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Whats the point of making everything so hard?

maka Wrote:I have a few VERY controversial ideas on how to add armor and weapons to ganking while still keeping the geared PvP exactly the way it was, but I can't say that it is fully "sphere"... I'll discuss them with Taran and see what he says, but until then, try not to scare away players with bad informed posts and anger.

I miss energy bolts :lol:


Kitiara Wrote:Why BOD system is not implemented, it makes people like more to increase some skills. Almost is more funny.
There isn't any profit if you increase any craft skill. You always have to pay money unless you gather all the resources. Which means lots of time.

I have asked this several times myself, and personally don't see what's so wrong about them. However I will venture a guess and say they weren't a part of sphere so we don't have them. Note, I've never played a true sphere server so I don't know that for sure, and remember that IN:X is attempting to be a sphere replica.

Kitiara Wrote:Just think something if you run all over t2a and the spawns of the rides has been tamed recently you will never find them unless you have much luck.
People dont usually like to spend 4-5 hours to tame a bs ride which can be killed in 30 seconds.

Because rides aren't meant to be allies, they're a tool to get around faster. What will you ask for next, evo dragons that you can tell to attack players and kill them in 1 second? Sad

JuM Wrote:1. on IN1 players were cant cast spells while holding any item (weapon,shield etc) which enables arm/disarm macro in pvp and it gives you so much stress + adrenaline. Also it forces people to wear armor and weapons as much as rare because it chanalize you to fight with weapon to till make a nice hit. but in INX you dont need to drop any weapon because you can cast anything while paralized. So Paralize is useless except pins down the running man in INX.

If you activate the [cant cast while holding stuff] script it can bring life to economy and pvp.
i dont think it will effect the XUO player so much.

Some third party tools like Razor have an option you can enable to un-equip weapons before casting. I don't see how this will make for a better economy or make the pvp better... I am getting the impression that you haven't tried the pvp very much and are talking out of your ass right now...

Have you ever read a book, watched a movie, or played a game other then UO?

In Lord of the Rings Gandalf uses a staff. You don't see him drop it when he's going to cast a spell...

When I was younger I read books from the Dragon Lance series. One trilogy was in the series was about two twins. One was a very powerful wizard named Raistlin who's health got worse and worse as he casted spells, and his twin Camaron was a huge warrior. Like Gandalf, Raistlin also used a big staff and if I remember right he couldn't cast spells at all if he wasn't holding his staff.

A recent video game that came out (Dragons Age) has people that can cast spells while they hold items. In games like Diablo and Diablo 2 you can also carry items while casting spells.

Out of all the games, books, movies, and TV shows I know, UO is the first I've ever encountered where you can't hold anything when you cast a spell. Why is it such a big issue for you that this should have to change? I seriously don't see this bringing in more players.

JuM, it sounds to me like you're trying to get back IN:R or some other shard you played years ago and not improve on IN:X. Remember that IN:X caters to two types of players and all your suggestions are going against one group of those players.

JuM Wrote:"Oh and .wop is pretty lame too. I mean really, your on top of a horse, holding a 2-handed weapon and casting a flamestrike while drinking a mana potion and managing to spam false spell words too? Lame."

no roleplay not good for pvp and then if you add "3 naked man casting spell on you" to this example. it goes to +no economy

Using .wop Kal Vas Flam and other power words is just like lieing to someone. You tell them you think they have nice shoes but when they leave the room you tell your friends "what a loser, did you see his ugly *ss shoes?"

If you don't like that analogy, did you ever say something when you meant to say something else, or did you ever say something you were thinking but didn't mean to say it?

Or what about a few hundred years ago... people would ride a horse, swing their swords and scream at people. That was real world war. Riding a horse and swinging a sword doesn't mean you can't talk and vice versa.

Stop taking up issues with the core and fundamental aspects of something you clearly don't understand.

what's BOD?

- regards, Fable

Fable Wrote:what's BOD?

its an implemented system where npcs gives you a list of items to do.
After you do the list and give the bulk deed to the npc. It usually rewards you with money and something else. Like coloured cloth for example etc...

You can only do it once per hour.

For example:

if you are raising tailoring, you ask for a deed, then:

This is an example of a low tailoring skill bod:

10 robes exceptional.

Also there are Large bods which are the mix between 4-6 normal bods which usualy gives better rewards.

I just want to say that there is some great input in this post, reason to why I haven't posted on anything but the PvP is cause I'm really busy right now. I just haven't had time to comment and "improve" on the general ideas that's been given, or even comment on why I believe some of them wouldn't work. Hope to be able to do it soon cause there are some really great suggestions here:p

Anyways, the PvP is very special to me, so when I saw some of these pots, I couldn't wait to postSad Critique is OK and can be used for good, bashing and talking about stuff you have no clue about is generally bad though.

I'll work a bit with my armor/weapon idea in gank, I really like the idea of it, but I suspect people might be hesistant at first.

The way I see it is that the XUO people should want armor/weapons in gank, they are the ones ganking (looting) the most.

IN people should also want this implemented as it would remind more of your old PvP, where people had to have weapons and armors.

Most important thing (for me) is, that if two people with similar gear fight, it would be no different from the PvP we have now. It would also boost the economy and the usefulness of the professions.

This is not a planed change and it has not been discussed or authorized, I just said it cause if everyone likes it (both sides), it might be something that could be added faster.

