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Ok, I have noticed a couple things when voting. I see about 10 people posting regularly in the forums, yet there is only 3 votes for INX! come on guys we want this place to thrive, WE NEED TO VOTE. Also i dont see any xuo players on, maybe we should change the pvp back to IN style that would probably bring back some old players, if not alot of old players. Thank You

That's a big subject of debate, suffice it to say PVP was promised to be XUO style, and there have already been numerous changes to try and accommodate the IN players who b*tched about the XUO style of PVP without even playing it for 2 weeks.

Like the never ending debate about skillgain, there will always be a debate on PVP and they will stay as they are.

That's would be understandable, if there were still xuo players playing, I have been on for the past week probably and every player I have talked[ and I mean EVERY] is either from IN or INR, so if there is no more XUO players playing it only makes since to switch back to IN pvp. Im sure one will come in here and say I play still, to which my reply will be "really, then logon buddy" so dont waste your time, unless you wanna prove me wrong, which in that case please we need the playerbase.

Well by that logic, at some points there weren't IN/IN2/INR players logging in, so every feature of the game should have been changed to how it was on XUO at that point...

I understand your reasoning, but you can't justify a change like that. If you think XUO players aren't logging in right now, taking the PVP away from them will just about guarantee one will never log in again.

Hard to believe there was a time when NO In players were on for the simple fact this is the only place we have to call home, and XUO\NOS players have clogne's by the gaggle's to choose from, anyhow I can see this is getting no where so forget i mentioned pvp, the main point is, there is no voting going on, and also players like you, who can reply on the forum all day long, but dont see it fit to just log your char in while your doing it. Anyhow the way i look at it is like this, if you can take the time to go back and forth like this, you should have the time to take no time to log your char in and have him set in the pit.

XUO pvp sucks. All the XUOers bailed because of "server lag," which came upon the shard suddenly. One day, the server was just "too slow" to "enjoy." So it's time to change PVP to IN style. What do we have to lose? Playerbase? lolz.

If you check the time on the majority of my replies within the last few months most of them will be between 8-9am EST or 12-1pm EST - kinda when I get to work early or when I'm on my lunch break at work and have access to things like the webpage and not UO...

Hey, if you're willing to buy out the company I work for and pay my salary to play UO when I'm at work instead of supporting clients who purchase our products hell yea I'll play more then I post! Until that time when you buy out the company I work for, don't complain about me being helpful by answering people's questions, specifically yours in the last 2 days.

@ Rabbi: from what I know you mostly craft and hunt. How much time did you spend pvping against a real player like scarecrow when he is teaching you instead of raping you. If you asked him and numerous others to teach you outside of a tour, then maybe you'd like it more. But if you don't take the initiative to learn, don't complain about it.

Eighty Swords Wrote:But if you don't take the initiative to learn, don't complain about it.

Ok, dad Cry

There's no money in PVP here because all it is is scroll scroll pot scroll bardie. Show me a fight that doesn't go like that and I'll show you a magical ****ing ninja squirrel. One of the reasons there are no players is because the shitty PVP that isn't the way it should be in UO that scares all the newbs away. Then the PVPers get bored because there's no one to kill and quit. IN was robust as shit and didn't have lame ass PVP scripts.

No one would notice if you changed it anyway. They've all quit.

Prove me wrong.

Valid argument to say the least. I'd honestly say if players don't want something changed then they need to actually be players to have a say in such a matter.

The truth is, this pvp targets a very specific group of players... and those players don't seem to want to play here anymore.

However, I can't justify fighting for a change based on what a handful of people say should be done. Over a year ago I know that quite a few players were pushing hard for pvp changes and left because they didn't happen. If those players were to return and voice their opinion then this might be a different story.

At this point in time its hard to make large changes based on a few viewpoints because without the knowledge of how many people would actually come and go with such a change it may be a waste of time. Granted I do know quite a few players personally who wanted this in the past, I have no idea if they would still play if there were pvp changes made after all this time. If players who supposedly like this pvp continue to remain absent while players who want change dominate the shard the situation will change.

Basically, if you want changes to the pvp tell your friends who agree with you to get on and voice their opinion. If you want the pvp to stay the same then tell your friends to log on and stand up for what they want.

Hey why we dont change all the pvm sistem the money rewards etc since a lot of ppl dont like it?
You think if u change pvp u will get more playerbase? LOL did u noticed that in players didnt pvp and didnt want to fight.

Rabbi u r the one who stay afk in pits spaming how much money do u have? I hope IN players who come r not like u.

In my opinion staff didnt do a shit for xuo players so all them leave. The merge wasnt like all we think. IN players did have more ...(dunno how to say)help (u didnt balanced loots etc properly)... so lots of xuo pvpers leave.

The spanish community were big and all they leave cuz u didnt count with our opinion.

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