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Was gonna play.

Quote:FS, lightning, magic arrow, reflect, and heal

Not even close. If we count only spells that I use in gank\1vs1 (they're different but I'll just name all) are

Strenght, Weaken, Clumsy, Arrow, Harm, Poison, Curse, Bless, Cure, Heal , Greater Heal, Lightning, Wall of Stone, Dispel Field, Paralyze, Paralyze Field, Explosion, Energy Bolt, Earthquake, Chain Light, Reveal, Invis, Flamestrike.

Now add to these Lightning scroll+Flamestrike scroll+Greater Heal scroll+Reflect scroll. Because you actually have to know when cast what, gh scroll intake almost triple the amount of mana regular GH intakes. Equal situation is with the other scrolls I mentioned as well.

Mito was right though, you still refuse take an objective look, or fail to. This PvP is much less forgiving on mistakes, especially in those boxes. Waste your mana on a silly dump there and you will be killed. While on your PvP you could've just fizzle the attacking spells that your opponent throws at you while you regain the mana back. The PvP you speak of will be most likely down on the items you have. At least the gear you have will definitely matter much more than it does in here. I haven't played coldfire , I've played 0.55a servers, and thats how it worked there. I speak of successful servers though, the ones with 400++ online. Some of them still out there.

Seriously statements you make show how much you know of this PvP to judge, I don't think it's good aproach as well. If anything, the way you want to change PvP is not just not very polite , but also ineffective. I don't think people in charge would change PvP by request of someone who never tried&understood it.

Carding Wrote:You're kidding right? Nox mage doesn't get anything better than lesserP over 5-6 tiles, higher poisons tick slower so interrupt less and 120 resist destroys 3rd circle resistable. Also every single good melee-necro, tank mage and dexxer would annihilate the nox mage.

... and you clearly didn't try to PvP on IN2

I kinda did pvp on IN2 and I was rather good at it.
Melee necro was about the easyest to kill ever since they all used vamp embrace and got about no fire resist at all, dexxer was piss easy when they are spassing out from DP (just ask Jared LOL) and tank mages would do what against spells again?
Clearly you got your ass handed to you by the one and only Rei on IN2 and thats why Carding you went to cry to Coran or maybe Westwood.

Ps. I tangled with the best and walked away to brag about it.

Rainbow... i know who you are and i know you were good. but carding did kick your ass Smile we did have nice guild fights tough Smile

If this pvp system so simplified to you why are you trying to so hard change it lol. I have to agree with Gang on this because i cant agree with someone that has not even played the pvp system here to a full extent and think they can judge whats flawed about it. I've been on fizzle shards before and if you ask me, a gank is a gank wither its here or on some other half ass fizzle shard. I don't see how people that are ganking on a fizzle shard, which is ridiculously humorous in its own way, is any better of a system which is not. If you are about to get killed by 2 or more people, its time to either use your environment to your advantage or know when to quit and leave. Anyone that stays and trys to fight like they are someone special is gonna realize quick they are not.

Gang Wrote:Not even close. If we count only spells that I use in gank\1vs1 (they're different but I'll just name all) are

Strenght, Weaken, Clumsy, Arrow, Harm, Poison, Curse, Bless, Cure, Heal , Greater Heal, Lightning, Wall of Stone, Dispel Field, Paralyze, Paralyze Field, Explosion, Energy Bolt, Earthquake, Chain Light, Reveal, Invis, Flamestrike.

Now add to these Lightning scroll+Flamestrike scroll+Greater Heal scroll+Reflect scroll. Because you actually have to know when cast what, gh scroll intake almost triple the amount of mana regular GH intakes. Equal situation is with the other scrolls I mentioned as well.

