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How to Use the Chat System @

You can visit {link removed} to use the php chat system. It mimicks IRC a lot in that you can send private messages, create extra rooms and can't see the rooms that others have created. You could create a channel for just a group to talk in while doing things, etc.

/clear : Clear the screen
/connect {username} : Reconnect as {username}
/help : Display full list of commands
/invite {user} : Invite {user} to join the current channel.
/join {channel} : Join or create {channel}
/leave : Leave current channel
* Eru {emote} : Perform an emote
/nick {name} : Change your nickname to {name}
/privmsg {user} : Send private message to {user}
/quit : Disconnects
/who {user} : Display info about a user
/whois {user} : Same as /who

-=(Change Log)=-
  • Added, themed and redid the interface of the chat system
  • Added Word Filters
  • Removed the "Player### has joined IN Chat" message that was spamming the rooms.
  • Removed the chat link since it's mostly unused and a place where a specific someone with no life keeps spamming their shard on it.

link has been removed....

Whats is the link ???

Who ? How ? What ? When ? Which ?



It was and I removed it because some jerk kept coming by and spamming for other shards and no amount of adding filters would stop him. So, I just removed it.

If you still want to chat, you can join Ventrilo and either do voice chat or use the built in chat system:

Port: 17170

Ahhhh I always use MSN

[email protected]

Add me, chat me !!!
*Write like; Hail Im ERU !!!" cause i want yo know who msg me, Thats it !!!


Added. I'm hardly ever online though. :< I'm mostly away at work.

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