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Killing Newbies and REs killing

Hmmm... First of all i hate reskilling but if someone do it anyone or me, i will not judge him/her...

But Craditz, why you had been war mode after 1st reskill... and if you stucked by items why you didnt take screenshot and informed GMS and also use options menu>Help> Imstuck button...

If you didnt do those steps, nothing to do for you.... Just i can say "becarefull next time and after 1st reskill dont be war mode, if he/she harras you take screenshot and post GMs...


Oh it hasn't happen to me Galdor ive just wistness it to others and have heard new comers complain so i thought it should be brought up to my surprise it has got alot of attention

My outlook on this whole situation: This is UO you play expecting people are gonna kill you and res kill just cause it entertains them it has happened to all of us. On another note res killing newbies is totally retarded I myself will only kill people that attack me or have attacked me or i feel are a threat in a certain situation. Res killing will only happen to people that have done it to me or just keep running there mouth's cause they dont know when to STFU. I havent read this topic in the full but I would like to know who has been doing it so if they are part of my guild I can have a little talk with them.

soMa Wrote:I wanted to Bring this post back for a a little bit to prove a point for all those mental retards out there.
If anyone payed attention which I have even tho I am not around that much I vote every day and check the server status and have noticed that there was a time where there were 40 clients on not to long ago and now there are 25-28 and its the same 25-28 that have more or less been here for a long time. hmmm I wonder what happen ? you mean the new players left because you morons res killed players, boxed them in, killed a macroing player in town or at the merc camp. I dont care if you did it for an item or 1000gp. YOUR PROLLY SO rich and own a huge house have tons of items, oh but wait you wanted that 10 cent item they had or because your bored... well your gonna be even more bored now that no one comes back or stays to play. I think gm's should take all the res killers, macro killers, box killers and .kill them for a week and nuke there items but I guess that's why I don't run a shard.

*Also I just noticed a small discussion of killing a chaos player afk at the merc camp macroing or something.
well you know something it's a hassel to quit a guild and re join just to train skills why not let the person macro in peace so that when they are ready to fight or hunt then you can go and kill them.
For a small shard to get big you gotta take it easy on people for the first little while.
It also doesn't help when the players with everything are to ***** to lose a single item but its ok to kill someone who has nothing for there 10 cents because they are to shitty of a fighter to kill the harder players that can actually pvp. Im not saying don't kill noobs I mean if there in a dung its ok to be a pk ect but I mean if you pk them every waking minute they play they will never advance and in turn make it boring or frustrating for them to log on and invest time into there character or this shard.
There are other factors why the shard has slowed down again but this is a HUGE FACTOR, even if you don't think it is.

So remember when your bored because no one is on it's your own fault you mental moron and I think you should go see a doctor or shrink because you don't understand a simple concept that not everyone is as good as you with your god complex.

Your Friend Soma who barley plays anymore with his 2 cents.
Things have to change if you want a player base especially killing the miners / lumber-jackers because there the only ones actually trying to make a economy on here. Stop taking away the last safe thing a noob can do to make a decent living.

Last thing id like to mention is why the **** is everyone a friend ? I mean come on no wonder no one fights each other you all stand there killing noobs when you could fight each other no one here is true chaos bunch a wanna be noobs.

Ok, so from your last post it's become quite apparent to me that I was the one you were talking about in this nonsense post i quoted above... I had a feeling you were talking about me, but since I didn't do any of the things you accused me of, I didn't think much of it.

This part was my favorite:
"So remember when your bored because no one is on it's your own fault you mental moron and I think you should go see a doctor or shrink because you don't understand a simple concept that not everyone is as good as you with your god complex. "

Wanna hear something funny? Someone from YOUR guild is the one grieving people and just being a douche bag in general! Isn't that ironic? You said you're saddened to hear that it's someone from YOUR guild being such a ****-off. I'd be pretty saddened too if I made a fool of myself like that.

That shit's hilarious man, I liked this too:
"no one here is true chaos bunch a wanna be noobs."

This is even more ironic than what I quoted above... Wanna know why? Because YOUR guild is the wanna be chaos guild. YOUR guild is not true chaos. I find it absolutely hilarious that you said such hypocritical things. You try to shit on me for PK'ing noobs/miners... Get the **** off that shit dude you said it yourself there is no true chaos here, so don't give me shit for killing people who have LOOT. Maybe you should turn your guild into a "real" chaos guild and start doing work, maybe you should make an Order character and put your money where your mouth is, or maybe you should just tell Christina to not be such a ****ing melon head, killing AFK/naked people macroing... Your guilds a joke, hate to break it to you. I have some other things to say about your guild but I'll keep it to myself so I don't get banned.

