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Please Read.

Ill try to explain myself the best way i can

Shade .... you are just stupid. With your coments u make ppl dont want to play the server. U dont give a **** about what other ppl thinks u think u r the god the mature.

Maybe if u were better person ppl will want to join the server or at least help. U dont know me and u dont know if i helped the server so why u just stfu about things u dont know? It funny u said in old xuo there werent more than 100 ppl online did u ever play that server? Im my city (only in my city think about the rest of the server) we were like 30 active players. Keep talking about things u dont know so we can see how mature you are.

To all those INers who say pvp sux etc etc. What about your pvm and rol? When all ppl leaved and i played there were a lot of INers they didnt pvp or talk. There were afk or hunting and crafting. Then all left maybe your pvm rol and skillgain are not good but if shade say no its the truth :doubt:

Those replicas that opened had more playerbase than this server and they were lots of bugs and the scripts were worse etc. Why they have more playerbase? think about it.

I wish u could speak spanish so i can express better. In a few words: if u dont change your mind (talking about staff) this server will be dead forever.

Thx for reading me, maybe its difficult to understand im sorry.

Shade Wrote:First off both sides didn't get everything they wanted, it was compromised. However XUO got more then pvp and you know it. Just as you can list things that you wanted and didn't get during the merge, so can an IN player list just as many things.

Then why do you always post the same stuff over and over?

well there isn't actually that much, though there is almost 100mil, but at the same time don't you find it funny that you and your friends were complaining about how hard it is to make money like a month or so before you left. I suppose you forgot or maybe you just enjoy contradicting yourself.

Uh I have magical staff powers and can tell when people log on, kid. Also I can't push someone away who doesn't play and hasn't in quite awhile. Oh and I am mean to everyone, even Taran :p Though you have to give me some credit for being nice too, after all I haven't banned you from the forums yet and all you do is bad mouth the shard and staff. I am a nice guy after all!
Being nice makes me feel dirty... time to be myself.

I thought you quit?

please take your own advice.

i say the same things over and over due to hard heads not listening i guess if you guys would of done something right there would be players on the shard even if it was laggy. I guess i'm wrong about that too.

about the money problem when people were abusing the damn bugs you guys should've done something and deleted there money or nuked there bank after abusing bugs like that you let them keep over 50-100 mil? lol that's retarded, no offense but look at rabbi hes got 100 mil in houses alone maybe more and 50 mil in his bank in cash not to mention all of the ****ing items he has. now please tell me why the hell anyone would want to play our shard when people have EVERYTHING including 100 mil + with 3 players on the shard and with everything being so hard?

about the pvp you guys even made some adjustments to the spam LOL, maka made a delay on it which caused even more players to drift away such as delfos zirus one etc just so new players can try to get the hang of it or maybe even try it but that did nothing what so ever people still cry and ***** about the pvp and that change was made for no reason. If you guys honestly think that it did nothing to effect the pvp change it back because it really did effect the pvp at least in some players dueling styles.

there you go again being rude to the players shade lol

Camaron Wrote:Ill try to explain myself the best way i can

Shade .... you are just stupid. With your coments u make ppl dont want to play the server. U dont give a **** about what other ppl thinks u think u r the god the mature.

Maybe if u were better person ppl will want to join the server or at least help. U dont know me and u dont know if i helped the server so why u just stfu about things u dont know? It funny u said in old xuo there werent more than 100 ppl online did u ever play that server? Im my city (only in my city think about the rest of the server) we were like 30 active players. Keep talking about things u dont know so we can see how mature you are.

To all those INers who say pvp sux etc etc. What about your pvm and rol? When all ppl leaved and i played there were a lot of INers they didnt pvp or talk. There were afk or hunting and crafting. Then all left maybe your pvm rol and skillgain are not good but if shade say no its the truth :doubt:

Those replicas that opened had more playerbase than this server and they were lots of bugs and the scripts were worse etc. Why they have more playerbase? think about it.

I wish u could speak spanish so i can express better. In a few words: if u dont change your mind (talking about staff) this server will be dead forever.

Thx for reading me, maybe its difficult to understand im sorry.

they don't understand man lol, they look at us as xuoers just complanning again about the shard. When players annoy the staff they use that as an exuse as why they don't want to host anymore, saying stupid things like "this is the reason i don't host anymore blah blah blah". It's funny becuase there not obliged to host anything sure but the players put the same ammount of dedication in the shard as the gms do, without players you can't run a shard. Funny how they use that as an exuse rather then say oh i don't want to host because i don't want to. I also made a thread a long time ago about shade being rude i think it got closed and taran told me to pm him if he does it again, although i'm too lazy he doesn't stop lol he says it's a joke but nobody finds it funny.

PvP was changed because Maka changed it. He said that he didn't like the constant spam that was going on and that WoP was there to fool the enemy, not to spam him.
According to him, good PvPers never spammed that much anyway so they wouldn't even notice the script.

Rabbi got some of his money through a sheep bug, but keep in mind that he has spent countless weeks in game just collecting money. It would be very surprising if he wasn't the richest player on the shard.

You should all be thankful for what Shade has done. He has spent a huge amount of time helping out players, fixing bugs, making new scripts, hosting etc. Honestly, I'm surprised he's still around with all the constant bashing down on him.

@Taran, I think that's a pretty fake statement considering i beat make numerious times on xuo and probablly on this shard if he started playing and we've always used the same spam without delay throughout the 2-3 xuos that we've played on and at the beginning of in-x when we started here and nobody's complained about it until this shard and they still don't put the time/effort to try out our pvp so why not change it back considering it changes some peoples duel styles?

