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More...... Quests........

I tried WOW, last year, it was fun, quest after quest, tons of useless items, feels good tho doesn't it.
I know this isn't WOW.
But there's a reason WOW is still popular today.

Have more Quests.
shard definitely has potential, when i saw the Spell book Quest and the quests in the Merc camp, i was like ****ing A,
then dissapointed, there arn't to many other quests like that.

you could have fully automated quests like that, all over the world, some in red towns some in blue..
all give different items... repeat over and over.
the Quests for thinning population to gain skill books is ****ing genious.

Only problem is.. You only have them for Combat skills, and yet you have combat so easily trainable in merc camp with practise weapons and sparring partners. Thats Great leave it be.

But how about Adding some Quests for skill books for the HARDER skills. i don't mean make em easy like the other quests...
But ya know pretty rare, might add another item for people to sell in vendors for the market economy idea...

But the point is to have like 100's more of these in game automatic quests....
Even if just the Prize at the end is gold, make it worth it.
go kill 20 dragons, and get 50k...
I like that idea of killing certain amount of monsters of a type and then going back to the quest vendor and cashing in.
Maybe every once in a while throw in a alchemy or bs or crafting type skill book, i mean rarely but would make the whole thing worth while...

People want automated quests...
This idea would go great with the other suggestion i made that taran loved, for a pop up window with advice or tips n hints...
have tips n hints for other quests....

Oh go to destard and see the smelly old indian in the third level for a quest for killing dragons or something..

You guys already have the idea going....with all the other automated quests..
So i can't see it being to hard in implementing more and more quests of the same time..

this will attract players alone... 100's of ingame quests for 100's of random items...

Maybe throw in a random bless deed for one item here in there 1 out of a million chance...

Anyways just an idea, UO is old, and dieing fast.
Hard to get players interested. But if it has a few more modern game type techniques or features implemented, which you guys already have, but need to kinda add more of, then i would say this server could easily attract more people.

and secondly.. I would make VOTING using the .vote command, give a little more incentive..
1k? for every 12 hours?
I can go hunt for 12 hours in the same spot non spot and probably get close to 100k in 12 hours time...
maybe have every time you vote you get a VOTE STONE pearl or something.. once u get like 50 vote stones, u can cash it in for a random dye tub or something.. something to that effect.. 1k gold doesn't seem to be cutting it..
average of 150 players online, every 12 hours should have 300 votes in a day? either way shard isn't getting enuff votes with the current 1k incentive..

just an ranting.

Getting 1 nickel for voting would make me remember it more often Smile

Venos Wrote:Getting 1 nickel for voting would make me remember it more often Smile

I think I'd have a macro .vote running as soon as I log in so I dont forget Big Grin

We have several quests listed in the quest section on the website ( There are also 4-5 other quests that are available in the world that are not listed (Ex: Look for Inez near Despise, Reyhan near Yew Cemetary). With that being said we could definitely create some more quests and I believe there are a few in the works.

While i think you suggestion are good , i dont really think the comparison with wow is right.
Peaple still join uo after 16year (?) because they are sick of the monotone easy other mmorpgs.
I think adding more sandboxy elements into uo would be more fitting , uo lost thier playerbase because they gone into the direction of the other 'modern' mmos like wow (on the original servers at least).

Anyway , i think that does not mean that its bad to take a certain aspect of those games , but dont make it ruin the raw experience of UO.

Yea that all makes sense.
I don't mean recreate WOW in UO style.
But i just meant it would add more to hunting in a dungeon or traveling the world and exploring, if there was an incentive or reason, oh we're doing a quest to kill as many certain monsters scattered all over, not only do we get the loots from them, but when we're finished we get another little extra bonus gold loot.
I dunno i would like to see more of those, like the thinning population, maybe more rare skill books is all. Would give alot of people something to do, and a encourage people to explore perhaps, rather then stay in britain and hunt the same 3 dungeon spots while risk being pked, gets old and played out.
Id rather get pked in a new area for a change while hunting in a completely new spot doing a new quest or tast lol. just me i guesslol

Or how about make TREASURE maps actually give decent loots,more random rares..

Iv done several Treasure Maps, and the loot is pretty damn lame, like 1k in gold, a few useless peices of armor which are just a few AR ratings better then Plate, and a few regs..

Some of them take a while to find, not to mention, iv dont alot of hunting, and it seems Treasure Maps are actually some what rare to get...
so loot wise its set up pretty good i would think, its just the Items you get when you finally crack open the chest is just garbage lol.
no incentive to even bother wasting time. Goood thing is it gives people a reason to explore and run around, but eh gotta give em a lil something more then 1k lol

I like the idea of improving treasure maps. Maybe put monsters (tough ones) on top of treasure map locations to make it more difficult to compensate for the reward increase. I'd like to see rare deco items too, wouldn't have to be weapons/armor/etc, but a random painting or something. I havent done much treasure hunting but it sounds like a waste of time at this point.

The crafting skill books seems like a good idea, but getting them from quests might be a turn off for crafters who don't like to fight. I guess they could buy them from the hunters. The crafting quests are interesting, but I still haven't found the black widow recipe yet hah.

+1 vote Smile

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