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Whats the point of making everything so hard?

Eighty im not talking about obtaining max vanq weapons every time i do a treasure map.

Im just saying about the quantity, also in my case obtaining 8 items where 3 werent even defense were normal. I think thats something to be looked.

You said:
Silver weapons do increased damage vs undead mobs, so they're not totally useless, and I think the chances of getting a +25 vanq silver weapon is low. You should also note silver weapons do reduced damage vs players.

Of course i know that. I was saying that i have more than 70 silver weapons at bank, and right now im not taking force weapons cos i think they are useless.
Cos i have plenty Power/Vanq silver weapons...

Yea, fishing needs to get a fixed a little so you have a better chance of getting stuff and not wasting your time completely...

only flame flame flame lightning and gank.
lol dont forgot run run run and when u kill someone loot ****ed bandies with ****ed potions and scrools...
ow almost forgot
bla bla bla ****ed wops
its not pvp its not fun there is nothing to lose on peoples.
itsnot PVP its SHIT..
its not Uo pvp its some like C-S take a Weapon and bomb and armor go for headshot(weapon is scrools bomb is ur group and amor is gh scrools...)

Maniac Of bLacK

Druid a.k.a Alper Tunga

BLack_Raider Wrote:only flame flame flame lightning and gank.
lol dont forgot run run run and when u kill someone loot ****ed bandies with ****ed potions and scrools...
ow almost forgot
bla bla bla ****ed wops
its not pvp its not fun there is nothing to lose on peoples.
itsnot PVP its SHIT..
its not Uo pvp its some like C-S take a Weapon and bomb and armor go for headshot(weapon is scrools bomb is ur group and amor is gh scrools...)

:lol: love it! Best post... ever!

Apollo Wrote::lol: love it! Best post... ever!

As in funny not valid point. Although i do agree but thats just my opinion and the reason i dont PVP. Smile

BLack_Raider Wrote:only flame flame flame lightning and gank.
lol dont forgot run run run and when u kill someone loot ****ed bandies with ****ed potions and scrools...
ow almost forgot
bla bla bla ****ed wops
its not pvp its not fun there is nothing to lose on peoples.
itsnot PVP its SHIT..
its not Uo pvp its some like C-S take a Weapon and bomb and armor go for headshot(weapon is scrools bomb is ur group and amor is gh scrools...)
rofl. n1. <3 you Druid

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all about my english ? Rolleyes

Maniac Of bLacK

Druid a.k.a Alper Tunga

Oh really Smile I didn't hear much about IN PvP , but honestly stuff I heard didn't really impress me;p
Something like you get Heavens Fury(or whatever weapon you needed) proper armor and you're good to go.
Oh, and ofcourse 200 GH scrolls which had... 6 mana intake and 1 second cast speed? Add 40 mana total refreshes to that...
Did you guys ever ran outta mana?
The reason why armor and weapon doesn't play that big role here is because people gank in groups(oh my god , how many times thats been said already?), and it's always easier to cast timed flame strikes on victim than to hit it with weapon.
Armor+wep however needed in 1vs1. And no matter where, in the world or in those small boxes that we call duel stones.
But yes, having best armor + weapon doesn't gurantee a win here, but it gives very good advantage, very good. Did you ever thought that the bigger role weapons+armors play the less skill is involved? I mean, damage+hit rate is random generator, so who ever is lucky wins? Even here where you say weapons isn't needed at all, at times you can't do anything against them. And yes, analogy with CS does really exist imo. I'd however put it differently.
You don't have money so you don't buy anything("0"). But, if youre better than your opponents you can easily win that "eco-round" ;p

Apollo, just a question. Wasn't you the one who always lock threads and so on, because server might look bad because of excessive arguing?
I mean, not long ago people were accused in "bug abusing". And at that time you even came to them in game and said to stop saying that or you will punish. I of course agree it's kinda different case, staff already told them that noone abused anything and they had to stop with these accusations, but don't you think when the guy badmouthing PvP on semi PvP shard(without any arguments, just trashtalking) and then staff member agrees with him and even claims it was best post ever makes the shard look bad?

Although I do agree it's not my bussines but thats just my opinion and the reason I asked.

