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Too close to home?

Yeah its much easier to trash a post then actually reflect on the content and come up with a thoughtful reply. Typical, once again, of the less educated members of staff on this shard.

Just to point something out, which is purely fact. When I started playing here there was an average of 20 online, that dropped to 10 or less for most of the time I played. I sat here arguing and debating with idiotic staff and self serving players for 6 months trying to help improve the obvious flaws in this shard. When my idea's were finally taken on and put into action, the player count jumped to nearly 50 online. That would have probably been a good time to ask for donations for the server. Of course you guys ****ed that up as well and chose to do it when you'd alienated all those players and dropped back to 5 online again. So its no wonder at all that you will never see that 1000$, and never see new hardware or the end of this half decade long beta. You had the momentum and completely blew it.

So, continue by all means to delete a post rightfully critical of how poorly managed this shard has been. Just remember, I was for quite a while the most active and helpful member of this community, both to players and staff. It really saddens me that after all that, you folks are still sitting around debating stupid stuff like should pvp skills be free? How bout addressing the real root cause of the player problem? Oh wait no, thats taboo, that kinda stuff goes into the trash as I assume this post will as well.

In a final comment, I certainly appreciate those staff members who put their heart and soul into the development of this shard. Those people who really did work on it, come up with new innovations and improvements and take it upon themselves to get them implemented for the benefit of the players. The other 75% of staff for as long as I played were worthless in every respect, and as I still see most of those names around the forums, nothing much could have changed. Unintelligent inactive staff who contribute nothing to development yet assume their vote counts for something are and I think always have been a serious problem for this shard.

ta ta

welcome back and goodbye? :lol:

stop saying what u were and weren't. i didnt have internet by the time u played or else i would have been very active too. :eek:

- regards, Fable

Dont misunderstand fable I'm not trying to take anything away from anyone else. There have been a lot of players and staff members who've done a ton for the shard in different ways. I wasn't tryin to gloat or brag or anything, just trying to make a point.

The donations were a last ditch effort and while I did pitch the idea almost a year ago, we were still hearing empty promises of a server upgrade. Everyone, except myself, trusted that those promises were true and considering half the staff team had good experiences with them, who can blame them for that. Granted donations may have gone better months ago, at the very least we are making some progress and trying to move forward instead of still waiting.

Speaking of donations, there is a problem with the meter not updating. We actually have more donation money then it is showing, however only Taran can be sure of the exact amount and that should be fixed when he gets home.

Its nice and all that you came back to the forums to spread that cheerful message... however some of us are stubborn and don't want to give up on UO so easily. Its a shame though that you won't come back because I know you were very proactive on the shard, helping every new player you could and even trying to promote RPing in a PvP environment. You should really consider coming back and helping the shard instead of pitching a 'the end is near' speech :p

Believe me shade, if I felt there was any hope at all for this shard to be successful and populated I would. Sorry for the depressing tone and content but I'm I think what I said is realistic considering the history of UO and this shard specifically. I came back hoping to see a ton of people online, when I left things were looking very hopeful but I was just burned out. So I wanted to wait a while, and come back when the population was even higher. But I come back to see instead of progress, regression. Its just sad. This is probably the best most developed UO shard out there currently which is based on sphere pvp. The fact that after all the work put into it over the last year by yourself and taran the playerbase still hasnt increased begs the question, why? I think everyone knows the answer to this is exactly what I said in the post which got trashed by.. well I'll take a guess and say muto.


Pum Pum Plaka Plaka

Don't you know I'm Loco?

what does muto have with what to do? he was very active and helpful as a staff in my eyes.

anyways i hope that you might get some hope and maybe return to the shard if the population grows back up and becomes stable

- regards, Fable

I really don't agree with you on most parts...

Jiraya Wrote:When my idea's were finally taken on and put into action, the player count jumped to nearly 50 online.

lol... Exactly what ideas of yours were put in action to make the playerbase jump up to 50? Assuming it was because of your ideas, even if they actually helped a little/lot, sounds very naive to me.

Jiraya Wrote:so I wanted to wait a while, and come back when the population was even higher.

Well that's propblably one of the most common and one of the most stupid reasons to leave in my opinion. I know tons of players, who won't log on, because they think the current playerbase is too low, and want to wait till it gets bigger (if it does). If everyone who thinks this way would just log in, they'd have the playerbase that they've been waiting for.

Jiraya Wrote:in the post which got trashed by.. well I'll take a guess and say muto.

Please don't blame people just from your assumption. Such acts should be let to smoke and luda krishna.

Jiraya Wrote:Of course you guys ****ed that up as well and chose to do it when you'd alienated all those players and dropped back to 5 online again. So its no wonder at all that you will never see that 1000$, and never see new hardware or the end of this half decade long beta. You had the momentum and completely blew it.

You might be right, you might be wrong. I believe there's a pretty good chance we'll get them. How ever, it's definetly worth trying, even though it'd have been better doing it when the playerbase was higher.

Jiraya Wrote:The other 75% of staff for as long as I played were worthless in every respect ...
Unintelligent inactive staff who contribute nothing to development yet assume their vote counts for something are and I think always have been a serious problem for this shard.

I really think staff, who contribute with such things as hosting events/answering pages, does/did nothing but good to the shard. I can't see what the cons are, they helped with the little they could/wanted, which is better than nothing. Saying 75% of the staff is worthless, is just pure ****ing bullshit!

[Image: sigpicc123.png]

Lederoil Wrote:I really don't agree with you on most parts...

lol... Exactly what ideas of yours were put in action to make the playerbase jump up to 50? Assuming it was because of your ideas, even if the actually helped a little/lot, sounds very naive to me.

Well that's propblably one of the most common and one of the most stupid reasons to leave in my opinion. I know tons of players, who won't log on, because they think the current playerbase is too low, and want to wait till it gets bigger (if it does). If everyone who thinks this way would just log in, they'd have the playerbase that they've been waiting for.

Please don't blame people just from your assumption. Such acts should be let to smoke and luda krishna.

You might be right, you might be wrong. I believe there's a pretty good chance we'll get them. How ever, it's definetly worth trying, even though it'd have been better doing it when the playerbase was higher.

I really think staff, who contribute with such things as hosting events/answering pages, does/did nothing but good to the shard. I can't see what the cons are, they helped with the little they could/wanted, which is better than nothing. Saying 75% of the staff is worthless, is just pure ****ing bullshit!

That's because you're blind.

On a side note Jiraiya has opened his eyes and finally sees this shard is dead and it's not only players who ****ed it up

smoke Wrote:That's because you're blind.

Ehm...? Exactly what of what I said are you refering to when making that statement? Rolleyes

Smoke Wrote:On a side note Jiraiya has opened his eyes and finally sees this shard is dead and it's not only players who ****ed it up

Nothing is dead yet, players still log in, players are still active at the forum and players are still waiting and hoping to get the new server.

Seriously, if you truly don't believe there's any hope of this shard, why are you still here?

[Image: sigpicc123.png]

i have to agree on the last post from lederoil. he has a rly good point there. now go home and think about what he wrote and then come back and join us and help the population grow

- regards, Fable

I would release the source code so new people with new energy could start up new server"s".

This is clearly not going anywhere and its a total loss if the source code gets lost.

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