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Mounts (behave and veterinary)

So i noticed that my horse is not my horse anymore... (traitor ****!!), i guess this happened because i didnt feed him a single time, is that right?

If thats the case, how often do i have to feed him so he doesnt leave me?

I have some more questions below:

1 (about Vet): Can a GM veterinary resurrect mounts? The last shard i was playing you could make a mount loyal to you, and this loyal mount's spirit would wander around once dead waiting to be resurrected by a vet. Is that possible here or veterinary is just used to heal monsters?

2 (about BS): Im kinda confused, i spent a couple of days mining to get 20k iron ingots to start training BS, i went crazy when i saw that i only gained 4.0 skill points with those 20k ingots... (i got 55 BS) is that normal? is it really THAT hard to raise BS even at low levels? Don't get me wrong, im not complaining, every shard is as their admins want it to be and we must deal with it if we choose to play there, im just asking around to know how this shard works Tongue

3 (about Healing): I noticed a few things using bandages that feels strage to me. When i use a bandage i disarm (not a problem having razor) but do i stop attacking too? I noticed that when i bandage myself and reequip my weapons my characted takes A LOT of time to strike the monster, way after i receive 2 o 3 of their attacks, so im not sure if my char is defending himself from the hostile attacks os still attacking by my previous command (im not sure if i made my point... i just wanna know if i have to reattack the monster after bandaging) I also noticed that you cant cast any spell while bandaging, am i right?

4 (about attacking): I also noticed that MANY times i need to spam double clicks (many times) to start attacking a monster, i double click it, then double kill its hp bar and my character just doesnt want to attack him, the solution i found in razor was a macro to select a new target and AttackLastTarget, why would that be?

Thank you and Farewell (and sorry for the bunch of probably silly questions).

about the horse going wild:
well im not sure how many times you have to feed it.. but if you stay mounted it will never go away.. also i heard giving him commands will raise his happiness.

1-you cant rez mounts with vet...
2-yeah.. bs is that hard here because of the economy! easy bs, crapy economy! what makes this shard so great is the economy! it rules here and we hope it stays that way Tongue to gm bs though you spend around 400k iron if you smelt your daggers... at 90 bs i spend around 18k ingots to raise 1.0 if i smelt my daggers.. those 4.0 i believe you didnt smelt right?
3-yeah, you're right.. you have to attack the monster again after healing.. thats because if you hit the healing and double click the monster to attack you will fail heal...
4-this issue i dont have.. i double click and it attacks... but that razor macro is more efficient than double clicking anyway ;P

Thanks for the answer, i didnt smelt the daggers yet, but im going to, but they are about 6k daggers and smelting 1 by 1 is a boring work even with macro xD

Ressing animals is Bond system which is AoS+ thing, if I'm not mistaken.

We need something to do with people who find out how hard it is to gain in crafting skills Wink

Daggers here form a pile, which is very convenient to my mind.

Merdento Wrote:Thanks for the answer, i didnt smelt the daggers yet, but im going to, but they are about 6k daggers and smelting 1 by 1 is a boring work even with macro xD

my macro smelts the daggger right after its done ;D
so its not a boring work hehe and i can leave my pc overnight with 13k ingots!
i only smelt one by one if i use colored metal because when you smelt those you get regular ingots back.

Yeah, smelt it right after it's done. I think everyone here does it.

yeah, i was too lazy yesterday to modify the script, now it smelts the daggers after creating them. Still too damn slow!!


Im sorry guys i got another question and i dont think i need to open a new thread for this... so i will put it here, lets hope someone read it!

What is the functionality of this?

It appears when you click the blue button on your stat bar (maximized), does anyone know what is it for?

Thank you again.

[COLOR="#B22222"]It show you the buff or debuff you currently have.


I think it doesn't work in here.

Xerxes Wrote:[COLOR="#B22222"]It show you the buff or debuff you currently have.


Elia Wrote:I think it doesn't work in here.

Both correct. You can disable it in options somewhere or other.

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