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Killing Newbies and REs killing

Mystic Edge Wrote:Crad i don't think its all BS on the order thing imo because chaos are getting bored and instead of taking there battles to order they are just taking it out on whomever is around or on other chaos. Sure there will be pk's around anyway but with no order threat its worse for neutrals. There isn't a force to protect those new people.

Back on IN1 when i first started ,Order overwhelmed chaos (FW/DOOM, PoD, DoD, HoD, TRU, Orders Guardians, BoJ, and a few other guilds and some that stayed neutral but help order anyway like virtue). Before I created Daemon with DaBody Horacio Natok and Felix there was only Vampire and non-guided murderers ganking people, That's it. Goblin wasn't even created yet when i made Daemon and that is why Nevela came to Daemon Pass for an alliance since we were also were becoming Chaos. Back then Order we're patrolling everywhere in large groups going from Trinsic to Minoc and then to Britain since it was unguarded. And I do remember the huge amounts of order running around Brittan where Daemon and Vampire had to fall back and regroup because of the numbers. It was insane when i first started Daemon. Goblin came later by KM and later on came the other guilds like Black, Reaper, VvV, Pharaoh, a few others and then SIN which was later addition that got the chaos vs chaos wars going. IN1 had majority of order and neutrals not only helping each other but creating a RP Environment that gave everyone a strong sense of community of helping others within the city. The RP aspect was just the icing on the cake for story lovers all around. On here it's like a complete opposite, No order authority to scare off chaos and with the majority of people on chaos that have the ability to murder and even grieve the new people without consequence. There isn't a threat for them, the only ones that are threats are on chaos anyway, and that's only if they want a fight. There have been a few order in the past and trust me when there were out and about I've seen alliance chat on Choas get lit up with activity. It's unfortunate that the smallest res kill or grieving can have an effect on new players like that. It seems whenever we do get new people they seem to only stay for a short while Sad

those were the times i realy miss it everyday dude!!

I wanted to Bring this post back for a a little bit to prove a point for all those mental retards out there.
If anyone payed attention which I have even tho I am not around that much I vote every day and check the server status and have noticed that there was a time where there were 40 clients on not to long ago and now there are 25-28 and its the same 25-28 that have more or less been here for a long time. hmmm I wonder what happen ? you mean the new players left because you morons res killed players, boxed them in, killed a macroing player in town or at the merc camp. I dont care if you did it for an item or 1000gp. YOUR PROLLY SO rich and own a huge house have tons of items, oh but wait you wanted that 10 cent item they had or because your bored... well your gonna be even more bored now that no one comes back or stays to play. I think gm's should take all the res killers, macro killers, box killers and .kill them for a week and nuke there items but I guess that's why I don't run a shard.

*Also I just noticed a small discussion of killing a chaos player afk at the merc camp macroing or something.
well you know something it's a hassel to quit a guild and re join just to train skills why not let the person macro in peace so that when they are ready to fight or hunt then you can go and kill them.
For a small shard to get big you gotta take it easy on people for the first little while.
It also doesn't help when the players with everything are to ***** to lose a single item but its ok to kill someone who has nothing for there 10 cents because they are to shitty of a fighter to kill the harder players that can actually pvp. Im not saying don't kill noobs I mean if there in a dung its ok to be a pk ect but I mean if you pk them every waking minute they play they will never advance and in turn make it boring or frustrating for them to log on and invest time into there character or this shard.
There are other factors why the shard has slowed down again but this is a HUGE FACTOR, even if you don't think it is.

So remember when your bored because no one is on it's your own fault you mental moron and I think you should go see a doctor or shrink because you don't understand a simple concept that not everyone is as good as you with your god complex.

Your Friend Soma who barley plays anymore with his 2 cents.
Things have to change if you want a player base especially killing the miners / lumber-jackers because there the only ones actually trying to make a economy on here. Stop taking away the last safe thing a noob can do to make a decent living.

Last thing id like to mention is why the **** is everyone a friend ? I mean come on no wonder no one fights each other you all stand there killing noobs when you could fight each other no one here is true chaos bunch a wanna be noobs.

