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Xuo pvp? spamming.

Zoalqill Wrote:I'm with Skorpion on the journal thingy. I'm one of those who always have my journal up and likes to check it out every now and then and sometimes I really need it cause some people use such stupid font colors sometimes that almost are invisible to the eye.

The thing with the spamming is that all the spam makes it totally impossible to go back and read whatever that person said. A little suggestion to what Skorpion said would be that you could remove powerwords from the journal entirely. That way you'd never get a spammed journal. I dunno if this feature would be possible to script but I can't think it wouldn't be.

yeah man I just explained it, the Filter '[filter' command will block out any one spamming or talking in the PvP arena's.

n0x* Wrote:yeah man I just explained it, the Filter '[filter' command will block out any one spamming or talking in the PvP arena's.
Never used nor seen before. But anyway, would that only apply to the journal or in the game screen as well? Cause that'd be devastating :p

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n0x* Wrote:10 WOP's every 4 seconds is very reasonable.

I still think thats too much =/ 10 rows in 4 seconds... thats still considered spam to me

10 rows/ 4 seconds is about 3 swings with a fast weapon that will probably result in 2 hits. I'll most likley balance the "anti spam" thingy after a battle axe, as it's somewhere in the middle. I think that one spam macro should have 4 words in it, so that the real spell doesn't always come up at the same place. People that PvP will soon notice that you can actually see what an opponent is casting depending on the spam macro structure. You never have time to read the actuall spell words, you just get a feel of what it might be.

About the journal filter thing, it's either all or nothing. You can never just allow it to filter WOPs and leave real power words, this will make it an abuse heaven, but I can make it so that it filters away all power words. Filter works in a similar way, the diffrence with this command would be that you won't have to be out of LOS for it to work.

Zoalqill Wrote:I'm with Skorpion on the journal thingy. I'm one of those who always have my journal up and likes to check it out every now and then and sometimes I really need it cause some people use such stupid font colors sometimes that almost are invisible to the eye but visible in the journal.

The thing with the spamming is that all the spam makes it totally impossible to go back and read whatever that person said. A little suggestion to what Skorpion said would be that you could remove powerwords from the journal entirely. That way you'd never get a spammed journal. I dunno if this feature would be possible to script but I can't think it wouldn't be.

If you are in a different area than the person whose spamming, then you can simply hit [filter and you won't be seeing what he's casting, nor hear the sound of it.

However if you are actually fighting the guy you'll still hear and see it, plus see it in the journal. This is of course not a time when you'd want to look in the journal and talk to players anyways, so it should be fine. :]

Fallzone Wrote:I still think thats too much =/ 10 rows in 4 seconds... thats still considered spam to me

If we'd make it any less than that people would almost always be able to tell WHEN you are casting a spell, even tho they won't know which spell it is. A big part of this PvP at this time is to hide it so they don't even know you are casting a spell, tricking them to instead wait with the heal, or use a bandage instead, because they think you're just spamming "as always", not because you're actually casting something. If we'd have it so that you're only able to do like 4 spams every 4 seconds then they would for sure be able to see when you're casting something, since you'd have to "save" your spam for when you actually are about to fake something, when you get a good hit or whatever, because you wouldn't want to waste it on nothing.


10 rows in 4 seconds seems rediculous to me... but im not bitching so just relax... Im just saying that seems alot to me. This will not be an option for me to do since I am not rping a radio lawyer, speaking 100 words a second... I know someone came up with a suggestion for me to use wop in my rp to trick people, but i thought about that and I just didnt see how my charcter could speak 2 sentences at once, let alone 10 in 4 seconds. Oh well I guess all rpers will just have to deal with a disadvantage, or sacrifice rping.
Anyways, I think that it should be more along the lines of 10 every 5 seconds, at least... 2 lines every second is plenty... but i dont care how great the pvp is and how perfect the duels work... no matter what you ever say or prove to me it wont matter, that will always be spam in my eyes.

Come on guys...
For the people who are against fake Wop's
You should learn this pvp and get to know that if you remove fake wops from pvp you ruin it all since everything is too predictable and duels would last even more time, 1 hour duel would be a common thing
For the people who are against "SPAM"
Well you guys i don't know what do you understand for the word spam but wtf like nox said, 10 words in 4 seconds is totally acceptable, I don't fucking understand why people complain about this, you aren't going to understand other's powerwords if it's well-done, so why the hell are you complaining about 10 words each 4 seconds?
This all sounds ridiculous to me...

The numbers I gave were just examples. I haven't done the math yet but the idea isn't to think about it 2 words every second, but to see it as 4 spams twice in 4 seconds (yet again, example #). I really see it as a shame that something like this ruins so much for you, wish there was a way that you could build your story up and give it a chance. I'll try to think of something, script wise, that will make the game more enjoyable for people that feel they are loosing a big part of RP on IN:X.

LOL! People complain about this because it's against of roleplaying? haha lol that's the funniest thing I heard today.

If you like roleplaying just get to think that the players possess a Power emerald from the dragon of the mystic seas, which when you get to duel it expels lots of voices shouting random powerwords.
This is like if we removed PvP coz it was against RolePlaying, Ha-Ha cmon ruin the game because of it...

Tabion Wrote:10 rows in 4 seconds seems rediculous to me... but im not bitching so just relax... Im just saying that seems alot to me. This will not be an option for me to do since I am not rping a radio lawyer, speaking 100 words a second... I know someone came up with a suggestion for me to use wop in my rp to trick people, but i thought about that and I just didnt see how my charcter could speak 2 sentences at once, let alone 10 in 4 seconds. Oh well I guess all rpers will just have to deal with a disadvantage, or sacrifice rping.
Anyways, I think that it should be more along the lines of 10 every 5 seconds, at least... 2 lines every second is plenty... but i dont care how great the pvp is and how perfect the duels work... no matter what you ever say or prove to me it wont matter, that will always be spam in my eyes.

You see it in all the wrong way. That's because you haven't actually tried it out enough yet. I understand that you're trying to help out, but removing or "lowering" the spam too much will ruin the PvP and make it really slow and boring, and I don't think you'd want that either. As Sombrax stated, in a roleplay world anything is possible, pretend you found some rare item that makes you be able to speak many powerword-sentences at once or something.


SombraX Wrote:LOL! People complain about this because it's against of roleplaying? haha lol that's the funniest thing I heard today.

If you like roleplaying just get to think that the players possess a Power emerald from the dragon of the mystic seas, which when you get to duel it expels lots of voices shouting random powerwords.
This is like if we removed PvP coz it was against RolePlaying, Ha-Ha cmon ruin the game because of it...

You me friend are a IDIOT! You obviously have no clue about the history of INRolleyes It was based and built on the importance of RP and PVP a well balanced system and Im tired of hearing you spoiled ass XUO players saying everything has to be your way...Im tired of it as a IN player it seems we are getting the shortend of the stick on this server deal...Yes I like the XUO PvP but not everything has to be your way...seems to me like everytime I turn around the IN players are gettin ass raped more and more every minute and Im sure if it keeps going the majority of us INers will quit so keep on bitching about your precious XUO style everything and see how long we stick around....

and yes I am pissed off unless some shit drasticly changes before the real shard opens I wont be playing here...Yes maka has done a great job and Im glad he wonts to help he kniows his shit...but there has to be some sort of Medium here!

Good idea. I'll take a break until that medium shows up, please PM me when he is found. Also, feel free to PM me if another dev shows up too.

I'm getting sick of some shit too, seriously.

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