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But If you mix some In shit In it could be be dont know till you try it... and I think that sticking with just XUO PvP style is bullshit because there are other good things about pvp then scrolls that hurt you and and use mana and fuking potions i wanna some some old weapons used like maces and bows and shit im tired of same old ass magery pvp and im sure someone will flame this and say only reason i say so is cause i suck at pvp but screw that theres other aspects of PvP that wont be used if we use strictly XUO PvP

One of the coniditions for the merge (from the XUO side) was that PvP would stay 100% the same, that is what are going to have, just as one of the IN:R requirements was to have more part of the world and the feel. I will kind of be the PvP guy, making sure it's balanced and the way it should be, I'm a PvPer myself. Now, there is nothing that say that we will never change the PvP to try somethign out, something that might be better, but it will be XUO PvP a good while in the future.

i miss the old duel pits, which was located just at the north side of tourney area... as it is on the alpha currently Smile

smoke Wrote:i agree with rastlin on the with all the acc weapons it was better just a bardiche of vanqiushing was way more fun.

i agree with hate also the pvp is balanced and is perfect Xuo's pvp is by far the best pvp ive ever played

somthing i miss is the old tour area with the blue walls was a nice place Big Grin

About those Weapons I totally AGREE, i don't like those accurate crap. Let's make a STATEMENT!

Gang-Bang Wrote:Yes thats what im talkin about, im and alot of XUO Players( and some of IN i see) keep waitin the merge just because it was agreed the pvp will be exactly as it is on XUO...

Indeed, if they change OUR pvp. You IN guys, have no new community to play with. Because im sure that 95% of the people who ever played Xuo will leave in 2 hours.

It's not up for discussion, stop arguing about it.

LOL, now i have read another topic about name changes.

I miss the point on Xuo1 that everyone hated and flamed eachother. That did bring all the exciting shit with it.

Blackfog Wrote:LOL, now i have read another topic about name changes.

I miss the point on Xuo1 that everyone hated and flamed eachother. That did bring all the exciting shit with it.


-"duel gear n00b"
-"fuck you newb"
-"hahaha you suck"
-"puto n00b"


-"duel gear n00b"
-"duel acc"
-"no duel gear. afraid?"
-"i say duel acc i not afraid, you afraid"
-"newb i duel gear you say no you suxxorz"

gotta love the russian and spanish ppl Big Grin

I was king of "puto noob jaja xd!!¿ voy a cagar en tu madre" on TusXUO. Was pretty good actually, get a spanish guy really uspet, duel him for gear, repeat 3 times, change name and repeatBig Grin

Do not touch the Russians : )

Russkies be kingSad(( We need russians to have a fun shard!Big Grin Seriously, all shards need a big set of each group to war against eachother, UO has always been a little nationality based.

How is the XUO PvP then? Is it all magery? Like melee hit fs fs light light drop dead. And what about armors? From what I've heard you can run around in your iron plate and still win easily to the one in adam/saph armor if you're the one with trigger fingers.

More melee for the people! Big Grin :badgrin:

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