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PvP Reward Stone

Ryuuku Wrote:
Shade Wrote:This would be a neat idea and is actually doable but the thing is, certain people can't see the newer weapons... though I think if they cant see it, it just looks like an old weapon, which might defeat the purpose as most people like to acquire things just to show them off However up to date clients would be able to see them just fine.

I tought anyone with UO ML installed could see any of the new wepons not depending of the client patch.

But even if tjey cant see its they fault, I cant see Solen Hiven cause I dont upgraded my client to 6+ , but Hey its MY fault just cause I cant see you going to remove it from world?

Well it's still no fun to have some people miss out on parts of the game without even knowing sometimes. Who really pays attention to the message to update your client?

Gang-Bang Wrote:Some kind of repair deed is a good idea from my standpoint, but 4 tour tickets isn't a good price for thatSmile I mean it would be cheaper to buy new bard or whatever of someone instead of repairing it. Even 1 tour ticket to replenish 10% of durability is too much, there just no such PvP weapon/part of armor what would worth 10 tourney tickets. It always will be cheaper to buy new one, unless we're talking about r/r weapon ofcourse, but there just a few of them, and that would be even less useful prize than war bear for 15 tourney tickets.

They're not talking about a ticket to repair your weapon, they want to add a ticket to make your weapon have a higher durability.

Shade Wrote:@Ryuuku
I just wanted to make sure that people would see some sort of weapon. It would suck having someone walk up to you, punch you in the face and find out that their fist actually = a hally. Though I did some checking and it seems that the weapons just show up as typical weapons if you don't have UO updated/correct version installed. Like a double bladed staff was just a staff, a lance was a spear, etc. So this might be doable, the question is, would anyone else like this? :p

I'd hate to sound negative by trying to avoid future problems and threads on the topic of hackers... but if you get hit by a bladed staff instead of a regular staff i'd imagine the bladed staff does more max damage then the max damage of a regular staff so someone might think the attacker's weapon got it's stats boosted since they only see a regular weapon. Did that make sense? Attempt #2 to explain if it didn't: You see someone attack you with a regular weapon, but it does more damage then a regular weapon so you'll think a gm boosted the stats on it.

the polimorph weap is very good idea...
-Special clothes. (example: Robe of hide and stealth, for that players can walk 40 or 50 steps in hide, bandana of fortification that give to player +5armor, etc...)
-skills balls that climb +5 points or +10 points in some skills.
-Runes to locations of rides.
- keys for start new big quests that staff will add.
-Gift surprise that different prices, 3 team: 1000 logs, 1000 iron ingots. 10 team: 4000 iron ingots or 4000 logs, some good weap and good armors...
-Decorations items.


I understood it... Just what I thought for example if new wep has 40/40 durab and your already has lets say 32/32 when you will use this reward it will be 37/37 or whatever

To prevent you get surprised by a wepon polymorphed, you could make all polymorphed wepons gold color ( or any color you want) so people gonna know its something bigger than it aparently is.

Also its not going to be cheap (probably one of the most expensive) so I doubt someone gonna use it in a wepon that isn't a vanq bard.

So when you see someone with the gold color weapon you gonna instantly know its probably a vanq bard.

About the guy that dont updated. Well its your choice update or not, if you dont Im sure he know he gonna miss something.

please writte perfect english for that i can take part in discuss :_(, the translator is sux...


If there was to be a weapon polymorph type reward, it would most likely only change the appearance but retain its speed, min and max damage, durability and layer. So if you used it on a halberd, it would technically still be a halberd but people would see it as something else. This would be the easiest way for me to add it anyway :p

I was also thinking of a random mount crystal... double click it and get a random horse or mustang with a hue between like 2700-2900(example). Though seeing as I would prefer that to be a bit expensive and nobody has yet to buy the warbear, I'm not sure if it would be worth adding. Plus I wouldn't want to piss off any tamers after making them spend an hour or so taming certain rides :p

Hm maybe something like a cloak that added to hiding/stealth would be fine. Not sure if anyone would object to that though. If that was added the skills would have to be chosen carefully though as not to alter gameplay or give an edge to someone but skills like hiding/stealth, tracking, detect and such would probably be fine.

I think someone also suggested a long time ago a way to upgrade the weapon. By this I mean you could turn a might weapon into force, force to power, power to vanq. This might through off a balance though, don't want a million vanqs in the world, so maybe instead upgrading the accuracy level would be better. That way you could turn your +15 bard into a +20.

Shade Wrote:If there was to be a weapon polymorph type reward, it would most likely only change the appearance but retain its speed, min and max damage, durability and layer. So if you used it on a halberd, it would technically still be a halberd but people would see it as something else. This would be the easiest way for me to add it anyway :p

I said it when I sugested first time

Ryuuku Wrote:Maybe a polymorph wepon deed, like something you use on your wepon and it make it looks like another one ( Be able to chose SE and ML wepons).

