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Suggestions For IN1 style shard

Hi everybody,
I have some suggestions for pvp system. I dont know what kind of a pvp system you are going to do but if you are planning to do IN1 style pvp system i have somethings to tell.
Stat cap should be 300 as usual.
Max stat limit for each stat should be 120.
Stats should be lockable.
I know IN1 skill gains were very slow however Skill gain should be very fast. You know from now on everyone can not spend so much time to get high skills.Also if you make low skill gain it would force people to AFK macroing.
Also if we categorize the skills like:
1 Combat skills
Swords,Fenc,Mace + Healing
2 Gathering skills
Mining, Lumberjack... etc
3 Crafting skills
Blacksmithing, Tailoring, Carpentry...etc
4 Knowledge skills
Anatomy, Meditation, Eval. Intelligence...
5 Special skills
Taming, Alchemy and Inscription.
When the shard runs up, players be start as Grand master on some skills. Let them choose:
3 skill from Combat 1 skill from Gathering 1 skill from Crafting, 2 skill from Knowledge and 1 skill from Special Skill

Combat Phase
If its gonna be IN1 style PVP i remember somestuff. Fix it if i am wrong.
on IN1 PVP
you were able to damage yourself with your own damage spells
you were not able tocast with item in your hand(except wands)
you were not able heal yourself while paralized.
you were able to caught on your paralize field.
you were able to cast spells when you were paralized with empty hands also you were not able to cast if you were paralized with any item in your hands.
you never get any penalty with armors on you.
And i remember the most stable pvp balancing was the orb system which means FS scrolls and GH scrolls would not work without orbs.
These are the most important part of the imagine nation pvp.

Taming Phase
Spawn points were the most important part of the IN1 taming system. There were Monsters named Guardian who protects the Mounts. Which has very high hit points and damages. Also there were puzzles to get inside without seening by the guards. Its about the world Decoration.

these are all i remember for now. I think there are lots of things that i am missing. I want to say again i dont know what kind of a shard you are trying to build but if its gonna be IN1 style these may help you. SO DONT FLAME AT ME!
Thank you for reading
Good lucks.

The stats will be as you say, according to Shade. Smile (300 cap, 120 individual max)

Skill gain will be fast for combats, and slower for craft skills. This is to reward people who sink time and money into crafting.

The combat section is already the way combat works, I think. Excepting no casting with items in your hand (easily changed), no healing while paralyzed (easily changed, I think), and the orb system (ask Shade, lol).

Taming works the way you said for all the nice mounts. There are a few normal/ugly mounts that you can tame with lower taming skill. This was to help make PVP hotspots and to give people something else to tame to raise their skill.

Thanks for the input! Shade will probably know more than I do about the PVP system since I never played the original IN's. Tongue

I can't recall if casting automatically unequipped or if I am just remembering a third party program doing that for me..
I really don't remember orbs either, except for crafting a couple things.

Besides that, Stats are already as you stated and lockable, so you won't have to always balance them out like you did on IN. The skill gain will be easy for combat and tough for crafts. As Eru said, this rewards the players who wish to sink the time into it plus it helps stabilize an economy. If crafts are too easy players will just make what they need themselves and never interact with others for goods, thus phasing out players who enjoy crafting and such.

When you create a character you will be able to pick 4 skills with fixed bonuses. For instance, if you pick a combat related skill, you will get 90-100 in that skill, if you pick a craft you will get 55-80, harvesting skill would be around 60-85, and other skills range from 65-100. You will be able to pick whichever 4 skills you wish, so if you are just into pvp you could pick swords, mage, healing, tactics and be almost all set to go. On top of that, there is a great training ground to start out in that will really help character development.

Also, this may not really count, but there are other skills that you can use to gain money that aren't listed in the actual skills list.

I'm adding several mini-games that are automated and that reward currency and prizes, so those currencies and prizes will be sellable as well. We may see people who have mini-games as their main profession. Tongue

Also, as Shade said, there's the "Mercenary Camp". The monsters outside drop quest items that you can turn in for skill boosts (up to 75 or so, I think), and there are sparring partners that you can fight with. (Karma grey, instant respawn, low damage) It's really easy to level up your combats there as long as a thief doesn't come take your bandages. Smile

Shade Wrote:I can't recall if casting automatically unequipped or if I am just remembering a third party program doing that for me..
I really don't remember orbs either, except for crafting a couple things.

Besides that, Stats are already as you stated and lockable, so you won't have to always balance them out like you did on IN. The skill gain will be easy for combat and tough for crafts. As Eru said, this rewards the players who wish to sink the time into it plus it helps stabilize an economy. If crafts are too easy players will just make what they need themselves and never interact with others for goods, thus phasing out players who enjoy crafting and such.

When you create a character you will be able to pick 4 skills with fixed bonuses. For instance, if you pick a combat related skill, you will get 90-100 in that skill, if you pick a craft you will get 55-80, harvesting skill would be around 60-85, and other skills range from 65-100. You will be able to pick whichever 4 skills you wish, so if you are just into pvp you could pick swords, mage, healing, tactics and be almost all set to go. On top of that, there is a great training ground to start out in that will really help character development.
Shade you would automatically disarm when you casted on IN1. You would have to re equip after casting thats what u needed ur macro for also a disarm macro for when you were being paraylzed. I remember pretty much everything from the pvp on IN1 sadly 7 years later but I do. Just message me if you need help with anything else you cant remember

Are you sure that the game would unequip you or did you have UO:Assist or Razor that did it for you? I think that everyone just uses the assistant programs. If you're using Razor, you can even have it reequip weapons after casting, I think.

im positive you would unequip when you casted. i would use a magic arrow sometimes to disarm if people were using paralyze on me depending were my hands were on the keyboard

Oh also I remembered the orb thing started because people had some uber GH scrolls. inscription was extremely hard if not the hardest skill to gm. The amount of heal you would get from a gh scroll would be based on the persons inscription who made it so a gm inscripter would make really good gh scrolls with alot of healing while a person who just could make them they would be weak, but i remember all u had to do was take 1 really good gh scroll and put it on a stack of shit gh scrolls and they all would be good.

Well I weighed the options with the paralyze thing and I thought to myself that magic shouldn't unequip you. Basically what it came down to for me was either hitting a macro to re-equip after every cast or hitting an un-equip macro when they see an incoming paralyze.

As for orbs, I'm not interested. Scrolls now use unique values that will be most used during specific, split decision moments. I didn't want to rule out magery by just having scrolls be powerful, and I didn't want normal casting to rule out inscription either. So as it is now, players can fight just fine without scrolls but having a few scrolls on you can turn the tables at critical moments.

actually, casting spells automaticly disarms you. I remember when someone cast paralize on you were able get rid of it with just casting harm spell on yourself with a great timing.

I like when you cast you disarm like jumanji said well time harm you dont need to push the disarm macro. Plus run the risk of messing up and getting stuck paralyzed

Yeah I made it that way after all. Course you would know this already if you read the changelog Tongue

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