So all in all, I'd like to give a big GO **** YOURSELF, Soma....

Your friend Habibi.

Paulie Wrote:My outlook on this whole situation: This is UO you play expecting people are gonna kill you and res kill just cause it entertains them it has happened to all of us. On another note res killing newbies is totally retarded I myself will only kill people that attack me or have attacked me or i feel are a threat in a certain situation. Res killing will only happen to people that have done it to me or just keep running there mouth's cause they dont know when to STFU. I havent read this topic in the full but I would like to know who has been doing it so if they are part of my guild I can have a little talk with them.

Paulie I couldn't agree more completely... Glad to hear the thoughts of a TRUE ultima player...

First of all this post was suposse to be about us to stop killing new players and i agree.
But if your mining with a colored axe i gotta see what you got.

were not a true chaos guild what the **** does that mean?

i killed you afk?? when was this? but shit if i see you afk or anyone else I probably would kill you afk.

so you can complain all you want about me killing you afk I really dont give a ****. and that goes strictly toward to habi

Craditz Wrote:Oh it hasn't happen to me Galdor ive just wistness it to others and have heard new comers complain so i thought it should be brought up to my surprise it has got alot of attention

My words belongs to every member of IN players !!!


Christina Thorn Wrote:First of all this post was suposse to be about us to stop killing new players and i agree.
But if your mining with a colored axe i gotta see what you got.

were not a true chaos guild what the **** does that mean?

i killed you afk?? when was this? but shit if i see you afk or anyone else I probably would kill you afk.

so you can complain all you want about me killing you afk I really dont give a ****. and that goes strictly toward to habi

Plus: We are Rp guilds and did anyone see a vampire, a daemon and a goblin not attack anyone ??? Sorry... Kill any one is our nature !!!


Wait Christina, where did I say you killed me macroing AFK? I didn't. Funny that you would think that's what I meant though, considering the circumstances. Really, quit giving yourself away. Also, I know you would kill me afk macroing Christina and that's because you know that's the only chance you will ever have to kill me by yourself, ever. What I was actually talking about is the fact that people have told me that you reskilled them and clearly earlier in the thread someone else said that you boxed them in as a ghost because they were in "your" mine? Really dude? Your mine? You're gonna box someones ghost in because they are mining in a part of that map that you THINK is yours? You're a ****ing joke dude!

since your the only one lately to complain about getting killed obvious its you.

giving what away?what are you talking about? i must of missed somethin in this post.

And the story about me res killing someone. you should know the story before you up that mouth
Plz STFU! thank you and good night

Quote:True Chaos is referred to as the "Destroyer". Characters of this alignment tend to have no respect for rules, other people's lives, or anything but their own desires, which are typically selfish and cruel. They set a high value on personal freedom, but do not have any regard for the lives or freedom of other people. They do not work well in groups, as they resent being given orders, and usually behave themselves only out of resentment of punishment.

Pfff true chaos. The only true chaos is someone that is NOT in a guild, plays only for himself not others, and plays for self gain/worth only. It is rare for anyone to be of that magnitude and the only one i remember being that play style was redruM when he first started on IN1. If your in a guild, you not true chaos anyway -.-

I agree Mystic, the person that really sparked my interest in this game was a lone PK who would ALWAYS killed me at Jhelom GY. Always.

*rant* I didn't know how to play the game so I was free game, along with other noobies. We would try to gank him and he'd pwn us all, but one day I guard whacked him and helped him get his shit and he told me to message him on ICQ if any noobs are around so he could kill them for me to loot. He and his friend, a blue lord were tight and trained me. Long story short we became unstoppable on a 400 client server and to this day, 7 years after I started playing this game I still talk to both of them on occasion. One of them pretty frequently.

Chaos is really only a faction tag but if you mean a true murderer, like someone worthy of the title, yes it is very rare to find that. That's basically the reason I was talking trash... The reason I was being rude towards your guild is because I just see you guys as this super rich, well armed, WELL manned force who never go out and just wreck shit and cause people to get together and kick your asses. Daemon and Goblin are powerful guilds with some really good players, yet you guys never just start brawls. Unfortunately none of us do and honestly I was wrong to insult your guild because it isn't a problem with your guild it's really just the fact that there aren't enough players for us all to prey on, you know? I'm really happy to see that there are some new skilled fighters here though. I apologize to Daemon guild minus Christina. I used to kill anyone I wanted too, then I decided **** it I'll go blue because if everyone is doing what I'm doing then the shard is gonna stale out. Thinking about going order as much as I don't want to...

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