Kitiara Wrote:Maka the only problem is not coming from PvP.
I dont know why always that happens something is caused by pvp instead of Skillgain/mosnters etc...

2º one thing i will see nicely to pvp is paralyze making people use pouchs for example probably wouldnt be a bad option.

I just want to say that I really have read all the posts, I know that very few points in here are wrongfully directed towards PvP. It is like I said in the post above, I haven't had time to post anything cause I want to comment on it allTongue There are really quite a few ideas here that are worth building on.

BTW, I actually used to cast magic lock on pouches even on this PvP style. If people start using more para in gank, you'll see more people using pouches. Even if you can still cast paralyzed, you still need the ability to run if 3 guys are chasing youBig Grin Having 3 pouches in your BP and casting magic trap on them now and again is a cheap price to surviveTongue I used to especially use it in CWs when I was running with the flag:p

maka Wrote:Most important thing (for me) is, that if two people with similar gear fight, it would be no different from the PvP we have now. It would also boost the economy and the usefulness of the professions.

Agreed. If you had time to do that yourself, I don't think anyone of XUOers would mind it then. Especially if it would help economy...

But I myself wouldn't like something like... ex: "If you have 10 less armor than your opponent you can't cast spells on him"

Gang-Bang Wrote:But I myself wouldn't like something like... ex: "If you have 10 less armor than your opponent you can't cast spells on him"

My idea was actually something towards the direction you do not likeSad The idea would be that if you have quite a bit higher armor than your opponent, lets say 10, 20, 30 and 40, your spells will do slightly increased damage.

The damage increase would not be huge, actually it would be very small, but still enough to warrant a good gear. PvP would be different against people with a worse gear, but fact is, if they have worse gear than you 9/10 you would have won anyways. Problem is that it would need to be big enough to warrant armor wearing in ganking too, but we could just double the effects on the "world".

That is my plan in short, just need to work with it a bit. There is also a plan for weapons, but it needs a bit more stewing.

Hope that this doesn't disappoint people too much cause really, having Mytheril (43+ ar and above) will most likely only allow you to take the first level of damage bonus against someone with an Extreme... The numbers are just from the top of my head, but I think I could create something everyone but really really poor [in game] people could agree with.

Silverwolf Wrote:Now things to focus on;

*tweak loot from treasures/nets/fishing
*balance weapons, so all types of weapons are usefull, from mace/swords/fencing, etc.
*add a few more items to the mining table, get rid of a few minables to bring some value
*add some new tamables, new colors, etc..
*fix the retarded limit on taming horses, like seriously **** that if your a "grand master tamer" you can take a horse 100 times, cause ur just dirty like that.(or cause u spent 1 year gming the skill, you choose)
*get rid of the RETARDED SILVER WEAPONS OF GARBAGE. totally useless, meaningless, and i get upset if i see it. I would rather loot Raw Ham than loot the damn silver cystal.
*Tweak dungeons for new commers, and also allow it to be A LITTLE EASIER SO PEOPLE CAN BE I N D E P E N D E N T DONT U KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS MAN? (its a song... but seriously, dont u know what that means man? lol)
*Make certain monsters less crazy and not insta death
*tweak certain high mob loot, some are ridicuously low on loot. (SMALL example on Gibran's post)
*add new loots, some someone suggested, chance of adam ingots or some shit, things that wont hurt the economy, like decos, etc...


Yes I rock ---> Silverwolf for Admin. Big Grin


Koll Brightlance:Crafter Extraordinaire

Coldsteel Hunter: Treasure Hunter and Thrillseeker

Silverwolf Wrote:Yes I rock ---> Silverwolf for Admin. Big Grin


maka Wrote:The damage increase would not be huge, actually it would be very small, but still enough to warrant a good gear. PvP would be different against people with a worse gear, but fact is, if they have worse gear than you 9/10 you would have won anyways. Problem is that it would need to be big enough to warrant armor wearing in ganking too, but we could just double the effects on the "world".

The problem with this is that you wouldn't know the exact damage value of the fs/light of your opponent (assuming you're the one with worse armor)... And as you know, knowing that is extremely important in duels.
Don't get me wrong, I'm for this... But don't mess with the 1v1's plz.


maka Wrote:My idea was actually something towards the direction you do not likeSad The idea would be that if you have quite a bit higher armor than your opponent, lets say 10, 20, 30 and 40, your spells will do slightly increased damage.

The damage increase would not be huge, actually it would be very small, but still enough to warrant a good gear. PvP would be different against people with a worse gear, but fact is, if they have worse gear than you 9/10 you would have won anyways. Problem is that it would need to be big enough to warrant armor wearing in ganking too, but we could just double the effects on the "world".

That is my plan in short, just need to work with it a bit. There is also a plan for weapons, but it needs a bit more stewing.

Hope that this doesn't disappoint people too much cause really, having Mytheril (43+ ar and above) will most likely only allow you to take the first level of damage bonus against someone with an Extreme... The numbers are just from the top of my head, but I think I could create something everyone but really really poor [in game] people could agree with.

I think this idea is the most closest one with me. I am not trying to change your gameplay (pvp or rp) i am just trying to find a balanced way. Economy and PvP must be solved together. Make the rare armors and weapons
meaningfull so pvp will become exciting.

Jumanji [Black] "Master Of Black"

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