This post isnt against pvp, i like the pvp. Just saying that more weapons will make more people to use them instead of having them safe in bank.

More duelist etc.

Also you can suggest ideas to improve the 2 main problems i mentioned.

I cant talk about Fishing cos I didnt try to increase it. I just try a little and i abandoned it.

First when I joined, I thought this PvP was simple. I was wrong. I tried out the PvP and actually had some fun learning it. This PvP is fairly easy to learn (but only if you have some experience with sphere shards) and hard to master. If I'd have to pick bad points, I'd say it's monotonous.

There are two types of people PvPing here. Delusional and self-knowing. Delusional people think too highly of themselves and then make stupid excuses when they lose. There is no rage like UO rage. Self-knowing people know where their limits are and who they have a shot against. I know my limits and I know I'll never beat some of the best. I just can't be arsed to practice more. I'll just try to enjoy other aspects of UO until I get bored Big Grin

BLack_Raider Wrote:all about my english ? Rolleyes

No, it's fine. I think they actually agree with you on some level. Your english is funny sometimes (no offence meant) but I bet everyone still gets what you mean.

why should we give some attentsion to someone who flames the pvp? its cleary he hassent ghot a cleu about how it works. just a act of frustration

thx dudes nice to see peoples can understand Druids english
//im sure its not very hard if u can use ur brain...
(may there is alot ***** dont know how we start learn english...short story:we start play IN when it is up(99 or 2000) and everyone speak english we only know "hi go bye no yes" and like this but we used our brains to learn understand then used dictionarys for know more english i can understand english yes maybe cant speak and write good but can understand %90 of it) whatever **** english and speak about bla bla pvp...

gang is a good man he tryed teach me pvp he gave me items also he fight and practic with me thx for all gang-
"and then staff member agrees with him and even claims it was best post ever makes the shard look bad?"

No its democracy...
its equality how u can say "its good pvp" we can say "no its bad" too...

why we are here?(we are mean IN peoples)
we are here for IN
but there is only citys like IN and some of armor colors...
there is alot people lost(or give) years to IN
coz it was funny
why funny?
peoples work 2 week for make a ****ed rare armor
peoples hunt creatures and mining for make ****ed rare weapons
peoples try tame 4 hours for get a ****ed mount
then peoples equip them and go fights why?
coz peoples was want be splendid
peoples get excited for loot something or lost something why?
coz all was hard to get...
if u wear bad armors hh hf sov sdk kick ur ass easy if u wear rare armors weapons not hit hard soo it(armors) was a condition for live
more soooo blacksmith is important for peoples soo mining and mine zones are important for peoples...

about pvp yes we out of mana all the times at IN
it was balanced
there was not ****ed injection play for u
we used our hands for live more there wasnt autocuts or res or scroolselfmacros.... all was about peoples capacity not about the ****ed program scripts...

here when u 3 and when ur enemys 7 u ll die %100
this 3 can wear best armor of IN-x take best bow and weapon of IN-x
just give scrools to 7 enemy only pots and regs u ll die
only 3 macro enough to kill you run fs light fs light maybe sometimes bandageself ghself...

but i saw alot group fight at IN
i can remember Ghudabul(he was our enemy but we were chaos and killed orders together) and me killed 5 people at Sh with walls without scrools...
with our ****ed brains and tactics run hide hit wall wait for their manas over etc etc...
i can remember a lot fight like this
tiger(my cousein) and me won a equal tourney 11v2
i can remember 3 of SIN or 3 of Doom or 3 of Tru 3 of KoC 3 of BLacK fought to 5 or more and won a lot time how?with brains and capacity and yes rare items sometimes with luck also
not with ****ed scripts and programs(when hp down of 40 gh scrooltargetself when mana is down of 50 drinkmanapot i mean it with scripts)

i can remember 13 people online last times of IN1 but all the times this 13 people around of sh with armors weapons mounts ready for fight ready for loot and lost...
what i mean?i ll try explain...
here server status is 100 or more it dont matters why?
coz %80 of it at pits(why the citys still in map i dont know for only creatures?) %10 of it crafts other %10s %5 groups others can only be ganked...

want more_?
just look...

Maniac Of bLacK

Druid a.k.a Alper Tunga

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