Mito was right though, you still refuse take an objective look, or fail to. This PvP is much less forgiving on mistakes, especially in those boxes. Waste your mana on a silly dump there and you will be killed. While on your PvP you could've just fizzle the attacking spells that your opponent throws at you while you regain the mana back. The PvP you speak of will be most likely down on the items you have. At least the gear you have will definitely matter much more than it does in here. I haven't played coldfire , I've played 0.55a servers, and thats how it worked there. I speak of successful servers though, the ones with 400++ online. Some of them still out there.

Seriously statements you make show how much you know of this PvP to judge, I don't think it's good aproach as well. If anything, the way you want to change PvP is not just not very polite , but also ineffective. I don't think people in charge would change PvP by request of someone who never tried&understood it.

He doesn't know anything there's not even a point in discussing the PvP with him he stated clearly that weapons have no use in this PvP, and that's exactly how you kill a person so the fact that he doesn't know that means he hasn't even logged on or tried or even seen the PvP for that matter.

/end discussion imo

Lags Wrote:I'm not talking about this all over the forums, just in this thread.

Thank you for your concern.
it happens that if there's a post already about that you should go to that post and debate there!!
imagine if everytime i want to point out something that's been discussed already i open a new thread?!
we would have tons of new threads about things already discussed!
Learn to search, its simple as that so we have all points of views in the same thread, what i see is people repeating what they have already said on other posts in new posts like this u.u

Am I missing something? How is anyone killable 1v1 in open world if they can just greater heal, use bandages, and reflect without being interrupted? Is this why the only PvP i see happening at BB is ganks?

Rainbow Dash Wrote:I kinda did pvp on IN2 and I was rather good at it.
Melee necro was about the easyest to kill ever since they all used vamp embrace and got about no fire resist at all, dexxer was piss easy when they are spassing out from DP (just ask Jared LOL) and tank mages would do what against spells again?
Clearly you got your ass handed to you by the one and only Rei on IN2 and thats why Carding you went to cry to Coran or maybe Westwood.

Ps. I tangled with the best and walked away to brag about it.

No delay on greater cure pots, only a poorly prepared pvper would die to poison.

And you're mistaken about who went running to who, I'm a noob here, and I was OK on IN1, but I was head honcho on IN2, I was Garrik, and I was only beaten once in 1 vs 1 the whole time I played IN2, in the arena or in world PvP.

You didn't tangle with the best, because you didn't tangle with me Wink

Also, I suspect you're judging dexxers and necroes poorly because you didn't fight the best of them, e.g. Velitaris, Hitokiri etc.


If someone is determined to live and run they can indeed get away, but I think that is a problem with non-precasting (so affects 0.55 sphere as well), it is still possible to kill someone 1 vs 1 if both people are committed to the fight and not just run + MR + recall or invis pot + recall etc.


Carding Wrote:If someone is determined to live and run they can indeed get away, but I think that is a problem with non-precasting (so affects 0.55 sphere as well), it is still possible to kill someone 1 vs 1 if both people are committed to the fight and not just run + MR + recall or invis pot + recall etc.

Yea. Me who has never really PvP'd this way before went to BB and asked a guy to try to kill me. It was way too easy to survive. I'm a complete noob to this style and someone that knows it well couldn't even kill me 1v1. Thats ****ed up Tongue

Well, you are experienced in UO, the general principles of healing and living in UO are universal: MR, GH, pop a pot if you need it, break LoS if you're low. That's why precasting with cast freezing and poison blocking heal came in, and weapon swinging whilst moving, but neither 0.51 or 0.55 have those things Tongue



You probably suck, and everyone here knows what LOS is. There are maaany ways of fighting 1v2, and fighting 1v3+ shouldn't be easily possible anyway

Lags Wrote:Yea. Me who has never really PvP'd this way before went to BB and asked a guy to try to kill me. It was way too easy to survive. I'm a complete noob to this style and someone that knows it well couldn't even kill me 1v1. Thats ****ed up Tongue

Exactly, it's easy to run and survive if the person/people chasing don't know what they're doing. This is counter to what you've said first

Gang Wrote:Mito was right though, you still refuse take an objective look, or fail to

This :/

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