Poll: Should We Incorporate "The 3 Hit Limiter" - You do not have permission to vote in this poll.
Yes, This would help improve the melee aspect of PVP
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Fixing HITS In PVP (Suggestion)

Good Evening Everyone,

It has been brought to my attention that the hits (Tactics) on weapomns have been fixed .. I can asure you 100% that they are the exact same as they were before they were "Fixed" therefore, I would like to propose a certain idea that can FIX this issue right away without having to fully tweak weapons...

Let's insert a 3 Hit Limiter to the PVP. This was something that we had on Xuo and it fixed the Hard Hitsd instantly! For those who have been in a duel against someone using a Hally and gets hit 70, 75, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80 and obviously can not counter because healing completely drains you of mana ... we can add in this 3 Hit (IN A ROW) limiter. This means ... if a player has their weapon on and gets 3 consecutive hits without re-equipping... they automatically miss 1 time. This forces players to use other spells such as lightning, fs and other spells. As it has already been brout up several times .. I think it is time to really pay this some serious attention as players Freak out everytime they die yelling "This PVP Sucks.. it's HIT HIT HIT HIT..."
.... I actually agree, I have never seen so many players get meleed in a PVP type as much as here and it's starting to get abit tiring to see people get hit 18 times in a row until they run out of mana..

I hope you guys can see my point in the matter and if you can not, please test it out. Equipe a Hally, Battle Axe or even a Bard... and hit someone over and over asking them to heal. They will be helpess... especially if your using a War Hammer which drains trhem to 0 stamina so they can't move and then ON TOP OF IT are hitting you 80, 85, 70, 50, 80, 75, 75, 75... If you are weaked... you're screwed..

Just want you guys to think about this 3 consecutive hit limiter as it will in fact help this type of PVP out A LOT! It will give new players a chance to be on the offensive and hit back instead of gettuing weapon raped every time they enter a tourny..

I hope you guys can see this as a benefit to the PVP...

Thank you,

ScareCrow [Prototype].

We never said weapons were fixed though, they are still a work in progress. But the last update willat least make them a bit more reliable but they will probably need more tweaking. We can't change too much at once though, it's better to make small changes and take it one step at a time. It will take longer to balance but it will be better in the long run.

If we ever decide to implement a max hit limiter like you're talking about we need to balance that somehow or it will be way too hard to kill someone 1v1.

Well as of right now it's WAY to easy to lose vs someone, I was hit 12 times in a row and missed 3 hits on julito in loki's tourney today. The damage was constant to 45-75 damage. Your not suppose to be able to hit 12 times in a row, yeah i had bad luck with hits but 12 times in a row that's crazy I mean you can fs 8 times on this shard. The only way to survive is with the luck of bandages and using a shield for damage reduction, which i refuse to use a shield so that rules that out for me at least. I just think something like this is a very needed addition to the shard, even if you know your going to miss I mean you need to miss or else you'll get hit like an abused child..

There are ways to counter it though. Like you said use a shield and a faster weapon to start making him heal (even if it deals less damage). If you don't want to use a shield then that's your loss.
You can counter with spells etc. so he has to heal then you put the pressure on him etc.

And so on... just as he can hit you 12 times in a row (even though there's only like a 2-3% chance of that happening) you can also hit him 12 times in a row. It's all about keeping the pressure up and turning the successful hits in a row to your advantage.

Taran Wrote:There are ways to counter it though. Like you said use a shield and a faster weapon to start making him heal (even if it deals less damage). If you don't want to use a shield then that's your loss.
You can counter with spells etc. so he has to heal then you put the pressure on him etc.

And so on... just as he can hit you 12 times in a row (even though there's only like a 2-3% chance of that happening) you can also hit him 12 times in a row. It's all about keeping the pressure up and turning the successful hits in a row to your advantage.

Actually those faster weapons like scimitars/katana's/hammer picks/longswords etc do a good amount of damage for one hand weapons. They do about the same amount of damage on crit as a hally and since they hit fast it tends to happen often..

Sure I don't use a shield it is my loss but i don't think it should be needed to use a shield in PvP you should be able to use whatever weapons you want, like I posted in the nerf shields thread/poll.

Countering with spells believe me I do this, it's pretty much the only thing i can do with changing weapon speeds to get in more hits. poisoning paralzying, faking paralyzing fsing at full health fsing when hes missing a little bit of health to force him to scroll or pot, lighting double lighting and triple lighting. Also when I said I missed 3 times it was even with a battle axe which is pretty fast attack speed vs a hally or a bard >.<

The problem is that the hits are so often and deal a good moderate damage, people don't even bother healing with about 35, life because a hally will pretty much hit and deal 50-60 damage on that hit which is more than an fs.

