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Was gonna play.

Maximus Wrote:@Gang, Hey man.. How about the staff just implements fizzle pvp for a month.. See how it ends up.. Guarantee you end up more competitive than you have ever been in your pvp career!.. You tell us to adjust, I know where your coming from on that idea trust me..and trust me man IM not being a dick, but when you come from something SOOOO advanced to something that isnt, its like uhhhhhhhhhhhhh *drool*.. Like yes there are things im not used to so it does seem advanced.. But its not on the same level.

I have been macroing for a week now, and I havent seen one 1V1 yet. Nor have I seen one melee kill during actual pvp. Meleee should fizzle spells!.. Some great ideas have come about that I read.. Magic arrow and Harm shouldnt fizzle! But FS and any 4th circle or above should! Its a reward! Not about who has the best scripts.. I go so many scripts coming it potentially can ruin the server =/.. And they are coming from a china man. Who has yet so sign in here.. but whenhe does. It wont be fun anymore.. and im apologizing now for it. I dont wanna stoop! I dont want a major change! I just want some middles met! This server doesnt consist of 100 vs 20! And BTW Gang.. Your assuming things thinking everyone who is arguing for fizzle is from the same group cause were not! Alot of these guys I hated from other servers.. And still do! But like I said.. Why not change the pvp system for one month! Tell me you dont feel better about yourself! If not than I wont say a dam thing again. and let me tell you something.. Changing the scripts of pvp isnt that hard at all! .. Nor is changing the dmg of what spells do what!.. Its basic scripting! .

Btw, This whole entire msg isnt directed at Gang, Just basically the first paragraph.

You speak like fizzle pvp is hard to even accomplish or be good at, It's such a joke in reality and stating that you or that other guy lags are top players in the world is just a joke. You wanna know why? This game is dead we are playing a dead game and that's the reason your even on this shard your self right now at this time. Oh no hes casting Kal vas flam or In vas Mani I'll just clusmy or Magic Arrow OVER AND OVER AND OVER, Honestly it's just a joke anyone who has a brain can play in that type of PvP and it takes no skill what so ever. I'm so tired of you complaining straight up about this PvP and talking like you know how people would play and react too in different styles. This PvP is far from broken on this shard, learn to to adapt to it rather than cry or complain or even bring your friends on the forums and ask for it to be changed. We honestly don't care about your UO history and how good you and your friends were else were, you think this PvP is boring and non skillful? Because fizzling a spell with a different type of spell is so much more difficult? It's really not it's quite easier if you think about it not to mention that duels would or could last FOR AGES the way you want the PvP made.

You come into this shard expecting to change the PvP just because you don't like it you haven't even adapted or tried too AT ALL, I'm tired of you thinking that you're so good and the PvP should be this way because so and so, when your quite the opposite. you're honestly a complete joke and need to get over your self.

Btw, Just basically this WHOLE post was directed at you just to be clear oh great Maximus.

EDIT: and with that I'm going to bed good night.

sm0ke Wrote:You speak like fizzle pvp is hard to even accomplish or be good at, It's such a joke in reality and stating that you or that other guy lags are top players in the world is just a joke. You wanna know why? This game is dead we are playing a dead game and that's the reason your even on this shard your self right now at this time. Oh no hes casting Kal vas flam or In vas Mani I'll just clusmy or Magic Arrow OVER AND OVER AND OVER, Honestly it's just a joke anyone who has a brain can play in that type of PvP and it takes no skill what so ever. I'm so tired of you complaining straight up about this PvP and talking like you know how people would play and react too in different styles. This PvP is far from broken on this shard, learn to to adapt to it rather than cry or complain or even bring your friends on the forums and ask for it to be changed. We honestly don't care about your UO history and how good you and your friends were else were, you think this PvP is boring and non skillful? Because fizzling a spell with a different type of spell is so much more difficult? It's really not it's quite easier if you think about it not to mention that duels would or could last FOR AGES the way you want the PvP made.

You come into this shard expecting to change the PvP just because you don't like it you haven't even adapted or tried too AT ALL, I'm sick and tired then you go and say things like this? I'm tired of you thinking that you're so good and the PvP should be this way because so and so, when your quite the opposite. you're honestly a complete joke and need to get over your self.

Btw, Just basically this WHOLE post was directed at you just to be clear oh great Maximus.

The reason why the fizzle system works is because when faced with a situation like you said of someone spamming small spells, you still have an opportunity to cast a mid low speed spell which will be more damaging and mana efficient than the spell spell spammer. It may seem on paper that constantly spamming magic arrow works, but it doesnt. The small spell spammer will run out of mana fast and not be able to kill a competent player. Small spell spamming is only one tool that can be used in the fizzle pvp world.

Lags Wrote:Nah, melee is much more useful with fizzle. I don't understand how you guys are using melee when your hits don't even fizzle spells. Don't they just FS you to death while you are trying to melee them?

This quote above says a lot about how much you know about our PvP at this point. Type ".watchtour" next time the 1vs1 autosupply tourney-broadcast shows up, and watch people duel, see if they use weapons or not.