@the money bug situation sure but at leasat 1/2 or 1/3 of his money is from that bug even if he wasted his own time abusing the bug thats a good 10-20 mil of his money, hell i'd like 10-20 mil for free now ask your self if that's fair the players?

@shade sure he scripts and is good at it, but he hosts only when he gets attention he makes the players feel bad and blames it on them when he doesn't want to host he calls people names and doesn't make them feel welcomed the players should be equally treated as the staff are and they're not which is retarded because staff have power and players don't.

and if you look at the reply's in this thread you'll see it's not just another smoke complanning thread because i didn't even bring it up this time, something needs to be done about all these suggestions as cameron said or the shard will be dead real soon

A big problem here is that staff dont consider all opinion only the ones that thinks like them and the one that says the oposite didnt read so many post. Maybe shade is very good scripting etc but he dont know how to treat players (dont know if its the correct word i mean he dont know how to relation with ppl). When i talk with him (here posting) i feel like my opinion doesnt count.

Try to solve problems and dont being inmature (first of all dont disrespect players).

Camaron Wrote:Maybe shade is very good scripting etc but he dont know how to treat players (dont know if its the correct word i mean he dont know how to relation with ppl).

You are judging based on people opinion , you dont even play to say that.

Camaron Wrote:When i talk with him (here posting) i feel like my opinion doesnt count.

Maybe cause you dont play?

Maka did/suggested most of all pvp changes. and BEFORE making each and every change that was done he made several polls here on forums so that people could vote if they liked the idea............. If the changes were made it means people voted for "yes"..... How ironic is it to complain about something after you said "yes" or liked the idea (im not saying you did smoke) but mostly everyone did.

THe spam delay was excellent and theres nothing wrong with it.... In several shards it was illegal..

the spam was pathetic.. and stupid. il tell you that > and i come from xuo....

I treat players with the same respect they show me. If someone acts like a child I tend to treat them as such. There isn't a single player here who I gave an attitude or became short with for no reason. Everyone had a fresh slate with me when I met them, some players just chose to get off on the wrong foot. Take your own advice, treat everyone equally or deal with the outcome.

About the sheep "bug"
It was more of a economy imbalance then a bug. It wasn't like there was rules being broken or anything. He, and a few other players, just took it far beyond what we thought players would. Thus it was changed so it did not have a huge impact on the shards economy. Not sticking up for this in the least, when a player finds something that seems like too much income vs time they should make sure the staff are aware but we can't expect players to triple check our work and balances.

And smoke, must you disagree with everything everyone, that isn't a friend, says? Why would Taran lie when he didn't even need to address this...

Also about me hosting and such, I do not award players with events when they can't be patient or grateful. Regardless of how you look at it, any staff hosting is putting their time aside so players can have fun. So when myself or any other staff doesn't host because of childish behavior or attempts to ruin the fun of others, don't act like it shouldn't be that way. I don't know how things were handled on previous shards you played but I do not reward rudeness, rule breaking, or being a smart ass. The only complaint that can possibly be made about me hosting is how I sometimes try to reorganize teams to make them more even.

Quote:Uh I have magical staff powers and can tell when people log on, kid. Also I can't push someone away who doesn't play and hasn't in quite awhile. Oh and I am mean to everyone, even Taran :p Though you have to give me some credit for being nice too, after all I haven't banned you from the forums yet and all you do is bad mouth the shard and staff. I am a nice guy after all!
Being nice makes me feel dirty... time to be myself.

I thought you quit?

I quit too but I still check up on the forums from time to time. Is that wrong?
I even uninstalled UO, Deleted every script I had, anything to do with uo.. Does that mean I cant voice my own opinion?

And who is this guy that makes one thread talking about xuo pvp and instantly shade considers changing it. " Just find a bunch of ppl who agree and have em post bla bla " Ok Xuo'ers find a bunch of people who agrees to changing everything to how xuo was.. I doubt theyl do shit but just do it and see what happens. I gurantee it wont even be considered.

And to the idiots who think XUO pvp is just scroll scroll pot.. lol you must be slightly retarded... seriously. I spent hours and hours pvping, Dueling hundreds of times and I still wasn't the best.. Please just close your mouths because its pathetic.

Btw shade why do you put smiley's on your posts after your clearly trying to bash someone or talk shit.. Trying to hide your ego.. or make yourself look like your nice?

How about IN goes back the way it was. Xuo goes back the way it was and fuk In-x? We all know this shard is a complete waste of time now even though some of you try to deny it..

No life is complicated only if you make it to be

[Image: 1t27gdviiokfmncbdgmg.gif]

Quote:How about IN goes back the way it was. Xuo goes back the way it was and fuk In-x? We all know this shard is a complete waste of time now even though some of you try to deny it..

lol madman I thought of the same but then i realized it's cuz IN has no server and in:x is using the old xuo xs4all one, which is why that probably won't happen.

and shade ur just an ass to people who don't share your opinion on things.

I dont know how to quote sorry
Shade u said: I treat players with the same respect they show me.

Now ill do the same since my opinion doesnt count to you. What the **** did i said to you? U started talking like my opinion doesnt matter.

The other guy who said i dont play... maybe its because staff ****ing ruined the server. Its a game not a job i dont want to waste hours and hours to have a ****ing skill to make pots and i dont want to ****ing waste hours and hours to get money to buy it since i dont have the skill. Thats not only my opinion lots of ppl think like that but u dont want to realize or u r simply stupid.

What u think u r in a forum disrespecting other players? (well i can answer that : stupid) maybe u think u r cool in the internet? please grow up.

If u want to make ppl play put things easier. This is not a super 3d game wich maybe can entertain ppl while they hunt and i wont talk about crafting.

U want to make super hard? u will be alone
U make it easier? maybe more than 4 ppl will play

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