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House Contest

I'm hosting a house contest just to make some activity on the shard and because there hasn't been one for a while!

[SIZE="4"]How to enter your house:[/SIZE]

Step 1: Take some screenshots of your house decorated however you like.
Step 2: Post them on the forums. If you're not sure how to do this go to a site like imageshack, upload your pictures 1 by 1, then copy paste the links they give you to put on a forum. Maximum of 4 pictures, please cut out everything other then the UO window so the pictures aren't huge on the forums.
Step 3: Write a short description of why you made your house as is. This can be why you used stone wall instead of wood walls, why you have one big open room instead of a bunch of little rooms, why you used wood decos instead of stone decos, whatever you want.


1) All houses can be entered; classic, custom, and static houses all count.
2) Once I judge the winners you have to show me your house ingame to collect the prize! I'm not awarding a prize for the house you had on a shard 3 years ago. Of course you can build this house again but it MUST be on INX.
3) If you insult anyone in this thread or insult people's houses you're disqualified. Staff, if someone isn't entering and they are just causing shit please mod/delete their posts.


I was thinking of asking a 5-10k entrance fee to cover the prize and do a 50%-30%-20% prize structure or something like that so that every entrance is meaningful but I just want to get as many joiners as possible so I'm paying the prizes!!

1st place: 25k
2nd place: 15k (only awarded if we have 5 or more joiners)
3rd place: 5k (only awarded if we have 10 or more joiners)

[SIZE="4"]How to convince me you have the best house:[/SIZE]

I will judge the houses based on 3 things; design, description, and decoration. I don't want this to be about who is showing off the most stuff so you won't win just because you have all the armors on your roof.

How you can earn extra points:

-Custom houses - if you have a custom house you might earn you extra points if it's done well since you had to design and decorate it yourself instead of getting one already done for you. Having a custom house does not guarantee you will win though!!
-Themes - if you're house is a pyramid and you have decorations to compliment it or you built it on sand, that's awesome and will get you extra points!!
-Location - If you're in the mountains and you have a house made out of stone or wood that's cool. But a house with sandstone walls in the mountains doesn't make sense to me.


If I have a hard time deciding I might ask someone who didn't enter, or I may make a poll out of this and everyone votes for who they think has the best house. Of course you won't be able to vote for yourself.

I will give at least 2 weeks for people to enter. If we get a lot of joiners I may give another 1-2 weeks.


Great Idea Eighty I love player ran contest! I will also Add a special prize to the winner and be a judge if eighty doesn't mind.

Can I enter?!?

Been awhile since we had a player ran contest so make sure its a very nice prize Jackal but don't tell them what it is!

Bah i dont have the money to make deco! Get going and make some moeny Eighty, so you can buy my ingots!!

IN1: Andrew / Andrew the Almighty (forums)
IN-X: Andrew, High Ranger [Rangers of the North]
[Image: siggie.jpg]

well i was gonna say a day with shade would be the prize but that wouldnt be nice, be more like torture. So ill think of something special for the winner and trust me it will be worth entering this contest.

Better get going on making some money nwo Eighty!!

IN1: Andrew / Andrew the Almighty (forums)
IN-X: Andrew, High Ranger [Rangers of the North]
[Image: siggie.jpg]

Are you allowed to use two houses, if they're close and somehow connected?

[Image: sigpicc123.png]

Wow here I was thinking 'awesome 6 replies'... and then no pictures lol Sad

Jackal that's awesome man, thanks for adding in your top secret prize Smile I'm glad to see the staff sweetening the deal! We can either vote together for the best houses or we can award the prizes individually. I'm up for voting together and making it really worth entering.

Shade if you want you can enter too! If you do it just means you can't judge the houses if me and Jackal are stuck at the end.

Lederoil I'm not 100% sure what you mean by 2 houses connected. You can go ahead and post it. But if we don't find it's obvious they're connected please say which of the two you want us to judge.

By the way, can a staff maybe make this a sticky so it doesn't get burried?

Eighty Swords Wrote:By the way, can a staff maybe make this a sticky so it doesn't get burried?

Alright, will remain so until the contest is over.

Eighty, I never thought of you as an interior decorator Wink Cool idea, though man. Id enter but I keep my house in complete disary, clothes everywhere and animals all over the place.

I always did a bit of decorating on my house but nothing super major. Feel free to enter your house as is though Papa Smurf. You can write anything to explain anything. Say you went through a divorce and you kept the house but your ex trashed the place and let the horse in lol.

Im ****ing homeless, catch me begging in the streets. YOU WANT A SCREENSHOT OF THAT? HUH? BIT TOO MUCH FOR YOU HEY.;;:evil:

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