Of course the propriets gonna stay the same, if its two handed dosnt care if you chosed a katana to polimorph it, it still gonna be 2 handed, and atack power also stay same and alsso atack speed.


Shade Wrote:Plus I wouldn't want to piss off any tamers after making them spend an hour or so taming certain rides :p

Or two I already passed 2 hours on a mount! but if the ticket is a bit expensive it not going to piss off any tamer I Think, it probably gonna piss off the buyer who payd 5 x the price of an stang and get the same on crystal.

And nothing againts the hiding cloak, but I remember with 110 stealth I could walk hid forever on ruo servers dont know how it gonna be here.

Shade Wrote:If there was to be a weapon polymorph type reward, it would most likely only change the appearance but retain its speed, min and max damage, durability and layer. So if you used it on a halberd, it would technically still be a halberd but people would see it as something else. This would be the easiest way for me to add it anyway :p
this is better... only polimorph the aesthetics of the weap, dont pòlimorph the speed, hardness, etc....

Shade Wrote:I was also thinking of a random mount crystal... double click it and get a random horse or mustang with a hue between like 2700-2900(example). Though seeing as I would prefer that to be a bit expensive and nobody has yet to buy the warbear, I'm not sure if it would be worth adding. Plus I wouldn't want to piss off any tamers after making them spend an hour or so taming certain rides :p
this is very good idea, i dont think that none tamer say that no...

Shade Wrote:Hm maybe something like a cloak that added to hiding/stealth would be fine. Not sure if anyone would object to that though. If that was added the skills would have to be chosen carefully though as not to alter gameplay or give an edge to someone but skills like hiding/stealth, tracking, detect and such would probably be fine.
good idea...

Shade Wrote:I think someone also suggested a long time ago a way to upgrade the weapon. By this I mean you could turn a might weapon into force, force to power, power to vanq. This might through off a balance though, don't want a million vanqs in the world, so maybe instead upgrading the accuracy level would be better. That way you could turn your +15 bard into a +20.
good idea...


Shade Wrote:If there was to be a weapon polymorph type reward, it would most likely only change the appearance but retain its speed, min and max damage, durability and layer. So if you used it on a halberd, it would technically still be a halberd but people would see it as something else. This would be the easiest way for me to add it anyway :p

Ahh that makes sense then and it sounds good to me Smile

Shade Wrote:I was also thinking of a random mount crystal... double click it and get a random horse or mustang with a hue between like 2700-2900(example). Though seeing as I would prefer that to be a bit expensive and nobody has yet to buy the warbear, I'm not sure if it would be worth adding. Plus I wouldn't want to piss off any tamers after making them spend an hour or so taming certain rides :p

Definitely a cool idea - i think nobody bought the warbear because it's so expensive right now, the same cost as an r/r cloth which personally I think more people would want since it's noobied and you can only lose it by being stupid and placing it on the ground, but I'm guessing a war mount is only a deco or it can be killed.

Shade Wrote:Hm maybe something like a cloak that added to hiding/stealth would be fine. Not sure if anyone would object to that though. If that was added the skills would have to be chosen carefully though as not to alter gameplay or give an edge to someone but skills like hiding/stealth, tracking, detect and such would probably be fine.

That's a cool idea - helps people too lazy to macro the final points!

Shade Wrote:I think someone also suggested a long time ago a way to upgrade the weapon. By this I mean you could turn a might weapon into force, force to power, power to vanq. This might through off a balance though, don't want a million vanqs in the world, so maybe instead upgrading the accuracy level would be better. That way you could turn your +15 bard into a +20.

Personally I like seeing weapons being rare. It gives people a reason to go hunting and it gives them some value. Imagine you hunt and after 100 hours you finally got that perfect vanq bard only for someone to up their +20 bard to +25 because they have some tickets.

Eighty Swords Wrote:Personally I like seeing weapons being rare. It gives people a reason to go hunting and it gives them some value. Imagine you hunt and after 100 hours you finally got that perfect vanq bard only for someone to up their +20 bard to +25 because they have some tickets.

True enough but imagine hunting for that same 100 hours and not getting anything you wanted.

Honestly I am just suggesting random ideas to see what people think. I don't know what will and wont be added just yet.

Quote:True enough but imagine hunting for that same 100 hours and not getting anything you wanted.

what do u think ppl did/do to get vanq bards?

plus it would lower the rareity of the item and monetary value of it.

I am a tamer and not in favor of the random mount crystal also I am not in favor of the weapon idea but the others I am fine with.

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