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Call it what you want

Have No fear the New counsie is HERE!

Jackal Wrote:Have No fear the New counsie is HERE!

*notices how his fear is removed all at once*

Wow this guy is good! :eek:

Menace I'm sorry that you feel that way, but there is truth in what you say tho, but I do not think that staff hosting tourneys 24/7 would be the solution tho. I've tried to host a few tourneys at low-client-times and do you know how many players that actually show up? That's right, one or two.

What would work is if these 30 active players would decide that instead of logging on and going AFK they'd all gear up, go hunt in groups, or just go gank in groups. If 30 people would be ganking at once then it would feel pretty much as active as a shard with 200 players (because usually even at shards with 200 players there's like 30 ppl ganking and the rest hunting or macroing or whatever).

So if we would all group together and start doing stuff instead of sitting AFK, then we'd have an active shard, new players would see people running around, and they wouldn't have to log off.

When it comes to your friends with no skills and too lazy to macro I understand them, but now we actually have a skill stone which offers a couple of GM skills to newcomers, and after that all they have to do is macro a few hours and they're all set for ganking, woho! :]

We will send out the emails soon, and go out of beta, and when that happens you get your friends on here, and we'll have lots of fun, and it'll be great, I really think so, just hang in there! :]


Camaron Wrote:First of all maybe u wont understand all the post because im not very good in english.

I played in xuo. I played in this server the first weeks.
Now i wanted to come back, i logged some days and all that i see was ppl afk in pits. I went to all the citys and i only saw one day 2 ppl moving and the second day 4.
I have like 5 friends who want to play too but the problem is the skills. They had acc on old server but didnt have email (maybe all the spanish i know dont have email linked to their acc). The last time i played skills were crazy to macro. Im not saying u must macro 2 hours and have 100%.
Other thing i wanted to say is that i talked with some ppl and say: bah they have been in beta for a year. So in my opinion you should do the jump and send now the email cuz ppl r starting to quit uo. Not quiting from a server.

Now im playing on tdo and its a shit compared with in-x. But there ppl is more active than here. So there is more fun there than here no matter that the server have lots of bugs.

So in conclusion this is for players and staff (more players than staff) PLEASE MOVE! dont stay in pits and lets gank or something. The new ppl that come to the server will see like me that there is no move and wont play. Its imposible to stay in a server where u only see 5 ppl afk in pits.

Thx for reading my post and sorry for my english.
Ill check the post for your opinions.

hey i remember you man, some fun times on xuo and a decent pvper you should play in-x man

Hate Wrote:What would work is if these 30 active players would decide that instead of logging on and going AFK they'd all gear up, go hunt in groups, or just go gank in groups. If 30 people would be ganking at once then it would feel pretty much as active as a shard with 200 players (because usually even at shards with 200 players there's like 30 ppl ganking and the rest hunting or macroing or whatever).

The only problem with this is that some people are just so good at hunting or the hunting is too easy (however you want to look at it) that these people don't have to go in groups to hunt. Even with this really hard skill gain some people are still independent and don't have to interact with others. Just my two cents.

thanks to Shade and Hate for the for the staff responses and I'm happy to see a couple of new staff members on the server already.. I definitely feel atleast a little bit heard, which is nice.

Hate Wrote:What would work is if these 30 active players would decide that instead of logging on and going AFK they'd all gear up, go hunt in groups, or just go gank in groups. If 30 people would be ganking at once then it would feel pretty much as active as a shard with 200 players (because usually even at shards with 200 players there's like 30 ppl ganking and the rest hunting or macroing or whatever).


I completely agree with this and don't understand why 80% of the shard chooses to macro 24/7 and get all their skills maxed rather than play with what they have. By the time any of these people are happy with the skills they have the shard might not be in such good shape for them to even play and use those skills.. that's just hard truth, so I think anyone who macros all day long needs to take a run through occlo and toss some fses around Wink

Menace Wrote:thanks to Shade and Hate for the for the staff responses and I'm happy to see a couple of new staff members on the server already.. I definitely feel atleast a little bit heard, which is nice.

I completely agree with this and don't understand why 80% of the shard chooses to macro 24/7 and get all their skills maxed rather than play with what they have. By the time any of these people are happy with the skills they have the shard might not be in such good shape for them to even play and use those skills.. that's just hard truth, so I think anyone who macros all day long needs to take a run through occlo and toss some fses around Wink

yeah i find that ridiculous i macro at night and its just as good..

Yea, macroing all the time and never playing is lame /;

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