Overlord Dudaz from the fizzle shard said this in the post above: "you can't just spam magic arrow at our fizzle shard, because you would run out of mana", but in other words, well that same thing happens here if you only use magic. Flamestrike costs way more mana than the greater heal spell, so if you just keep spamming flamestrikes you will run out of mana and wouldn't have accomplished anything really, except for loosing all your mana and dieing a few secs later from a hard hit and a flamestrike when you don't even have the mana to heal anymore.

I can see that it may seem "basic" and "boring" and "brainless" when you just hear about it on the forums or see ganking going on, but it is not. The combination of spells (which are faster but either costs more mana or deals less damage) and the normal spells makes it a lot more advanced then it would look. On top of that you need to calculate the dumps, when to do them and how much mana you have, and how much each spell / scroll costs and what you will have left IF the dump would fail, so you can still stay alive. On top of that you need to combine small manas, total manas and greater heal potions, and a whole lot more.

Try it out, see if you can flamestrike people to death, people who are at least decent at the pvp, then learn it from Vys, and once you've learned the PvP and won some tourney I'd say come back here and tell us what you think, because before you've tried it what you say really carries no weight, just like if I would come to a fizzling shard and try to change that because I have played this, you'd just be like "uh, no? This pvp is perfect, if you remove fizzle-pvp people would just fs each other to death, get lost". But if I would have first pvped, learned it, gotten good at it, and then said "this PvP would be BETTER if fizzle was removed" and then compare what I know from the fizzle shard with what I know from my old shard, then that carries A LOT more weight.

I have a friend who had 600 ping, and he was amazing at pvp, sure his first spell was delayed but he had learned when to hit the next spell to get a good timing anyway. He wasn't the best pvper but he won tourneys and so can you, 200ms is not much really, I've had more than that at most US-shards I've played and I have won several tourneys at all of them.

Good luck getting used to the PvP, I think you will love it when you've tried it, just like you guys think we would love fizzle pvp when we have tried it.

- Adam

Adam Wrote:This quote above says a lot about how much you know about our PvP at this point. Type ".watchtour" next time the 1vs1 autosupply tourney-broadcast shows up, and watch people duel, see if they use weapons or not.

Overlord Dudaz from the fizzle shard said this in the post above: "you can't just spam magic arrow at our fizzle shard, because you would run out of mana", but in other words, well that same thing happens here if you only use magic. Flamestrike costs way more mana than the greater heal spell, so if you just keep spamming flamestrikes you will run out of mana and wouldn't have accomplished anything really, except for loosing all your mana and dieing a few secs later from a hard hit and a flamestrike when you don't even have the mana to heal anymore.

I can see that it may seem "basic" and "boring" and "brainless" when you just hear about it on the forums or see ganking going on, but it is not. The combination of spells (which are faster but either costs more mana or deals less damage) and the normal spells makes it a lot more advanced then it would look. On top of that you need to calculate the dumps, when to do them and how much mana you have, and how much each spell / scroll costs and what you will have left IF the dump would fail, so you can still stay alive. On top of that you need to combine small manas, total manas and greater heal potions, and a whole lot more.

Try it out, see if you can flamestrike people to death, people who are at least decent at the pvp, then learn it from Vys, and once you've learned the PvP and won some tourney I'd say come back here and tell us what you think, because before you've tried it what you say really carries no weight, just like if I would come to a fizzling shard and try to change that because I have played this, you'd just be like "uh, no? This pvp is perfect, if you remove fizzle-pvp people would just fs each other to death, get lost". But if I would have first pvped, learned it, gotten good at it, and then said "this PvP would be BETTER if fizzle was removed" and then compare what I know from the fizzle shard with what I know from my old shard, then that carries A LOT more weight.

I have a friend who had 600 ping, and he was amazing at pvp, sure his first spell was delayed but he had learned when to hit the next spell to get a good timing anyway. He wasn't the best pvper but he won tourneys and so can you, 200ms is not much really, I've had more than that at most US-shards I've played and I have won several tourneys at all of them.

Good luck getting used to the PvP, I think you will love it when you've tried it, just like you guys think we would love fizzle pvp when we have tried it.

- Adam

Good post. This has inspired me to learn more about pvp here. I've never been much for pvp but i sounds like there's a useable system here.
I've been playing since IN1 and never pvp'ed at all.. might be time to try and learn.

Rainbow Dash Wrote:lol dominating AoS......nox mage > you.

You're kidding right? Nox mage doesn't get anything better than lesserP over 5-6 tiles, higher poisons tick slower so interrupt less and 120 resist destroys 3rd circle resistable. Also every single good melee-necro, tank mage and dexxer would annihilate the nox mage.

... and you clearly didn't try to PvP on IN2


Overlord Dudaz Wrote:Its pretty stupid that 90% of the time, people use flamestrike lightning and magic arrow to kill someone in the field on a no skill cap server. Without fizzle, there is no need to use delayed spells like explosion, energy bolt and the 60 other spells in the spellbook etc. No fizzle makes using a melee weapon in the field ABSOLUTELY useless which is a problem no one is addressing. There are other problems with melee too that I wont go into.

