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Suggestion: What about to make a dialog/gump (command) to look how long u must using skill to raise it. For example: I training anatomy using it on myself. Then I use .skill and dialog shows me that I need to use it 120 times to raise my skill for 0.1%.
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That wouldn't be possible since the gain is completely randomized. Sometimes you might gain 1% in an hour, sometimes you can go for hours without gaining anything.
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but isn't the randomization preset per each gain?
Meaning, for example: At 40.0 isn't it already randomized as to how many repetitions it will take to get to 40.1, and then the 40.1 to 40.2 repetition count is randomized?
How else would it work? =p The only other way I would think is that PER use of the skill it gives it a certain % chance to gain. I.E. Smithing would be 0.00001% chance per rep. at 99 lol
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I'm not sure exactly how it works since Maka scripted it. But for example, from 40 it takes xxx reps to get to 60. From 60-70 xxx reps, etc. There in between it's randomized. So a gump like that wouldn't work.
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If I remember correctly, it's simply a % chance to gain per skill level tier; not a randomized number of repetitions.
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Yes it used to have a % depending on how many skill you got, your % chance will be X from 40 to 60 then it will be lower from 60 to 70 blabla . So you both are right! If I remember properly xd
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Never seen the script but it sounds pretty much like Maka , as he had same hit system
like - you had very good chance to hit 3 times in a row with GM the combat skill of a weapon you use + GM Tactic, but you would have a pretty low chance to hit fourth time, like REALLY low chance. And if you'd hit four times, then hitting fifth time would be as easy as winning 100 000 000$ in lottery. I suggest we have same system here as hitting 10 times in a row not so good thingy....
I remember the double-hit bug used to reset that "counter" though:/