Well said Soma And Mystic

And being a lumberjack i dont have to worry with getting pked i dont think theres a pk on this shard who can find me as deep in the woods as i go =-)~ ive been lumberjacking all over this world and have not found anyone. i could be in your backyard and youd never no it

[4 Hours Ago 09:21 AM] Quintus  : I guess I'm not allowed to kill chaos player while there afk. :/
[4 Hours Ago 09:24 AM] Habibi Jones  : you can do whatever you want, it just makes you a douche bag to kill someone whos NAKED, afk macroing at the merc camp...
[4 Hours Ago 09:24 AM] Habibi Jones  : but dont you worry, youve done it 2 nights in a row
[4 Hours Ago 09:24 AM] Habibi Jones  : ill get you back, promise
[4 Hours Ago 09:24 AM] Habibi Jones  : you ****ed up
[4 Hours Ago 09:26 AM] Quintus  : uh oh
[4 Hours Ago 09:26 AM] Habibi Jones  : lol... just wait
[4 Hours Ago 09:26 AM] Christina Thorn  : so intresting
[4 Hours Ago 09:26 AM] Habibi Jones  : you'll quit too
[4 Hours Ago 09:27 AM] Quintus  : doubt it
[4 Hours Ago 09:27 AM] Habibi Jones  : i dont doubt it at all
[3 Hours Ago 09:59 AM] Maktor [Daemon]  : Then it shall be settled on the battlefield!
[3 Hours Ago 10:44 AM] Mystic Edge  : pfff hebibi you ganked me when i was afk outside brit naked as well with a death shroud on
[2 Hours Ago 10:58 AM] Habibi Jones  : nah, snooped you saw the ocarina and wanted it
[2 Hours Ago 10:58 AM] Habibi Jones  : at the time my stealing was 40 or else i'd have just stolen it
[2 Hours Ago 11:32 AM] Quintus  : I saw empty bottles on you and i wanted them
[2 Hours Ago 11:48 AM] Habibi Jones  : k, gl on your main

Right on Soma.

edit: I'd like to add that if any player is having problems with another player, gets some friends or recruit people to gank them... This is UO you get reskilled, you get ****ed with... It's part of the game. I'm not gonna reskill noobies or kill naked people to piss them off, but I will definitely PK people if they have something I want, regardless of their gametime; and that's UO. That's the game.
I'd also like to add that I agree with Soma completely when he said everyone is friends with eachother and also too ***** to use/lose good items and duel players who can actually PvP. Therefore, I've decided to cut all ties and attack everyone, yet again.

Pirates too huh? lol

Soma you are correct but you know youre talking about your own guild right?
Habibi I agree that reskilling is part of the game but at the moment we are still trying to get this shard established, no? Or are you content with 24 players? I know youre not, so I say go easy on new people until we have amassed a good crowd here.
It looked like it was gonna take off for a moment when we hit forty+ but then the pks blew their load too soon and scared everyone away. Moderation people. For the good of the shard let new players get established and commit themselves here before you get your rape on.

You guys are totaly right! we have to take it easy till people settledown..i hope people will stay playing and also try to come online and just hangout at brit or whatever.. i wont try to rape anyone only if they ask for it... :twisted:

Lamby I agree man. I gotta say though, it's definitely happened to all of us... The reason anyone worth their salt leaves this server is unanimously the same answer: boredom. Really man I can't count on my hands how many people I've watched come and go ONLY because they got bored with it. They fought for a bit it was cool for them at first, but there was nothing to keep them around. Playing here for a week or so merely satisfied their nostalgia, which I might add, is the only reason this shard is up and the only reason why anyone would be looking for a shard to play. The appeal just isn't there for most of the people whom I know personally who have joined/quit.

I ran into a new player the other day and he was asking me a few questions i answered them. then later he was about to leave due to res killing etc.. Shadow and I talked with him gave him a little gear to get going showed him the ropes it took like 30mins and now he is bring 3 or 4 people rl friends of his to this shard. WOrd of mouth is a very powerful thing people if someone logs on for the first time or has been playing 333-up for 5 years simple point is dont grive them to death pking is fine but when you res kill them over and over word spreads and it can make or break any shard any game without the players what do you got? Nothing.

Lamby Wrote:Soma you are correct but you know youre talking about your own guild right?

seeing you say that saddens me a bit.
I am done in this topic as Ive said my piece and it's not like talking or discussing ever makes people under stand common sense. Some people are just to dumb but am glad to see a few understand.

Happy hunting Hab Big Grin

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