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We need more flame wars like this, I give it 4 stars.


Gang Wrote:Hello Jamie, long time no see;p Was glad to see you're being the most mature outta your crew nowdays.

PS. Scare, I sometimes wonder do you yourself believe the stuff your write? I mean what kind of imagination you'd need to have for that? And no, I didn't ban you, as I don't have powers for that. But it was pretty fun to see this thread today... Had a good laugh on "people hate prototype" thingy as well, thanks LudaTongue

P.P.S I'm not gonna comment on the "being better" thingy, not like it matters this much nowdays(how old we are?) plus the statistic knew the best anyways, didn't it?

Yeah haha we were looking over old moments, screenshots and all the stupid stuff we did have a good laugh but realized half the stuff we did was retarded lol

You still playing? If so hows the PvP?

yeh we play Smile

Yeah I do since christmas, I think I've had a short talk with you around the time I started thoSmile PvP is different, but as it's still 0.51a it's very close, so ofcourse noone of existing servers would compare to this one. Although weapons play a bigger role than it was on INX. Also, you'd need to use few new spells + total manas are in present. It makes it slightly easier to survive, but since weapons hit better it's alright. Also, the total manas are added in "smart" way. Meaning, while regular mana potion cooldown would be something around 19 sec (20mana as usual), after drinking Greater mana(40 mana) you'd have to wait around 35 secs before drinking new potion. So , it's pretty balanced...

Fight ! Fight ! Fight ! Fight ! Fight ! Fight ! Fight !

Ah okay so it's like ONO PvP pretty much, yeah that isn't bad have some good memories of that place there with Dramatic, Juanin, Jerry and Silverwolf :p

Bring Turks back!

Since when have the Turks been good? Granted, I've been away for YEARS but the only thing they ever knew was how to fs scroll in groups of 3-4. When it came to 1v1 they would drop in 30sec.

As for this post: Why are these kids crying about getting unbanned yet they are also saying if they don't get their name back they aren't playing? I kind of want to see them unban you because I think it would be fun stomping you but in reality people like you shouldn't be allowed to play on servers that want to succeed.

this thread has my approval

5 golden manbabies.

Fulmanar Wrote:5 golden manbabies.


Carding Wrote:We need more flame wars like this, I give it 4 stars.
I just love that guy xd. Hi everyone else!

PD2: stop blaming protozoos!! :p

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