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Was gonna play.

sm0ke Wrote:So what you're saying is there's no buildings outside brit to use LoS? You're wrong theres tons and people use them ask anyone who ganks there normally. Your footwork is probably terrible and you can't dodge fses for crap is what is more likely that happened.

I'm going to play devil's advocate and inform you that Maximus is probably quite a bit better than best PvPer on this shard at "footwork". Where we come from, footwork and timing is how you win fights and Maximus was a respected PvPer.

Besides, how would you guys know whos good at line of sight or not, your arenas don't even have any Wink

As for the buildings at BB I don't understand why they would put safe buildings right at the main place people PvP. Every other shard I've played those two buildings were where most of the PvP happened.

Lags Wrote:I'm going to play devil's advocate and inform you that Maximus is probably quite a bit better than best PvPer on this shard at "footwork". Where we come from, footwork and timing is how you win fights and Maximus was a respected PvPer.

I'm sure you and Maximus will own me ingame but lets wait until we see each other in there. Saying "IM BEST!!" at forums its just stupid.

Mito Wrote:I'm sure you and Maximus will own me ingame but lets wait until we see each other in there. Saying "IM BEST!!" at forums its just stupid.

As far as I can tell the "best" on this shard are the people with the most ganking partners Smile

Seriously, you guys don't see anything wrong with 1v1 open world PvP being an endless cluster fuk?

On all the shards I have played people figured out who was the best PvPer by dueling each other. It's not good that the only time you can kill someone 1v1 that is somewhat good is in a tiny empty arena.

Mito Wrote:I'm sure you and Maximus will own me ingame but lets wait until we see each other in there. Saying "IM BEST!!" at forums its just stupid.

I wasn't saying anyone is the best. As far as me owning you in game, unless your ping is 200 like mine I doubt it!

Lags Wrote:As far as I can tell the "best" on this shard are the people with the most ganking partners Smile

Seriously, you guys don't see anything wrong with 1v1 open world PvP being an endless cluster fuk?

On all the shards I have played people figured out who was the best PvPer by dueling each other. It's not good that the only time you can kill someone 1v1 that is somewhat good is in a tiny empty arena.
That's the way its done here too...I promise you that the people that claim they are the best PvPers are always somewhat good 1v1. When people say they are good PvPers, they are in fact most of the time referring to 1v1 if ganking isn't somehow specified.

Reason to why you haven't seen free world 1v1 someone else will have to say, I don't even play, but there is probably a lot of reasons.

Lags Wrote:I wasn't saying anyone is the best. As far as me owning you in game, unless your ping is 200 like mine I doubt it!

I think there are no 1v1 duels in open world because if you have more then 6 tiles to run around on and you have some idea what you are doing it's doubtful you will ever die.

Lags Wrote:I think there are no 1v1 duels in open world because if you have more then 6 tiles to run around on and you have some idea what you are doing it's doubtful you will ever die.
You are kind of assuming that you people run out of LOS in a 1v1 i think.

On servers I've played people fought free world wouldn't run behind trees. If they did so in a fair 1v1 you could either manage to kill him (cause you probably had the upper hand if he ran) or guild-KOS him:p The "prestige" of the kill is more important than items to most people.

Lags Wrote:I wasn't saying anyone is the best. As far as me owning you in game, unless your ping is 200 like mine I doubt it!

I play with 168 ping it's not that far off..

Mito Wrote:sm0ke what about your IQ? xd

More than Warmachines does that count xd?

So you all think having greater heal and recall spells being fizzleable is a bad idea?

If you could stop heal, then the person that deserves to win the duel would win and it wouldn't take 15 minutes.

so are your sayign you cant last that long and rather have face roll interrupt gank fest? also recall is already fizzable :/

Overlord Dudaz Wrote:Its pretty stupid that 90% of the time, people use flamestrike lightning and magic arrow to kill someone in the field on a no skill cap server. Without fizzle, there is no need to use delayed spells like explosion, energy bolt and the 60 other spells in the spellbook etc. No fizzle makes using a melee weapon in the field ABSOLUTELY useless which is a problem no one is addressing. There are other problems with melee too that I wont go into.

Simply put, there is almost no variance in play styles in the whole server. Usually, on no skill cap servers, these things add to the dynamics of the pvp. It seems here the same tactics are used by everyone.

i would like to award you with the most backwards comment of the day award. i use energy bolt and explosion the same if not more than fs...
why do people even post their opinions if their opinions are based on nothing but their experience on other shards? :/
this isn't other shards folks...

Lags Wrote:So you all think having greater heal and recall spells being fizzleable is a bad idea?

If you could stop heal, then the person that deserves to win the duel would win and it wouldn't take 15 minutes.

considering recall is already fizzleable, i think it's a horrible idea to make gh fizzleable. what happens when my friend and i jump you and i magic arrow you non stop while he fs's you to death?
also... please don't complain about lag as i play with 150-200 at all times, as does smoke...

Robin Hood Wrote:so are your sayign you cant last that long and rather have face roll interrupt fest? also recall is already fizzable :/

Didn't know you could fizzle peoples recalls.

Whats an interrupt fest? All the time I spent on shards with fizzleable spells I never participated in a fizzle fest. Sure, newbies tried to spam fizzle spells but always wound up getting raped by someone that knew how to avoid their fizzle spells by using line of sight. Sure, go ahead and try to magic arrow me over and over while I avoid your magic arrows and broil you with flamestrikes.

This whole idea of PvPing right in eachothers faces with no line of sight to use baffles me.

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