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Life support

I've been checking daily for a few weeks now and the average number of clients is at 9. It seems like the shard is barely kicking. The summer is coming up and that means some free time. But really, how much longer can the shard last?

Are there going to be some drastic changes made in an attempt to bring in new players? UO sounds fun again, but it really doesn't seem like it would be much fun playing with just 9 players.

Something needs to be done, and fast!

I've lost count of the number of people who say something along the lines of 'it's no fun with only x number of people'. Well get it through your heads that if everyone saying this would instead play we'd be at that number of people you like seeing online!!!!

As for drastic changes, I doubt anything of the sort will be happening.

I really don't understand why they don't make some changes around here. What do they stand to lose? It's not like the population can get much smaller. Give the people what they want!

So exactly what do the people want? If it's lowering skillgain well that's not really going to happen.

We've made some adjustments to monster loots so you can make more money hunting now.

Yeah skill gain getting easier is not going to happen. We have talked about it a million times over. It's more then easy enough to gm all the main skills as it is. If we made it any easier people would quit just because everything is to easy and the would have nothing to do.. Not to mention the people that worked hard for there skills would see other people just getting them and they would get angery and quit aswell. And if crafting skills were easier then the economy would get all messed up and again the people that took a month to gm something would be agitated and quit.. Im not sure what to do but skill gain isn't it..

What people want is the experience they once had when playing UO. That's a thing of the past and can never be the same again (reasons vary but conclusion is the same). People want the impossible.

There has got to be a reason why the population went from 90+ to 9. You can argue the fact that the game is old, etc. But the fact still remains that there were at one time over 100 people that were interested in playing this shard, and this was not too long ago.

Y'all don't want the skill difficulty to change. I'd be willing to bet that's probably one of the main things that caused people to leave the shard. It's an old game! People don't want to spend half a year or more casually playing just to get their skills maxed.

It's funny how y'all say skill difficulty isn't going to change, and that's that. Pretty soon you'll have no players, and that's that.

***** and moan all you want.

If skill gain got any easier what exactly would you do? Log on go gank someone that has maxed all there skills out. And say umm im bored this shard sucks.. And leave. hmm sounds like fun to me. We have argued the ups and downs of making skill gain basicly given away and went with leaving them the way they are. They were made easier awhile back. If your to lazy to macro combate skills for 1 day then you shouldn't be playing anyway. If they were easier there would be no skills to get. You would log on and say max everything to 100 and poof there you go.

About the skillgain. The pvp skills are not hard to train, especially since there is a mercenary camp to train them. If you chose resisting spells, magery and (healing or swordsmanship or tactics) you have about a good 2-3 days to gm all those skills which is needed to PVP here.

As for the crafting skills of course they will be a bit more difficult as you can make money off them. In light of some points being made HUNTING was made a lot more profitable so you can BUY those crafted items from skills such as (blacksmithy, alchemy, inscription). Another alternative would be to go hunt make money and SPEND the money on RESOURCES to macro that skill. Seriously you can hunt for 30 mins and make a good 30K-40K, so I don't see how raising skillgain on crafting skills.

I mean UO is a game we can't just give you everything because then what would be the point in playing if you had every skill gm'ed AND you could make 100K in 1 hour by hunting? People would eventually get bored of that and I think people need to know that you can EASILY hunt with the increase monster loots and gain A LOT of money to help you macro OR purchase whatever you want to buy.

So again I'll ask everyone why they don't log on? If you say it's because no one is online we'll if you log on and just leave your character AFK it would eventually make people log on and the amount of people online would increase.

Like I've always said: I'm always open to ideas that aren't out of this world and to just give some reasoning to your idea basically, this way we can discuss the pros and cons about it. For skillgain to be easier it would hurt the shard in the long run so it doesn't solve our problem.

Brandon Wrote:There has got to be a reason why the population went from 90+ to 9.

Said it once, saying it again:

What people want is the experience they once had when playing UO.

Some want war shard, some want RP shard, some just want to play the game with people they used to know when they played this game earlier. Game being old is not what I was getting at (might be one of the reasons but not the ultimate one, just like the skillgain isn't either). I'm saying it's not the same experience people expect when they log on.

Viz Wrote:If skill gain got any easier what exactly would you do? Log on go gank someone that has maxed all there skills out. And say umm im bored this shard sucks.. And leave. hmm sounds like fun to me. We have argued the ups and downs of making skill gain basicly given away and went with leaving them the way they are. They were made easier awhile back. If your to lazy to macro combate skills for 1 day then you shouldn't be playing anyway. If they were easier there would be no skills to get. You would log on and say max everything to 100 and poof there you go.

hmm , it could very well be the case what you say here. but i could very well not be the case. anyway we all know why the players left. except for guys, you still play. so you seem to enjoy what others diden't. the game still rocks, except here. Wink

Two things that makes this shard boring to me is the pits and the "status"-list on the website, which tells the location of each other..

On shards I've played, where there obviously hasn't been any pits, you'd interact with people all the time randomly. I've been playing on shards in which the playerbase has been average 30, and still you've been interacting with people alot more than here, even at times we had more than 100 players online.

Why I play, or shall we say played, is pretty much all because of the community Ultima Online usually has.

There's so many pros in my opinion if we'd skip whole idea of pits. First off all, if people would want to check out what's happening or how active the shard is right now, they'd have to enter Britain or/and Occlo to see what the players who's online are actually doing.

I know that there's alot of people, or at least was, who's checking out the activity of the shard, to make their decision if they want to play or not, by either logging on in pits or already have their UO-window with their logged on character in pits, to see how many people there's there and see if there's any interaction etc.

If we wouldn't have pits, you couldn't assume too much by just logging on and write .on. Like I said earlier, you'd have to recall to Britain and/or Occlo to actually see if anyone's around or if everyone on the .on list is AFK. I think that, at least before, people have been logging on or checking their UO-window more than you might know. Without pits, this would might mean people would start interacting with eachother in different ways. There's alot of chaos/order players here. By having them to actually enter the towns to see what's going on would mean alot of more action.

When people die here, it's not really a big deal, most of the times you'll find a rune somewhere really close. Without pits people would start running around the world, using the moongates, try to get themself to a town before they can gear up again etc. If you're in a dungeon you'd preferably tell a friend to gate so you can get out of there.

Here, as it is now, you are so independent of other people it's seriously boring. If I die now as it is now, it's more of a hassle to contact a friend and have him to help me, than just get myself to a rune, gear up, recall back and loot my stuff back if possible.

If anything of what I just said is unclear, then ask. I'm kind of tired and I'm sure I've could have explained it better if I cared to take the time.

[Image: sigpicc123.png]

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