the other staff great to work with, those are hard things to build from nothing. But if someone is planning on starting something new, I strongly suggest a new approach.

:eek: Interesting how the server goes down and there are over 20 people on the FORUMS now :eek:

In all honestly I don't see why u would not share the scripts...its just rediculous that so many people donated to this shards for it to be just shit on...honestly I guess dragon was right...all the donation money was ****ing waisted...if the scripts went shared why don't you pay all the people that (instead of scripting donated) ther damm money back.. its a sad sad day..shame on u taren

One other thing...the MAIN reason for the sever not being populated enough was because of taran not trusting people to run stuff for players that's the main reason eveyone left....oh what u want a house sorry no one around to do that ..I could go on but I'm sure everyone gets what I'm saying...

Mael Wrote:waisted
wasted *

The money was spent on advertising, electricity, other services to keep the shard running (Dropbox, Mibbit, etc), hosting charges when we were looking for a reliable dedi, etc.

Notice that 'payroll' is not in our list of expenses. Everything that was done was done by devs for free. If you take all the donations that are left over and divided them equally amongst everyone who worked on the shard based on the time they spent, they'd be making about a penny an hour.

I see no reason to make the scripts public for reasons that have already been discussed in detail. We've offered to help people who are trying to script and we'll have the forums open even after the shard is down, so I feel free to script it yourself. Another thing is, if we do release it, there would suddenly be like 10 clones of IN with noone who knows how to script anything running on a residential connection. So, as soon as something broke, it would probably end up going down.

The decision's already been made, but feel free to rage some more.

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