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Sol's first PVM event - Thursday 17:00 Central Standard Time (24:00 Server Time)

I will be hosting a PvM event on Thursday 5/10/2012 at 24:00 Server Time. I will post more specifics starting around an hour before the event starts! I hope to see lots of you people out there for it!

P.S. - There will be a special prize for participants!

To figure out server time, say this in game "What time is it". You could also check the Server Status page on the website

you can count me in Sol. c;

24:00 thanks alot for we that live around that time . it is late night here when u host the event, But thats fine perfect that someone does something :=) keep it up sol

This event is still on, and only about 6 hours away! Hope to see lots of people out for it!

I hope everyone had fun! We had a decent turn out of about 18 people!

Everyone that came out for the event, walked away with a new pair of HOT sandals!

Thanks everyone for coming!


*pout* was hoping to make this but had to get ready for work. Hopefully next time Smile

That's what we were waiting 4 months ago , instead spending stuff time for new PvP-system , how we can see Online: 45 to late , but anyway good luck ^^

Hi Sol, can you make other pvm events?

Everything dies Dogis, we will as well, soon or later... Wow it reminds me of song:

It could be minutes away
It could be hours or days
Before the bottom falls out
Before the ground gives way

DOGIS Wrote:That's what we were waiting 4 months ago , instead spending stuff time for new PvP-system , how we can see Online: 45 to late , but anyway good luck ^^

Only my time was put into the PvP changes and lack of PvP changes earlier probably cost us players as well.

Nevertheless, I think summer, girls in summer dresses, exams, D3, people going on holiday, UO/IN nostalgia fading away after a year etc. etc. are all also factors. People oversimplify and blame the things they want to blame, but the fact is if 100+ players leave/go inactive there isn't just 1 reason, everyone has their own reasons and 90% of them are out of our hands. Perhaps when D3 becomes boring, the weather gets worse and people come home from holidays the playerbase will start to rise again.

you are right loki, but i will be still on game xD

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