Simply put, there is almost no variance in play styles in the whole server. Usually, on no skill cap servers, these things add to the dynamics of the pvp. It seems here the same tactics are used by everyone.

^^ This

sm0ke Wrote:You speak like fizzle pvp is hard to even accomplish or be good at, It's such a joke in reality and stating that you or that other guy lags are top players in the world is just a joke. You wanna know why? This game is dead we are playing a dead game and that's the reason your even on this shard your self right now at this time. Oh no hes casting Kal vas flam or In vas Mani I'll just clusmy or Magic Arrow OVER AND OVER AND OVER, Honestly it's just a joke anyone who has a brain can play in that type of PvP and it takes no skill what so ever. I'm so tired of you complaining straight up about this PvP and talking like you know how people would play and react too in different styles. This PvP is far from broken on this shard, learn to to adapt to it rather than cry or complain or even bring your friends on the forums and ask for it to be changed. We honestly don't care about your UO history and how good you and your friends were else were, you think this PvP is boring and non skillful? Because fizzling a spell with a different type of spell is so much more difficult? It's really not it's quite easier if you think about it not to mention that duels would or could last FOR AGES the way you want the PvP made.

You come into this shard expecting to change the PvP just because you don't like it you haven't even adapted or tried too AT ALL, I'm tired of you thinking that you're so good and the PvP should be this way because so and so, when your quite the opposite. you're honestly a complete joke and need to get over your self.

Btw, Just basically this WHOLE post was directed at you just to be clear oh great Maximus.

EDIT: and with that I'm going to bed good night.

Current PvP you have 1 of 5 choices. FS, lightning, magic arrow, reflect, and heal. Melee is utterly useless with this system (except in tournys of course, how could melee not be useful in an 8 tile square arena).

How can you say this type of PvP takes more skill than a more advanced, line of sight/fizzle based PvP? I don't think you understand what its actually like and are probably hate the idea of change. It's not really THAT different.

You say wait, learn the PvP, then suggest improvements. Shit, I've been playing UO for 12 years. I know what I'm looking at. The first thing I did when I logged on IN was go to BB and watch PvP for a couple hours. I was blown away by the over simplified gank fest. You get 2 or 3 guys casting on you, you're pretty much ****ed. If you're good and fizzle works, you can switch back and forth on the gankers and magic arrow them as you run away. However, if the gankers are smart they will cast FS then run behind something so you can't magic arrow them to fizzle.

Some of you are getting way too defensive acting like people trying to impose their will and ruin your beloved shard. Just trying to enlighten you, no harm intended Smile

You say you just have to spam magic arrow or clumsy to fizzle people. Nope. You have to be able to use line of sight and timing to kill someone. Thats where the skill comes in. Ask anyone whos played a fizzle shard and they will tell you if ya try to win a fight by spamming magic arrows you are going to die real fast.

Lags Wrote:I don't think you understand what its actually like and are probably hate the idea of change. It's not really THAT different.

That's a WIN phrase, now apply it to your self.

Mito Wrote:That's a WIN phrase, now apply it to your self.
Well said! i noticed the same!! xD
Know what's this?! SPAM!
This is not the first, the second and i know will not be the last thread about this!
Why don't you stick to a single post and debate there? Or are you afraid to have said something on the other post and dont want everyone to see now? Or weren't you smart enough to search another post? strange since you argue that fizzle spells takes more intelligence...
I dont care to how the pvp gets, i like both ways! and i sux at both ways!

Raziel_ Wrote:Well said! i noticed the same!! xD
Know what's this?! SPAM!
This is not the first, the second and i know will not be the last thread about this!
Why don't you stick to a single post and debate there? Or are you afraid to have said something on the other post and dont want everyone to see now? Or weren't you smart enough to search another post? strange since you argue that fizzle spells takes more intelligence...
I dont care to how the pvp gets, i like both ways! and i sux at both ways!

I'm not talking about this all over the forums, just in this thread.

Thank you for your concern.

Mito Wrote:That's a WIN phrase, now apply it to your self.

I would if I didn't know how much better the PvP could be!

You are asking me to devolve and I'm asking you do evolve Smile

I don't intend to be insulting to any of you or the shard itself, I love UO and all the nerds that still play it, and this shard has potential like I haven't seen in a decade.

If it makes you feel better I'm 100% sure the staff has noticed this thread already. I still think you're better off participating, learning the system, and then suggesting changes. That way your opinion will be informed, and more respected as a participating PvPer.

The staff here are very reasonable and work hard on trying to make the playing experience fun for everyone, good suggestions made sensibly by players who are actually playing the system will definitely be considered. That doesn't mean you're guaranteed to get your way, but everybody wants a PvP system which is fun, competitive, has some variety and stimulates good world PvP and the economy, so good ideas won't just be trashed for no reason.


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