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Kings, Queens and town citizens

hey guys

i'm not sure if the server has anything like this implemented but the GM's should definitely look into it. I currently play a on server with this implemented and its really fun. But since i like sphere game play more I am moving to IN. By the way I was an old time IN player from back in the day.

Anyways. The King, Queen and citizen system goes like this. Every city on the map has an election stone with an election once a month. The winner of the election becomes King or Queen (depending on gender of course). Only citizens from that city may vote in that cities election. On this server all new players start off as citizens of Britain then after a couple days they can revoke their citizenship by typing I revoke my citizenship and then they are able to become a citizen of another city. For players items from NPC's from the city they are a citizen of are much cheaper. For example if you are a citizen of Yew regs are only 2gp each but for that same character in Vesper regs are 5 gp each.

Kings also have some control over their cities. For instance the King can set a town bonus so that all citizens of that city get that bonus. For example the King of Minoc can set a town bonus for mining. Thus, any citizen from minoc gains skill in mining faster. King of Yew could set lumberjack bonus etc.

Kings also have the ability to exile players. For instance you can say I exile Bob and from that point on whenever Bob enters the city he is exiled in he becomes grey.

Then there are the RP benefits of Kings and citizens which are too many to mention.

It's a cool idea even with out the bonuses.
I like this idea.

Captain BB

I would love for this to happen. It would definitely give some new dimension to the game that I don't believe any iteration of IN has been through.

Sounds cool, but overly complex. Would need a lot of work to make it adaptable to the game.
I like the idea of town stones though and being able to be a citizen of a town.

yeahhhh i've seen this system too, i might have even made a similar suggestion. it's actually really cool and really fun, although i've never played a server with the skill bonuses or exile thing. all i've seen is a slight (was like 25-50%) discount at town vendors. really fun/cool idea, but i don't know if it would be possible here?

The Real Bost Wrote:I would love for this to happen. It would definitely give some new dimension to the game that I don't believe any iteration of IN has been through.

IN1 definitely had mayors and town citizens and stuff, but no bonuses.

i have also played on a shard where this happened, you just got to vote for the mayor and possibly be the mayor, but i dont remember any bonuses

Nasir Wrote:IN1 definitely had mayors and town citizens and stuff, but no bonuses.

The Trinsic Council with their ban sticks!! =P

I'm all for player politics and so on but I'm not keen on it actually having an affect on vendor pricing etc.

Also I didn't like the Trinsic ban sticks, I remember them getting abused in PvP quite a bit...

Phantasya had a script which allowed players to make their own towns and elect a major (inspired by LC and Icebluedel from IN1) something like that would be sorta nice maybe.


Very cool idea, maybe don't use the bonuses ? This idea is really cool I was also looking at the different towns they each have there own type of guard already ect. I think this would be cool for races / guilds to possibly run for mayor or w/e and if each player buys a static in said town and they sorta end up running it. maybe a 5 or 10% discount at those npc's to make players shop in there town ? this would cause some diversity and help players branch out as the player base grows.

This could be very cool for faction wars ect (order & chaos) if different guilds or races controlled and hung out in certain towns. Would like to see what the gm's think ?


On the topic of faction wars and towns, am I imagining things were factions able to take over towns at some point, order towns were guarded and chaos towns weren't. Quite possible I'm thinking of a diff shard though..

[COLOR="white"]Okay.. so Minoc and Yew had ore and wood bonuses respectively... What about the rest of the towns? Have you worked that out yet? Or did you just choose the most obvious? Ore and Lumber?

If you have a solid foundation, I'd be all for it. Please, think on this some more, and you have my fulll approval. It's not that my approval matters, but if you flesh it out, resource bonuses are more likely to be heard.

I can see Moonglow being lumber, due to the lack of mountains, or even rocks... But keep this thread going, it's interesting.

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