Although it might be a higher chance to hit 12 times in a row than you think, I do it on other people I duel a lot who don't counter and jut heal, I've also had it reproduced on me a lot as well by igor in the duel stones tours eclipse sometimes dayana, julito, habibi, me and vys usually hit each other a lot in duels as well.

I'm honestly not even trying to post this due to because I've lost tours or anything like that I mean it's just not fair if you think about it even if you can put the pressure on the other guy with 8-12 hits and 8 fses that guy is dead no matter what. This is exactly why I think a system like this should be imported into the shard even if it takes a long time and is hard to make, because in the end it will be worth it.

These polls are pretty inaccurate to say the least though, many people who actually play this type of PvP and are good or decent at it rarely use this forum or don't own a forum account so that's when the the PvM/RP/PvE/fizzling type of pvpers come and reply/post which is fine but kinda sucks at the same time if you get what I'm trying to say :/

Anyways I get you guess are busy and I get I'm the biggest pain in the ass on the shard, but if you go in game you would see players who are normally in every tour would probably agree with me..

i def agree with smoke...i dont know if its just bad luck on my part but EVERY time i enter a tour i get owned due to hit count and the amount of damage those hits do...i have gm all combat skills and whenever i join i just get hit for almost half my hp evertime i get hit which they normaly never miss(when i miss like 10 times in a row)...what am i supposed to do.. waste my mana to lighting him or fs him then have no mana to heal when hes just hitting me non stop the whole time and has full mana to cast 8 fs's on me.....its def not fair..

Add paralyze scrolls to tourny, problem solved ;p
Adding poison scrolls would definitely help solve this as well.

I agree with Scarecrow and Smoke when it comes to the hits right now. Just like "Lags" I don't think luck should play a big role in PvP. Limiting the hits so that you can't hit 12 times in a row with luck would help with that. I don't think it should be set so you will miss the 4th hit for sure if you've hit three times already, because that would let the other person KNOW that you won't hit him next swing, and we don't want that. What I think would be good is to set it something like this:

3 hits = normal luck rate.

4th hit = a small % chance to hit.

5th hit = a VERY small % chance to hit.

If you hit the 5th hit as well you will automatically miss the next one, but it probably won't go to that unless the person is VERY lucky. After that it resets and starts over again..

Balancing weapon damage is also very important. Just like many people said the hits are WAY too strong right now, but making them too weak will make it easy to survive, so I think making them a bit weaker and increasing the damage of some spells like flamestrike for example will balance it out pretty good.

Oh, and by the way, I'm sorry to have to say this but I think that a big reason to why the votes are so negative is because Scarecrow made the post. These guys could probably make a poll about peace on earth and still ger people to vote "no" somehow :/

Adam Wrote:These guys could probably make a poll about peace on earth and still ger people to vote "no" somehow :/

Peace on Earth? Wtf no way. What will happen to the PvP? No more war? Overpopulation will quickly become a problem.

Scare crow Wrote:"This PVP Sucks.. "

I completely agree with what you said there.

Any of this sort of testing going on? I know i'm being a pain in the ass but as of right now the shard lives on automated tours and hits are a disaster..

[COLOR="#B22222"]Actually I think the melee aspect is way underpowered unlike how it was on sphere server 51a and 55i. Swing speed are too slow and somehow I miss so often I cant even explain why if somebody can open my eyes and explain to me why. Whats surprised me the most is that you guys here are thinking the other way around. *smell like a trap* Can I add that into osi for exemple, if you had gm lumberjacking you have bonus damage (5-10% not sure) with any axe type weapon, that with forensic evaluation it add aditional bonus damage (5-10% not sure) poisoning skill make it so that your poison do instant damage and the effectof the poison is felt much more faster than the current delai here, anatomy also give bonus damage by the way. If anybody played on a real osi or sphere server 55i or 51a osi like they should know what I'm talking about. It was like that on almost all the server where I used to play, only on this server everything seem to be different, and yet you know what? I wonder why all of theses ''inside'' bonus arent explained somewhere on the webpage to make it clear about the macanism of everyskill and keep the players updated about the change done to any of it would really help the unerstanding and futur imcoming improvements if need be.

Hopefully some people will know what I'm talking about and get my feel about all of this.


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