Poll: Do you support this idea? - You do not have permission to vote in this poll.
Yes, please add both Dungeons and Towns to the Casino.
Yes, this should be added, but Dungeons should not be added.
No, this should not be implemented.
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Basic Transportation Provided by Golden Casino

I understand I shouldn't compare this game to any game but WoW is probably the most similar to this game to be honest, and I understand it needs to be hard but that's what I'm getting at if you have the skills hard and hunting loot is mediocore PvP is rarely hosted by GM's because we have automated event's which is a good thing but if you think about it why make the game even harder why not just implant this system? Lets be honest the game is already hard enough as it is for it's age. UO will never be like it will be back in the day, and if I wasn't up for change or adapting to this shard I wouldn't even be here right now because it's all preference the style etc.

What I'm not trying to say this change won't be as drastic as everyone is disliking it just cut some new players some slack and at least try it :/

Btw we should just move this thread to the voting booth theres two discussions going on at the same time haha

sm0ke Wrote:If anything people running around lost in the world would cause more problems and pages to GM's than not having this system if you ask me.


well I vote no.

1. there is no need for it.

2. all it's gonna do is have player sit in the casino afk well act like it and jump out when they see players.

i have never seen a page from a player claiming he or she was lost yet so i dont think that a problem

Epic Wrote:well I vote no.

1. there is no need for it.

2. all it's gonna do is have player sit in the casino afk well act like it and jump out when they see players.

What he said. Smile

Epic Wrote:2. all it's gonna do is have player sit in the casino afk well act like it and jump out when they see players.
See point/counterpoint in my original post again. Tongue

The results seem to show that this is not a popular idea, so I'm pretty sure it won't be added at this point. I'm glad I made this post to get feedback on the idea though.

Hopefully someone will step forward to create a publicly accessible rune-library to help people out. One thing that might be interesting is to modify the current rune library script so that they can be purchased and rune library owners can create their own moongates. Right now you can already place one with a deed and re-deed it, but there's no way to collect fees from it.

Ideally it would be interesting to let people set the price on their libraries, then collect say, 80% of the proceeds from it. So, someone could make a successful business out of a travel service.

Eru i ment the exit from the casino. what will prevent them from sitting there until they see someon running by?

Epic Wrote:i have never seen a page from a player claiming he or she was lost yet so i dont think that a problem

That's because they're forced using UOAM which is pretty much a map assistance because we don't have such pads. If you ask me it's more work to download a program and figure out how it works rather than just add pads or portals.

Brandon Wrote:Explain.

As stated earlier not everyone knows the world by heart or wishes to use UOAM or knows how to use it, what if said he or she gets lost after being killed at Destard or another location for example magnicia(on an island) and does not know his or her way back or doesn't have a boat or money because that such player is new to the shard. Not to mention there's no GM's around to assist that such player in that situation. Do you think that player will want to stick around wasting all that time? At that point he would already be judging the staff and players of the shard and might decide to move on to a different shard.

Epic Wrote:Eru i ment the exit from the casino. what will prevent them from sitting there until they see someon running by?

Well then again this brings me back to my point of them being outside of guards dilly dallying around at their own risk.. Why should they get some protection for trying to provoke players and then when people form groups inside the casino to strike they need to wait so that they can flee away? Just doesn't make sense to me if you're hanging around the bridge your asking for it imo. There's another way into the casino and you can buy horses in britan up north so theres's really no reason as to why there should be a delay when exiting the casino imo.

sm0ke Wrote:That's because they're forced using UOAM which is pretty much a map assistance because we don't have such pads. If you ask me it's more work to download a program and figure out how it works rather than just add pads or portals.

Step 1: Google UOAM - Find download link
Step 2: Download UOAM
Step 3: Install UOAM & update maps
Step 4: Use UOAM

The first three take less than five minutes. The program is NOT hard to use. I really do think you're grasping here.

sm0ke Wrote:As stated earlier not everyone knows the world by heart or wishes to use UOAM or knows how to use it, what if said he or she gets lost after being killed at Destard or another location for example magnicia(on an island) and does not know his or her way back or doesn't have a boat or money because that such player is new to the shard. Not to mention there's no GM's around to assist that such player in that situation. Do you think that player will want to stick around wasting all that time? At that point he would already be judging the staff and players of the shard and might decide to move on to a different shard.

It's also not seen as a serious shard if you hand them everything.

At this point I really think you're just wanting to make it as easy as possible for you and your friends to run around killing people.

Brandon Wrote:Step 1: Google UOAM - Find download link
Step 2: Download UOAM
Step 3: Install UOAM & update maps
Step 4: Use UOAM

The first three take less than five minutes. The program is NOT hard to use. I really do think you're grasping here.

It's also not seen as a serious shard if you hand them everything.

At this point I really think you're just wanting to make it as easy as possible for you and your friends to run around killing people.

Thanks for pointing out the steps I clearly said I know what UOAM is you also proved my point that it takes 5 mins to download rather then just .add portal and fix it's props.

EDIT: You're pretty much saying you want every player to download and use UOAM when it's optional it shouldn't be like that it's a necessity on this shard and that just isn't right..

As for the 2nd part everything being handed to us? Do you PvP? It's quite impossible with a timer on the casino let alone ganking in general if someone wants to get away they will get away. All they have to do is invis pot and recall scroll in a matter of 1 second there gone good luck trying to get them then.

A much simpler solution than UOAM is http://uo.stratics.com/content/atlas/maps/Grammap.jpg (2mb link) and http://uo.stratics.com/content/atlas/maps/UltUoMas.jpg. There is a 5mb version of the 2nd map available http://uo.stratics.com/content/atlas/maps/UltUoMap.zip. All these maps come from this UO Stratics page. http://uo.stratics.com/content/atlas/maps/index.shtml

Hard to get lost in the world with those.

sm0ke Wrote:Thanks for pointing out the steps I clearly said I know what UOAM is you also proved my point that it takes 5 mins to download rather then just .add portal and fix it's props.

No, you misunderstood me. Obviously you're aware of UOAM since you used it in your argument. I was simply trying to illustrate how easy it is to find and use. You made it out to be confusing and the act of getting it to be laborious.

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