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Was gonna play.

For real tho, Every response you give it makes me wanna smack you into reality.

Maximus Wrote:Smoke Im done talking to you, I have a 6 year old I live with and shes more reasonable and understanding than you are... and thats no bullsh1t either. Your a joke

Your honestly going to speak about understanding? You haven't even put effort into trying this PvP all you've done since you got here was complain.

EDIT: Not to mention the spam you create learn to edit your posts jesus.

And the fizzle pvp.. I barely used 1 second spells to fizzle.. but if My fs hits you as your healing, You shouldnt be able to heal at the same time.. That makes no sense. I mean if im about to you shoot you with a shotgun but you shoot me first.. Im not gonna stand there like your bullets didnt hurt and continue to do what I want..Cmon use your wittle bwain baby

Who the **** are you to tell me I havent tryed Pvping? You dont know wtf your talking about little man. I am trying, AND IM STILL TRYING.. but its a pathetic system and im gonna continue to say that no matter what cause thats what it is

UO isnt reality, its a game :/. You cant compare real life events as a argument because its irrelevant

I'm done this guys an adult with a 6 year old and has the ego the size of a whale when playing a game. Before I say something I regret or something the old me would say I'll just stop here and let you rant on about whatever you want to.


sm0ke Wrote:Have you ever though that maybe you're just a weak PvPer and can't do anything but the fizzle dizzle nonsense?
The best PvPer on the shard would have a hard time killing the worst PvPer on the shard 1v1 because of how it's set up.. What kind of shit is that? You can't even tell whos good and who sucks on this shard because everyone does the exact same thing.

It seems like when they were adjusting PvP they were only adjusting it specifically for arena fights.

You guys have your tournys in little square arenas. Thats good, because if they were in regular arenas nobody would ever die because the only way to kill anyone is with melee/mage combo. This also makes open world 1v1 virtually impossible. If you want to kill people outside events, you need to gank.

There is just no finesse or skill in your PvP style. People hardly use line of sight. People just chase eachother around spamming the same damn spells. The attacker spams his spells and the defender spams heal and reflect. Eventually the attacker is going to run out of mana, and good luck meleeing someone in an open area.

smOke, since you are so opinionated and seem like you have a grasp on UO, I would love for you to tell me how exactly making Greater Heal stoppable would hurt PvP? I know the idea of something you aren't used to terrifies you, but don't you think that it's just a BIT too easy to stay alive?

Ok I think it's time to close this thread now since it's spinning out of control.

At this moment I don't want to make any drastic changes to PvP such as making spells fizzle eachother. I'd like to try and improve and balance the current system we have first, and I have a bunch of ideas I'd like to test. But I would like to see how spell fizzling works just for the fun of it since I've never played on a shard with that style. Which is why I posted in this thread:

I am open for suggestions on how to improve the PvP otherwise though.

Phew. I left last night and this thing was like 3 pages long and now it's 12 pages and TL;DR. What the hell happened.

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