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High drop dungeons

Will be nice to add in the world few high drop dungeons/places , no need to think about something new , just take best place for earn money.
For example i'll take Destard,Hytl,Blizard Gazers.
1.Drop in that places x2 or x3 of gold to enter ?! To add special npc to towns Britania + serp.
3.To enter in dungeon u must have items for example for
x2 dungeon (minimum full set of oceanic)
x2.5 dungeon (minimum full set of Mytheril + any rare mount)(inc all quested +righteous+aqua+oceanic+wicked+blizzard)
x3-x4 place (minimum diamond set +any really rare mount) any lava/haze.
4.rules of dungeon , cann't trade , cann't cast mark/gate travel magics x3 dungeons/places mobs can loot r body x2 dungeons in random place can spawn stang with new hues (once in a day) x3 dungeons instead Destard Guardian (Destard Drake)(stats the same like destard guardian , can be tamed with 3% hp , after tame got simple drake's status (can be shrinked , cann't attack players)) (all the time hue changable) x2 and x3 dungeons u can found (simple mounts , horse/stangs/zos/orn/llamas) which ones can be recolored
9. Animal dye tube to add to stone for 500 imagine nick(like simple dye tube for clothes(with any hue) but just for animals))
10.all (mounts from those dungeons got non changable name with name of dungeon(and can be tame just once)
11. skill of tamin for any of that mount is 40%(can tame everyone)

12.fake and treasure mobs will be spawned in both places (for example , in simple skeleton can be found for example 30k gold) and in Ancient wyrm can be founded skeleton's drop.
913in x3 dungeons can be founded Extra treasure mobs (all the difference is a name of mob, for exaple instead Skeleton , will appear Skeletan) after his death(he has got the same HP like normal skeleton) he will spawn with 80% chance lord who will attack u (that lord got same status like ancient wyrm) in 20% that lord will belong to you , and u can attack with it...
14.some bodies of treasures creatures can be trapped
When the last time u seen black rock or diamond plate outside gz ?! or any mount better then blizzard stang ?a lot off ppl boared to kill f*cking 3 places mobs like dragon and etc...and earn 70k per hour....(30 of them spend for manas and regs) give to ppl new level of PvM and PvP .....why it will must exists ?! (for example atm no reason to wear something special , for tamin or hunting i'm taking like all ppl 30 ev scrolls , 30 manas , 150 regs and that's it) a lot of ppl do the same , and wear on their good armors just for pvp-stone) no reason to attack any pk or care about reason to ask guildmates to hunt together and etc....of course the idea is very far from possible , but something like that will help us to see in the world gank with really good armors (also can be added places with (non magic mobs with really good drop , pass ticket to that place is any weap of vanq +minimum oceanic set (any magic is not allowed there)

[COLOR="#FF0000"]Jezz, can you make something easier to read? Thanks.


Xerxes Wrote:[COLOR="#FF0000"]Jezz, can you make something easier to read? Thanks.

of course , no problem - in russian !

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