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Public Chat

I think public chat should be disabled. If you want a sphere environment there is no public chat. Next when a new player comes on and you have all these people swearing and acting like kids they don't want to play here. Also there's been a lot of heated discussions on public chat that people don't want to read and can sway the population.

Maybe have it for trading only? Have GMs monitor it so that it is used for trading only or if you needed to talk to someone privately you can just .pm them.

Otherwise I see it as a disease to the shard. Think of it, if you never had it.. depth probably wouldnt be hated so much.. and the shard wouldn't have hated him so much and prototype would still be around... haha jk

Also player vendors would be used more, therefore people actually buying from them.. and making crafters stay online to craft stuff for their vendors.. creates more of a society rather than condescending remarks towards other players..

just my 2 cents


You can turn it off if don't want it... Smile

That's not the point. You don't have that old sphere feeling where you had to socialize with people face to face. I don't have to constantly turn it on and off to see what people are saying. I know it's there so why not leave it on? If a GM decides to talk in chat I would like to see it because you guys rarely ever broadcast anything.. and if you like seeing a bunch of teens using profanity and harassing other players or letting the whole shard know someone looted a GH and have people quit over it. Whatever I don't mean to offend you in any way but I just think that you saying 'You can just turn it off' means you don't really see the point.

ElvenBane Wrote:That's not the point. You don't have that old sphere feeling where you had to socialize with people face to face. I don't have to constantly turn it on and off to see what people are saying. I know it's there so why not leave it on? If a GM decides to talk in chat I would like to see it because you guys rarely ever broadcast anything.. and if you like seeing a bunch of teens using profanity and harassing other players or letting the whole shard know someone looted a GH and have people quit over it. Whatever I don't mean to offend you in any way but I just think that you saying 'You can just turn it off' means you don't really see the point.

Someone people like it.... some people don't... we don't make you use it.
If you don't want to see all the crap (which i agree there is to much of it) you have the option to turn it off.
Just because you don't want to see it doesn't mean others feel the same.

I understand where you are coming from but at the same time we need to cater to everyone's needs and the option to have it on or off does that.

I agree with you 100% but you're losing players having it. Wink Maybe have it so its automatically off and you can turn it on?
like It doesn't seem like it has an effect, but it really does.
Take a shard like UO Demise for example, has a 300-700 playerbase when I tried it out. It didn't have a public chat. A lot of smaller well made shards like IN came up, had public chat, invited a lot of pvpers which in turn invited a lot of rage and the shard suffered the repercussions.

I dunno I don't want to debate over it, thought I'd throw my 2 cents and some of my experience out there. ;p

ElvenBane Wrote:I agree with you 100% but you're losing players having it. Wink Maybe have it so its automatically off and you can turn it on?
like It doesn't seem like it has an effect, but it really does.
Take a shard like UO Demise for example, has a 300-700 playerbase when I tried it out. It didn't have a public chat. A lot of smaller well made shards like IN came up, had public chat, invited a lot of pvpers which in turn invited a lot of rage and the shard suffered the repercussions.

I dunno I don't want to debate over it, thought I'd throw my 2 cents and some of my experience out there. ;p

I like the idea of default is off and you have to turn it on. Smile

I agree with EB 100%...no one talks to eachother other than chat and Its annoying to see ppl cry after getting pkd. And turning it off by myself doesn't help because the same shit still happens I just don't see it which is useless...keep pms and GMs should broadcast events and stuff Smile

Bruce Wrote:Someone people like it.... some people don't... we don't make you use it.
If you don't want to see all the crap (which i agree there is to much of it) you have the option to turn it off.
Just because you don't want to see it doesn't mean others feel the same.

I understand where you are coming from but at the same time we need to cater to everyone's needs and the option to have it on or off does that.

no actually the option to have it off or on is irrelevant. Because by having it on by default you are turning off certain players.

I like the world chat, I'd hate to see it go altogether. There is lots more it gets used for besides those abusing each other, I do however agree the raging could turn away newer players though.

Off by default seems like a good compromise to keep both sides happy and newer folk from seeing some of the over the top raging that happens.

Bruce Wrote:Someone people like it.... some people don't... we don't make you use it.
If you don't want to see all the crap (which i agree there is to much of it) you have the option to turn it off.
Just because you don't want to see it doesn't mean others feel the same.

I understand where you are coming from but at the same time we need to cater to everyone's needs and the option to have it on or off does that.

Uhm okay heres the deal.
You have 12 posts so I'm not sure you really know what kind of talk has been going on in game... perhaps you have.
I'm going to assume not.

If anything, chat should be disabled for new people and they should have to enable it if they want it.
You have to realize there are people who come here and see all the bullshit people give each other ALL DAY LONG,
all the profanity, all the *****ing and crying... I'm going to tell you right now, it doesn't 'attract' more players.

I vote yes, disable it.

Edit: Public Chat is a horrible idea in itself, there is much less player interaction going on in-game as well as the declining player base. If I had to guess why at least one of the reasons player base has taken a shit, it would be player chat. EASILY.

btw, bruce I saw you agree with the default of chat being OFF. wham.

Better to start think how we could get ppl to play this shard . More skill days? Active gms? We have Lost over 120ppl in 1 month what is wrong? Think the owner and gmS need to figure that out. Idont blame on you guys . Just want to get ppl to stat here longer// bensa

BenSa Wrote:Better to start think how we could get ppl to play this shard . More skill days? Active gms? We have Lost over 120ppl in 1 month what is wrong? Think the owner and gmS need to figure that out. Idont blame on you guys . Just want to get ppl to stat here longer// bensa

Honestly, do you really think we lost people due to the lack of 'skill days'?
Highly doubtful.

The skills are set the way they are for a reason.
There is already a starting skill stone... noob status.

IF, say we hit 200 players again? Maybe then we could be rewarded with another skill week, as of right now...
There is no point.

there should be more going on in terms of 'active' staff.

Not all, but some.

I'll leave that at that.


you cannot tell me the public chat has had no repercussion of people leaving.
When I came back and started playing here a month ago or so, there was 200 + online..
everyday there is a new low...

In regards to the chat system, I had to page for a staff member to tell me how to use it, how to disable it.. etc.

I had no clue how to use the new gump, and instantly hated it. Hey, just being honest.
It is a nuisance. When high levels of disrespect is portrayed off the bat when joining IN,
who could honestly say it would bring more players? Seriously? It's always the same people,
everyday, all day.

All this is, is a way for the 'annoying', to be more annoying.
This is hurting the vendor mall as well, since everyone thinks they need to spam what they are selling 1 million times a day.
I mean, come on!

This is a way for people to be even more lazy and talk shit in public chat instead of in person. The entire populace can see, and are forced to see when they are new ! !

UO is a dying game, and the players a dying breed. Do the math, how old are most of us now? At least 20 and up right?
Who the hell wants to play a shard that is displaying a bunch of 12 year olds whine and fight? It dis-encourages RP, the friendly atmosphere, and actual player interaction.

What about the ones who have kids now who play the game with them? Do you think they are going to stick around this kind of atmosphere?

I say GONE.

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