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GMs doing anything? another subject about player base way down!!!

well i for one sure as hell am not going to D3..i want nothing to do with that mess..and if you enjoy playing the same bosses/ level a millions times have fun lol...ya smoke just like EPIC LOOTZ DOODS...

lawl u cant be a genius, u prefer diablo 3 to this masterpiece(UO), secondly, "maybe listen to the players and give them what they want instead of trying to create other new things and automated things", yea lets all start giving away free stuff to players just coz we listen doesnt mean we have to make what a mortal asks, that would make the system even more unbalanced... so again brainy smoke u should leave for real coz ur not helping at all...

On this matter ragers(PVPers) should not help... only RP people should share coz at least they can think logical...
And i believe we should start by making vote polls so we know people needs/tastes, coz soon enough this thread will get messy by alot of coming back ragers, and nothing will be done, not by staff, not by us...

sm0ke Wrote:what i see in this thread is something i've said from the very start which makes me look like a genius yet it was so very obvious to see from the very beginning.

staff not active or don't feel appreciated so they go and spy and have fun instead of creating it for other players, you think you should even been a staff member if your feelings get hurt because of the way people talk to you? No your suppose to be above thats why you have the job. A good judgement call is whats needed.

Like i said there could be MUCH more effort with being active instead of thinking or knowing whats best for this shard for your selves, maybe listen to the players and give them what they want instead of trying to create other new things and automated things?

anyways like i've said from the beginning people will move on to diablo 3 if they didn't like how the shard was heading into certain directions and that's exactly what did happen lol it's not rocket science.

I my self love diablo 3 im almost in act 4 inferno and can't stop playing even with the terrible launch of some classes and the lag was still worth the 60$ by far because you at least get some enjoyment out of it rather than waiting around here waiting for events or waiting for scared people who don't want to lose items to go hunt. (i'm not saying you should be here constantly 100% of the time but there was very little times staff was actually active or had enough balls to actually host something without getting there "feelings" hurt)

What a surprise, you're still a loser. You're also still an idiot, who would have thought?

Well even I agree with all that was said. Months was spent on pvp, well now that it's done how about the rest of us. Some monster bash's, farmer Bob's chickens escaped in minoc find and kill them all one has a rare item. Boxing matches that the gloves have a 8% chance to fireball. Treasure hunts these things all happened before and have stopped for some reason. All the focus was on the 15 players that pvp and left the crafters, hunters out. Oh no ranger ed's dawrven o'clock escaped lets find it. So many simple things to excite people

Crash Wrote:farmer Bob's chickens escaped in minoc find and kill them all one has a rare item
You're nearly right. Farmer Joe's chickens have actually escaped near Yew and one of them has several rare items, some gold and imagine nickels.

Good luck finding him though. Tongue there's like a thousand chickens there.

Ha that's great but a jerk thing to do while I'm at work

Eru Wrote:You're nearly right. Farmer Joe's chickens have actually escaped near Yew and one of them has several rare items, some gold and imagine nickels.

Good luck finding him though. Tongue there's like a thousand chickens there.

5,000gp, 20 Imagine Nickels, and three sacks of hen-pecked seed. Farmer Joe needs to take better care of his chickens because entirely too many of them escaped. I'd like to know what he fed super chicken because that little booger was tough as nails.

Thank you eru

Crash Wrote:Thank you eru


Mister Pickles Wrote:5,000gp, 20 Imagine Nickels, and three sacks of hen-pecked seed. Farmer Joe needs to take better care of his chickens because entirely too many of them escaped. I'd like to know what he fed super chicken because that little booger was tough as nails.

hahahaha this was to funny i must say!!!!!!

I half-expected there to literally be 1,000 chickens. Once all of the chickens are killed super chicken spawns. His corpse contains one carrot named "trollpic.jpg".

You have to bear in mind that 99% of the PvP-related work was just me, I'm not saying that to brag, I'm saying that the rest of the staff continued service as normal during that period, the PvPers were not prioritised by anyone except for me, and that's because that is my background in UO and the way in which I could contribute as a staff member.

I've never been much good at events or RP, I mostly do pages, statics and scripts (like the PvP changes). I just want to dispel the myth that PvPers are favoured over other player types, it isn't true, I'm not trying to argue though I just want people to know that we do care about all types of players, it's just specific GMs are good at specific things and that is reflected in what each GM gets up to.

Right now I think a lot of the staff are on holiday, personally my RL has gone into total overload and I haven't had a chance to touch UO for weeks. Unfortunately that happens sometimes, eventually I'll have time again I'm sure. In the meantime there's not much I can do about it, I don't recommend sacrificing anything in your RL for the sake of UO and whilst it may sound harsh I would never give UO (or any other video game for that matter) priority over real things in my life.

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